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Unit 2 Lets play sports 教学课题课 型New本课题教时数: 10第8 课时Task备课日期:教 学 目 标:1、Learn to write articles according to the writing plan.2、Use the new words, phrases and sentences to organize languages.3、Introduce your favourite sports to others.教学重点、难点:To write a profile教学方法与手段:Taskbased method教 学 过 程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Presentation1、New words hero, team, matchDo you know Jeremy Lin? Yes, he is a basketball player. Do you like him? Do you like his matches?Many people like this young man. Jeremy Lin is their hero. He is a member of New York Knicks basketball team.2、Today, we will meet David. He is a student at Sunshine Middle School. Do you want to know more about him? Please read the article and complete the table.My favourite sportI often play withI often play onatI often watch matchesMy favourite player3、Please read again. Try to classify the information. Put the letters into the brackets.Paragraph1 ( )Paragraph2 ( )Paragraph3 ( )A. What is Davids favourite sport?B. What team is David in?C. When does David often play basketball?D. Who does David often play basketball with?E. What else do David and his friends often do?F. What do they watch on TV?G. Who is Davids hero?H. Why does David like Yao Ming? 4、Read after the tapeHelp the Ss learn about a profile.Step2.Writing1.Ask each of the students to write a rough draft using the table of Part B1. As you go around the class, suggest improvements in the choice of words, spellings and structures. 2. Ask students to rewrite their personal profiles on Part B2. 1. In pairs, students read, check and correct their partners draft.2.Ask for volunteers to read out their personal profiles to the class.Practice their ability of writingHomework1. Read the passages on page 15 three times.2. Write a profile with more information.授后小记:Its easy for most students to write a profile about themselves. Less able students can do it themselves though their aticles are simple and short.授课日期:1
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