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沈阳化工大学科亚学院 本科毕业论文题 目: QLB-D350350柱式平板硫化机设计 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 机制1003 学生姓名: 史济沅 指导教师: 董林福 论文提交日期: 年 月 日论文答辩日期: 年 月 日毕业设计(论文)任务书机械制造专业1003班学生:史济沅毕业设计(论文)题目:QLB-D350350柱式平板硫化机设计毕业设计(论文)内容: 毕业设计(论文)专题部分: 主体结构的设计起止时间:指导教师: 签字 年 月 日摘要柱式平板硫化机全称为柱式液压传动平板硫化机,它的主要结构有底座、工作缸、柱塞、法兰、可动平台、加热板、上横梁和立柱等部件组成。平板硫化机的分类:按用途不同、按传动系统、按操纵系统、按平板加热方式、按结构不同。 柱塞是平板硫化机的主要零部件之一,它与工作缸、密封装置、压紧法兰等组成了传递压能的部件,主要是将液体的压能转变成带动平台或可动横梁运动的动能。 工作缸是平板硫化机传递力量的主要零件,属于高压下操作的厚壁容器。对于缸体的要求是保压性能好,无泄漏,成本低,导向部分耐磨。密封装置是工作缸与柱塞组合件的重要组成部分,平板硫化机能否者正常工作,在很大程度上取决于工作缸密封结构的完善程度。 热板为平板硫化机重要部件之一,其主要作用是向模具或制品提供热能和压力,保证制品硫化过程中所需的温度和压力。 可动平台与柱塞连接,当柱塞受液压而升降时,平台亦随之升降,当与上部横梁或热板接触则平台上均匀受压,平台的变形会影响平板硫化机的精度及硫化制品的质量。上横梁和底座的作用是来承受平板硫化机加压时所产生的作用力,这些零部件用立柱连在一起,并形成一个坚固的封闭构架。连接方式为柱塞在工作缸内滑动,为了防止漏油在缸的上方放置两个密封圈,一个与法兰相接触,另一个与柱塞相接触,柱塞上部与可动平台连接,可动平台与下加热板之间有隔热板用螺钉固定,上横梁与上加热板也是中间有隔热板用螺钉固定,上横梁和底座之间用立柱和螺母固定,来确定整个平板硫化机稳定性。 它的基本工作原理是:油泵通过管道进入缸内使柱塞拖动可动平台缓缓上升(但是它的运动速度比较缓慢,往往在底座上方加入两个辅助油缸,来提高柱塞的上升和下降速度),直至上热板上升到对制品加压的作用,进行保压硫化,完成硫化作用缸内油由管道送出,使可动平台带动下热板放回。这就是整个硫化过程。 关键词:硫化机;液压传动;底座AbstractVulcanizing press for the whole column as column hydraulic vulcanizing machine. Its main structure of the base, working cylinder, plunger, flange, movable platform, the heating plate, the beams and columns and other components. Vulcanizingmachineclassification: according todifferent uses, according todrive and bymanipulatingthe system, Press theflatheating, according todifferent structures.Loadingmoldintohemold-risingplatform-pre-press-deflated-packingsulfide-platformdown-amoldmold-Productsout-to complete the cycle. Thedesign of themain partsarepiston, hydraulic cylinders,a platformon thebeam, padsets,hot plate, andassembly drawings. Vulcanizing pressplungerisone ofthe majorcomponents, whichworkcylinder,seals, pressedflangesand other componentsof thedeliverypressuretothecomponents, mainlythe liquidpressurecanbringinto acampaignplatform ormovablebeamkinetic energy. Vulcanizing pressworking cylinderisthe mainpowertransmissionparts, arethick-walledvesselsoperating underhigh pressure.Therequirement isfor thecylinderpackingperformance, noleakage, low cost,drivensomewear.Sealingdevice isworking cylinderand plungerassemblyof theimportant part of thevulcanizingmachinewhocanwork,the workdepends largely on thedegree of perfection ofthe structure ofcylinderseals. Hot platefor thevulcanizing pressone ofthe importantcomponents,its mainrole isto provideproductstomold orheatand pressureto ensure theproductsrequired inthe curing processthe temperatureand pressure.Movableplatformto connectwiththe plungerwhenthe plungerbyhydrauliclift, the platformhas also comedown,when thehot plateandthe upperbeamoruniform pressurecontact withtheplatform, the platformof thedeformationwill affectthe accuracy ofvulcanizingand curingmachineproductquality. Box-typevulcanizingmachine, withtwo or more sheetsof steelof theframe plateby screwsandthe lower partof theworking cylinderandthe upper part ofthe fixedbeams connectedto forma solidframe,instead ofthecolumnand thecolumnplate vulcanizing machinemachineseatrole.Beams andonthe role ofthe basetowithstand thepressureplate vulcanizingmachine whenthe forcegenerated bythesecomponentstogetherwith thecolumn,and forma solidclosedstructure.Connection for the piston sliding in the working cylinder, in order to prevent oil leakage placed two sealing rings in the cylinder at the top, a flange contact, another with a plunger contact, the upper part of the plunger is connected with the movable platform, between the movable platform and the lower heating plate has a heat insulation plate fixed with screws, upper beam and heating plate and middle insulating plate fixed with screws, between the upper cross beam and the base of column and the nut is fixed, to determine the stability of the whole flat vulcanizing machine.Its basic principle is: pump through a pipe into the cylinder and the plunger movable platform drag rise slowly (but it is moving more slowly, often above the base to join the two auxiliary oil cylinder, to improve the piston rise and fall speed), until the hot plate to rise to the products, the role of pressure, the pressure is maintained vulcanization, complete vulcanization cylinder oil by pipeline to send, the movable platform driven by hot plate back. This is the whole curing process.Keywords: Vulcanizing machine; hydraulic transmission; base 目 录第一章 概述11.1 平板硫化机的分类11.2 平板硫化机的发展11.3 我国平板硫化机存在的问题2第二章 平板硫化机主要技术参数的确定4第三章 平板硫化机主要零部件的基础结构设计53.
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