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Unit3 Topic2Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.Section A导学案(预习+展示+反馈)九年级英语科组 主备人:_1.学习并掌握词语: 学习目标:单词:stranger,thumb, minibus, flight, guidebook, whenever, board词组:seeoff, on ones way to, fly to,put out, ask for a ride, give sb a ride, get on/off , be worried about, No need to worry, have much difficulty in (doing) sth, leave for,pick sb up, 句子:1. Wang Junfeng and his parents are going to the USA. 2.I cant believe that Im flying to Disneyland. 3.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.语法:掌握现在进行时表将来的用法2.学习过程:课前预习 (独学+对学) 默写下面单词和短语(独学+对学):1. 为送行_ 2. 在的途中_3. 坐飞机去_ 4. 伸出, 扑灭_5. 搭乘,要求搭车_ 6. 让某人搭便车_7. 上车_8. 下车_9. 担心_10. 没必要担心_11. 在(做)有很多困难_12. 去某地_13. 接某人_3. 课堂流程:Step1:1.阅读1a完成1b,1c。(课堂展示)1b Listen to 1a and number the following picture.1c Read 1a and mark T (True) or F (False)( ) 1. Michael and Kangkang are going to see Wang Junfengs family off at a bus station.( ) 2. Wang Junfengs family and the stranger are leaving for Disneyland.( ) 3. The driver stops the minibus and gives the stranger a ride.( ) 4. Michael tells Wang Junfeng to send him an e-mail or call him if he needs any help.【思考】与【点拨】(独学+群学)一、课文词组过关练习:1.Michael and Kangkang are going to see them off. 迈克尔和康康去给他们送行。see sb off 送别,给某人送行今天早上他们去火车站给朋友送行._.2. Michael sees a stranger putting out his hand with his thumb raised.迈克尔看见一个陌生人正伸着他的手,大拇指朝上。 with his thumb raised with结构作伴随状语The teacher came in with a cup in his hand.他没关灯就离开了教室。He left the classroom _ .3. Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me. whenever = no matter when无论你什么时候需要帮助,给我发邮件或打电话。 wherever = no matter where 无论在哪儿however = no matter how 无论怎样whoever = no matter who 无论是谁whatever = no matter what 无论什么无论他说什么,别相信他。_.无论你有多生气,请保持冷静。_.Step2合作探究并展示1a(群学): A.小组合作探究完成以下任务:Task 1 组长带领读1a对话两遍。Task 2校对预习Part1中练习的答案,讨论预习中遇到困难并互相帮忙解决。 Task 3 展示预习答案,质疑解疑。B.展示提升(对学) C.小组合作探究完成以下任务:Task 1 校对预习Part2中练习的答案,讨论重难点。Task 2 组长带领朗读2a文段两遍。Task 3 展示预习答案,质疑解疑。Step 3 小结 Summary今天我们学到什么:Step 4 达标测评一、完成句子:1. 他明天去香港,你去车站送他吗? He is _ _ Hong Kong tomorrow. Are you going to _ _ _ at the station?2. 昨天在上学途中我遇到一位老朋友。Yesterday I met an old friend _ _ _ _ _.3. 他在回家途中看见那事故。He saw the accident _ _ _ _.4. 我认为他不会很难找到工作的。I _ think he will have _ _ _ a job.5. 看,一个老人要求搭车。我们捎他一程吧。Look! An old man is _ _ _ _. Lets _ _ _ _.二. Choose the best answer.1.Where is my father, Mom? He is _ home. A. by the way B. on the way C. in this way D. to the way( ) 2.They say they _ China for Japan next week. A. are leaving B. would leave C. leave D. were leaving( )3.The engineer is returning from Hong Kong _a few days. A. since B. for C. in D. afterStep5 Homework完成同步练习册Section A。第 页
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