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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag第三课时 Section B 1a2b课型:听说课 一、学习目标:1.知识目标: 重点词汇:math, alarm, CD, video tape ,hat 重点句型:复习运用Section A 中学到的句型2.能力目标:运用所学知识描述物品的位置。3.情感目标:细心观察和记忆。二、课前准备:1.观察以下名词短语: math book, alarm clock, computer game, video tape.对比 my book,his keys, her desk等短语,可以发现名词可以修饰名词,说明被修饰词的功能、作用、性质等特征。2.凭记忆写出你房间里的一些物品的位置,然后让你的同伴打乱顺序给你听写。3.复习Section A 学到的句型和对话,并整理。 _4.通过预习你还存在哪些问题? _三、学习过程:1.交流预习情况:1)交流课前准备中的情况。2)讨论预习中遇到的问题。2记忆大比拼,看一幅画,记住画中物品的位置,看谁记得多而准。3.语言知识运用:1)英汉词组互译:(1)她的闹钟_ (2)我的录像带_ (3)数学书 _ (4)在课桌上_ (5)这些书包 _ (6)in my bag _ (7)these notebooks _ (8)on the dresser_ (9)how about _ (10)on the table_2)连词成句:(1)keys on the are dresser the _? (2)my under bookcase is ball not the _(3)video a here tape is _(4)is new where my pen _?(5)an it in is eraser English _?3)从B栏中选出能回答A栏中的问题的选项: A B ( )1.Whats that? A. Its in the drawer. ( )2. Where are vidio tapes? B.Theyre math books. ( )3.What are those? C. Its an ID card. ( )4. Is the hat under the chair? D. Theyre on the desks. ( )5 .Where is the alarm clock? E. Yes, it is.4、反馈小结:1.互查练习并作订正。2.回想本节课内容,你有哪些疑问? _ _四、拓展提高:根据下面短文内容,找出下面物品的位置,并将其代表的字母分别 填入相应的横线上。 Look at the picture,please.You can see a backpack,a baseball, a pencil case,a plant and some keys and books.Wheres the backpack? Its under the table.And where are the books? You see,they are on the table. The plant is next to (紧挨着)the table.The pencil case is on the chair next to the table.Under the chair is a ball. Oh,whats behind (在后面)the chair? They are my keys. ball _ pencil case_ backpack_ books _ keys _plant _1
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