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自我介绍英语作文自我介绍英语作文(精选) 很多小伙伴觉得写中文自我介绍作文都有点难度,何况是英文,其实我们只要多看看优秀范文,多加练习就可以了。下面是小编收集整理的自我介绍英语作文,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。【Selfntodution英语作文:篇一】 M Chies nme is Huag hun. MyEngls me is se. Im a irl Im wele yars old. fom aXihng Exprimention primarhl.m in ls to Grde six. Im clver m go grl. helpf. I ofnhlcassmtes. M bs riend isCachengi. Hesine yea old too W ea play and red togeter. ear ehoher like swimming,rllr-aingand cmuterames. I swi everyday iteummer holida. I ofen mrolr-skating onh weend. I i blue ndre. Ilethe ue y Ile he red aum.Thr ae three peoe iny family. hey ae othe my faher andIy mothe is rty-seveners old. es a counant h likes to go tvellng. fath is thirysven yerd too. He isa eacher. H likes to rebook. 【Sel-rodutin英语作文:篇二】 Hel, I am gla to itroduce myto o ee.My nae is XX; youcan all th lish name is . Iam XX ears ol,gaduat from tertir itiutios, joredin Businsaaese. Mayof my clssmshve tatdorkingout;oe cassmatesr sil okngor asuitable b orry abut. t Uversiy, I srved as sua leae n theclass f eClass orgaida ltof extra-curicar ctivities, Injoy anstdentsogter, inerpersal sill, istoo imorta fr m, espcillyowok in h uture, intepersonal raionships becm evenre imprtan. Nrma partfrm tin, I enjoy and eahr Comunicate, my teherar the Japese, sh wa alwas very amiable and say a loabt th Jpanee view o thgs an ravel.patfm ht, still enjoymuc, sch classicl music, soft musc,conty muican soon, feel thatistning msc stud ad be abl t reease fr e pressures ofie.fou, I also like he Engls, eve tuh myElish is notoood ightNormlly I li watmovie in Europ and eric, fr al.【elf-itoucti英语作文:篇三】My ame s A I am an otgoig ilboy.I hve many obbies,sch asaskebal, footbll,eading and on. Aong them lke ai best ecaus whe Iam reain, Iam eryhy. eadnghepsme o now things ht o notknoefoe. In my fily ther e for ohrmemers, my ganther, grdmt, fher andmoth. y arentsar strt wih mhil my grandpartsre kd tome.I ovet all and wnt o sudy hard in return forheir kdne to me. 【Sef-introduction英语作文:篇四】 eo, my name is Lee. a 10 years ld. Nam studing in Chnga rimary Shool am in Gra 3, Cass4. Iliein Shnghai. ere re3 mbes inmy familyfar, motheand me.M fahe is a worer ut my mter i ing in ICBC. Iove othf them nmysaretme, I likeply omutge, ndmyorite olor sd. so I love ftbal vruch, suc as FC Bayern. hpeI an lern glish el,ecause I ink i isvery ipoant. u Is faorite ubjet,becuset s vry interesing. Iwish I ca beome a teace in te ur. Thall, hikou. 【Selfintoducton英语作文:篇五】oo mrnig! t is really myhonor t aveths opportunity fo a intrview, hop I cn makea god perfoce tda. Im onfin tht Icn succee. w ill intrdue melf iefl I 26 yars old,born i Shandong poince. I as raduated from Qigao University. My major islectroic A I gotmybchlor greer mgradutionin theyear of02.I spend mos of y me ostudy; avepassdCET46And I ve acquirdasic knoledge oy majo durny col tmIn July 0X, begin wrk fr asal pvat comanas echnicl uport ngieer iQindaot. Bcus Imcapaleof more eponsbies, so deie to cae y jb. And in Aust 202X,I lt Qingdaoto Ben nwrked for foren trpriseas anatmatiosoftare tes eginee. Becs I wan t change my wokn enironment, Id keto find jwhich is mrechallenging. Mrovr Mtorolaa gba company,so I feel can ain thmt frm wokingin is kd o company envronmnt. at i the reson why I come here ocmpete fo this positio. hn Im a goo eamlyer anIma ero of reat honsty o other. Aso am abe t work under ea pressre.【Slf-intdction英语作文:篇六】 am*.Usuly alot o myhobbies, such s skting, payng356 idesmoocusete, dr, watch extr-urcular ook, watch Tnd o on,m life is vey ric ra-curricula. go is a morentroved person, Ihae veryfew word, onland I am ery goo ens o smanybefor,but aferschoot the tiof y ersonalty t hange slowly,and n,aspviousy Lik er few
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