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雅思大作文写作教育类思路解析雅思大作文写作思路解析:教育类教育类话题:额外作业带来的是好处还是负担?Some people think that every day given the homework to the student is not good or other think it is necessary need the extra study at home to success the school.give both view or your view with exle.教育类话题:烹饪进课堂,课堂上终究应该学什么?Some people believe skills such as cooking should be taught at schools while others disagree. Discuss both views and tell your own opinion.教育类话题:大学压力大。In recent years,the pressure of students in university is increasing. They are pushed to work hard at young age. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?教育类话题:电脑的使用让学生写作技能下降了?Some people believe that the increasing use of the puters and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young peoples reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?关于教育终究应该学什么,怎么学?如今的学生课业压力大,仰赖电脑技术,写作技能逐渐丧失,等等这些都是和考生息息相关的话题,对于考生来说,找出部分原因并不难,难的是如何展现内容的层次感,由浅入深的阐述话题。首先答疑解惑:我们来看课业负担,无论是应试教育和素质教育,都应该知道,打好根底,才能走得更高更远,那么假设课外作业的意义就是通过课后练习来到达温故而知新,熟能生巧的效果。关键还是如何把握这个额外作业的度了。课堂上终究学什么,是老师规定还是学生规定呢?其实兴趣课和专业课都很重要,这个话题根据不同年龄段,不同学生来说,是不一样的。大学生的压力来自于哪呢?就业压力,也就是实际技能和岗位匹配度问题。关于写作才能下降,并不是出在科技本身,而是使用者。道理我们都懂,但是要怎么阐述呢?我们以电脑和手机的使用频率增加导致学生的读写才能变差来说。首先一定要说明观点,手机和电脑只是日常使用的工具,所以导致学生读写才能变差的根本原因是学生的运用读写的才能下降,也就是平时看书太少,练习太少。其实就是沉迷网络不能自拔。1.手机和电脑的诱惑性很大,这个不容置疑,学生沉迷网络视频,游戏、网络小说,不爱社交,不爱阅读,不爱表达。2.不过,这似乎并不是手机和电脑的过错。手机和电脑上的阅读和写作app也很多,所以,是学生过度且不正确地使用了这些工具而已。3.写作和阅读才能的进步需要考生日常的努力,比方,增加日常交流,阅读量等。无论是输入性的阅读为人们储藏丰富的知识,还是输出性的写作让人们更自然的交流表达。写作和阅读对于人们还是非常重要的,所以不管有没有手机和电脑,人们都应该时刻保持这种技能的训练。4.当然还是要减少看无聊电视剧,打游戏,做一个自律的好孩子。总的来说,手机和电脑大大改变了人们阅读和写作的形式,同时还有娱乐方式,显然娱乐对于群众更具有吸引力,以致于学生们忽略了阅读和写作技能的锻炼。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文You have decided to give several hours of your time each month to improve the munity where you live.What is one thing you will do to improve your munity? Why?Model Answer:I think the question what would I do if I had a chance to improve my munity is difficult. I have in my mind many things, the improvement of which will make our munity better place to live but they all require the participation of many people and, moreover, they require investments, which I can not provide. For exle, my munity is quite noisy. We have the huge mall just in front of our munity, so traffic jams are very mon for this place. I think that the construction of a few pass-by roads will benefit all people who live here as well as people who drive by every day.Unfortunately, the question is what I can do for my munity giving a few hours of my time every month. I think I can not do much, but I still can help someone in my munity. For exle, I can baby-sit. I know a couple of families with little children, who can not afford to spend much money on the baby-sitter. One of these families is a single mom with a little girl. Julia, this is her name, is a waitress in a restaurant. She is a great person and we became close friends. So, sometimes I offer her help with her child when she has to work in the evenings. Another family has two funny little twins. One time their parents asked me to babysit their children because they had to attend an unexpected presentation.I think this kind of help brings many benefits to my munity. First of all, people bee friendlier. For exle, those families, which I mentioned above, became friends after I introduced them to each other. Second of all, people get to know each other and feel more secure in their houses and apartments. Finally, I am ready to help those people because I am sure that they will help me too. One time I lost the keys from my car and Julia offered me her car for a while.To sum up, I believe that baby-sitting is a great way to help my munity in many aspects.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文When people need to plain about a product or poor service, some prefer to plain in writing and others prefer to plain in person.Which way do you prefer?Model Answer:It is rather difficult for me to answer the question how I prefer to plain: in writing or in person because sometimes I just do not have a choice. For exle, if I order a product using the Inter from another state or even country, I will more likely have the opportunity to speak to a representative of a pany in person. So, in some cases I choose to speak in person and in others I prefer to plain in writing. However, I believe that every option has its advantages.From the one side, plaining in writing brings many benefits. First of all, one does not have to spend his precious time driving, waiting for his turn and talking with a representative. He can just send mail or e-mail and get all explanation he needs. Second of all, I think it is the best way to avoid an unpleasant conversation. Personally, I do not like to plain about anything especially, in person. Finally, sometimes it is impossible to have a face-to-face conversation because a pany which provided a poor product or service is too far away.From the other side, plaining in person has some
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