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考试说明词汇表复习 (1)1. His desk is _ (倚着、靠着) the wall.What you did is _ (违反、与相逆) the law. 2. The government should take _ (采取措施、采取行动) to reduce pollution. 3. Though I dont agree with him, I _ (同意) listen to his ideas. 4. Its necessary to read _ (出声读、朗读) whatever language you are learning. 5. We were impressed by the ruins of an _ (古代的、古老的) building.6. This idea probably wont work, but lets try it _ (无论如何、不管怎样).You can do the job _ (不论何种方式) you want.7. He tried to _ (避免、躲避) being caught by the police.8. I _ (建议) using a different method, and they _ (接受) my _ (建议).9. We dont _ (允许) smoking here. 10. It was a bad accident - theyre lucky to be _ (活着的).11. She sat up and looked _ her (环顾四周).12. What is the _ (优势、好处) of using nuclear power?13. The month that comes after March is _, and that after July is _. 14. You will never _ (完成、实现) anything if you spend your time that way.15. We cant _ (担负得起) to waste our time. 16. Youll make your back a_ (疼痛) if you carry those heavy buckets.17. Gradually a smile _ (露出、出现) on her face.18. Three members of the class were _ (缺席的) this morning.19. Whats your home _ (地址)?20. I often travel by China _ (航空公司).考试说明词汇表复习 (2)1. She was still only half _ (adj. 醒着的) when I brought her a cup of coffee.It was midday when she a_ (v. 醒来).2. The _ (基础的、基本的) idea is simple. 3. There is some _ (牛肉) in the _ (碗).4. This book gives the _ (背景) of the Civil War.5. He _ (打、揍) his brother yesterday for he lied to him. 6. Pollution from cars has b_ (成为) a major problem.7. Martha was chopping vegetables on a wooden _ (板子).My son is studying _ (在国外).8. He sat down _ (在旁边) Emma. What has he done, _ (除之外还有) reading the paper?_ (此外、而且), I want you to promise me one thing.9. _ (呼吸) deeply and take it easy. 10. Do you like b_ (饼干)?11. Have you ever visited the Golden Gate _ (桥) in San Francisco?12. The _ (底部) of the cup is _ (坏了).He fell down and _ (折断) his ankle.13. -Have you _ (借) a bike? -Yes, Peter _ (借) his to me. 14. _ (相信) in yourself, or youll never succeed.15. The waitress _ (带来) us some water when we sat at the table. 16. The defeat was a _ (苦的、痛苦的) pill to swallow.17. A breeze b_ (吹) over the garden when she was walking in it.18. I felt _ (无聊的) with the _ (无聊的) movie. 19. It is important to reward good b_ (行为、举止). 20. B_ (在更远处) the mountains is a thick forest. Dont stay there _ (迟于、晚于) the visiting hours. The situation went _ (超出) control. 考试说明词汇表复习 (3)1. Where shall we _ (露营、宿营) tonight?2. Add three _ (罐) of water to make the orange juice.3. Im afraid Ill have to _ (取消) our meeting tomorrow.4. Make sure you put the _ (帽儿) back on the pen. Tom is wearing a baseball _ (帽子). 5. Something on the ground _ (吸引注意、抓住) my eye when I was walking. 6. -What was the _ (原因) of the accident? What _ the accident? -The drivers carelessness _ the accident _ (happen). 7. Its Dads birthday and were going out for a meal to _ (庆祝).8. There is _ (一支粉笔) and some _ (煤) in the basket. 9. I _ (选择) to stay at home and I was sure I made a correct _ (选择). 10. Which do you prefer, _ (巧克力) or _ (奶酪)?11. We got lost when _ (爬) the mountain and didnt realize we had _ (环行、画圈、圈出) in the forest until the search party came. 12. She _ (关闭) the door. His house is _ (近的、近地) to the factory.13. He went to _ (大学) in 2000 and majored in _ (化学). 14. Tom works for a computer _ (公司). Ill keep her _ (陪伴) so that she wont feel lonely. 15. Do you think its morally acceptable to _ (克隆) animals?16. _ (通讯) are will developed in the 21st _ (世纪). 17. Shall we go to the _ (电影院)? 18. Smith is a very _ (普通的、常见的) last name in England.考试说明词汇表复习 (4)1. If you want to take part in the _ (竞赛、竞争), you need to c_ (完成) this c_ (作文) first. 2. _ (比较) this one with/to that one, I think either will do. _ (比较) this one with/to that one, and youll find out the difference. _ (比较) with/to that one, this one is better. 3. Most elderly people want to _ (继续) living/to live at home for as long as they can.4. I _ (考虑) buying a BMW, which _ (被认为) (as/to be) the best car by most people. 5. We shouldnt d_/r_/c_ (依靠、依赖) on others too much.6. C_ (改正) your mistake to make sure that it is c_ (正确的). 7. I _ (决定) to take a break and relax, and this _ (决定) is welcomed by my husband. 8. It was probably th
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