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1、吞噬星空原句:罗峰就坚定自己的想法当我死去闭上眼睛的时候,我不想,因为过去的不努力造成遗憾而后悔。 不想后悔! 度娘英文版吐槽:Luo Feng is firmly established their own ideas - when I die,close your eyes, I dont want to, because the past is not to cause regret and regret. Do not want to regret!度娘中文版复吐槽:罗锋坚定自己的想法“我死的时候,闭上你的眼睛,我不想,因为过去不后悔和遗憾。”不想后悔! 2、佛本是道原句:“什么是天?” “不知!” “如何反天?” “亦是不知!” “一概不知如何行事?” “不可为而为之,不知亦为之,云破而天开,水落而石出,茫然亦前行。”度娘英文版吐槽:What day? Ignorance. How to - day? Also is not! Dont know how to act? Not for it, I do not know is, the clouds and the opening day, water and stone, was also. 度娘中文版复吐槽:“什么时候?”无知。”如何天?”也不是!”不知道该如何做?”不,我不知道的是,云,开幕当天,水和石头,是也。”3、悟空传原句: 我要这天,再遮不住我眼,要这地,再埋不了我心,要这众生,都明白我意,要那诸佛,都烟消云散!度娘英文版吐槽:Iwant this day, and then not cover my eyes, to this place, and then bury myheart, to the people, to understand my meaning, to the Buddhas, all disappear in smoke!度娘中文版复吐槽:我希望这一天,然后不包括我的眼睛,这个地方,然后埋葬我的心,来的人,明白我的意思的,对佛,都消失在烟雾!4、神墓原句:我为人王,你是神墓,王注定亡,墓依然为墓,我们曾经拥有,何必在乎天长地久呢度娘英文版吐槽:I am a man of the king, you are doomed to death Shenmu, Wang, the tomb is still grave, we once had, why care about enduring as the universe.度娘中文版复吐槽:我是一个国王,你是注定要死亡的神木,王,墓依然严峻,我们曾经拥有过的,何必在乎天长地久。5、永生原句:我得永生时,一切时空,过去未来,一切种种星辰碎为微尘之数量众生,心念我名,皆得永生。如若不然,我不得永生度娘英文版吐槽:I have eternal life, all the time, the past and the future, all the stars the pieces for the dust quantity of sentient beings, mindful of my name, all have eternal life. Otherwise, I shall not live度娘中文版复吐槽:我有永恒的生命,所有的时间,过去和未来,所有的星星众生的灰尘量的碎片,记住我的名字,都有永恒的生命。否则,我会活不下去6、阳神原句:天下最复杂的,不是天道而是人道。有些事情就连上古圣皇都做不好,他们如果能做好,一步一步,剥茧抽丝,理清天下的积郁,道的繁杂,这对人心念头的修为,是不可想象的。红尘之中,是最好的炼心场所度娘英文版吐槽:Thecomplex world, not heaven but humanitarian. Some things even the ancient holy Royal do not good, if they can do it, step by step, reel silk from cocoons,clarify the sadness, the complex, the people thought to fix for, isunthinkable. The world of mortals, is the best exercise heart place度娘中文版复吐槽:复杂的世界,没有天堂,但人道主义。有些东西即使是古代神圣不好,如果他们能做到,一步一步,剥茧抽丝,澄清的悲伤,复杂,思想修为的人,是不可想象的。凡人的世界,是最好的锻炼心脏的地方9、天珠变原句:你现在最多是个小无赖,距离无赖真正的境界还差的远。无赖的最高的境界应该是你明明耍无赖了,人家却偏偏觉得你还是个绅士。面对无赖时,你要比他更无赖,而面对绅士时,你却要比他更绅士。唯有如此,你才能成为一名真正的无赖,真正的流氓。”度娘英文版吐槽:You the most is a small rogue now, distance rogue real realm far worse. The rogues highest state should be you rogue, I just think you were a gentleman. Facing the rogue, you want more rogue than he is, in the face of a gentleman, you have to gentleman more than he. Only in this way, you can become a real rogue, the rogue. 度娘中文版复吐槽:你是一个小流氓现在,距离流氓真境差远了。盗贼的最高境界应该是你的流氓,我只是觉得你是个绅士。面对流氓,你要比他更流氓,在绅士的脸,你要比他更绅士。只有这样,你才能成为一个真正的流氓,无赖。11、搜神记原句:传说中的三皇五帝时的蛮荒时代,随着天下公认的领袖神农氏的去世,各族群雄都开始蠢蠢欲动,就在此波涛暗涌的动荡时代,一位少年横空出世,在机缘巧合下开始了一段惊心动魄的传奇历程度娘英文版吐槽:Wild times in the legend of the three emperors and five sovereigns, along with the death of the world recognized leader of all heroes started Shennong, ready to make trouble, then the stormy in turbulent times, a boy was born, began the legend of a be struck with fright in by chance度娘中文版复吐槽:在三帝传说野生倍和五镑,随着世界公认的领袖,所有英雄的死亡开始神农,蠢蠢欲动,那么激烈动荡的时代,一个男孩是天生的,开始了一场惊心动魄的偶然的传说12、凌天传说原句:红颜挚爱,美人情重,纵横天下,我欲凌天!我名凌天,我欲凌天度娘英文版吐槽:Confidante love, beauty feeling heavy, all over the world, I want to Ling day! I name Ling day, I want to Ling day度娘中文版复吐槽:红颜知己的爱,美情重,世界各地,我想凌天!我凌天,我想凌天13、大周皇族原句:真正的皇族,不是来自于血统的传承,而是来自命格和灵魂层面的高度娘英文版吐槽:The real Royal, not from the lineage of the inheritance, but fromthe fate and soul level high度娘中文版复吐槽:真正的王室,不由的传承谱系,但从命运和灵魂水平高14、天才医生原句:想救人吗?来学医吧。想杀人吗?也来学医吧。 掌握亿万家财、无上权力又如何? 我,能够掌握你的生命度娘英文版吐槽:Want to save? To study medicine.Want to kill? To study medicine.Master of hundreds of millions of family property, supreme power again how?I, can take control of your life度娘中文版复吐槽:要保存吗?医学研究。想杀了?医学研究。你亿万家产的主人,最高权力又如何?我,可以控制你的生活15、斗破苍穹原句:三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷度娘英文版吐槽:Every dog has its day!, Mo bully poor young度娘中文版复吐槽:每只狗都有它的一天!,莫欺负穷青年16、盗墓笔记原句:用我一生,再换你十年天真无邪度娘英文版吐槽:For my life, for your ten years of innocence度娘中文版复吐槽:我的生命,你的十年天真无邪17、傲世九重天原句:若干年后,若我成为传说;那我希望我的传说中有你!若干年后,若你成为传说,那我希望你的传说中有我! 终生不会辜负,兄弟这两个字!终生不要辜负,兄弟这两个字!度娘英文版吐槽:Several years later, if I become a legend; that I want you to be my legend! After a number of years, if you become a legend, I hope you have my legend! Life will not live up to these two words, brothers! Life do not disappoint, brother of the two words!度娘中文版复吐槽:几年以后,如果我成为一个传奇;我想你是我的传说!若干年后,如果你成为一个传奇人物,我希望你有我的传说!生活不会辜负这两个字,兄弟!生活不失望,这两个词的兄弟!18、佣兵天下原句:你们刚才的表现,无愧于帝国最精锐部队的称号!当你们再次回到你们的部队时,你们所在的大队将有权力在队旗上刺印上一个喷血的黄金巨龙头,这是你们为自己部队争得的无上荣誉。你们,也可以在自己的袖口刺上两只黄金巨龙。你们是敢于对抗巨龙的勇者!度娘英文版吐槽:You did, worthy of the title of the Empires elite troops! When you return to your army group again, your will have the power to stab printing the last golden dragon head blood in the team, this is your glory of his troops won. You, also can be in his
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