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外贸外运有关术语LOA LENGTH OVER ALL 船舶全长 =_3rc0 load loading 装货 M&qeP LOADREADY READY FOR LOADING,READY TO LOAD 已备妥,可装货 bA/M#= loc. local;location 本地;位置 D%?9Qb Long.,long longitude 经度 khT LPG Liquefied petrochemical gas 液化石油气 s:_j,/H0A LSD loading,storage and delivery charges 装船,仓储和交货费用 s S3RK LT LINER TERMS 班轮条款 LH B mS LT letter telegram 书信电报 wBpBw2J LTA lighter than air system(airships) cD!E.2 LTD LIMITED 有限(公司) vr?u=_%Z ltge lighterage 驳运费 O8v9tGZoh ltr. lighter 驳船 V!yBHNd6,N M/S Motor ship 内燃机船 7zU X, M/V Motor vessel 内燃机船 :M9MCRf M/T,MT METRIC TON OR MOTOR TANKER 公吨 或 内燃机油轮海运费用术语海运费 ocean freight(O/F) #nj;FO( Wd_?NaI 集卡运费、短驳费 Drayage g8Oezi 65 xd0GH 订舱费 booking charge JM*!(Y D|vck1C5, 报关费 customs clearance fee i0PKx8OGp H,E3Z 电放费 B/L surrender fee =tGRyQV 4)pID 冲关费 emergent declearation change ;Qq7(2y KC8 海关查验费 customs inspection fee PE?ICou DbYnd%k*4 待时费 waiting charge 0y2zjXM;3 RtOoDI 仓储费 storage fee 270 6lUC$B Y 改单费 amendment charge J.l X(Z(cY( 拼箱服务费 LCL service charge #;ulDq &tcocq 动、植检疫费 animal & plant quarantine fee moZeP#Q% .9UrWBWI 移动式其重机费 mobile crane charge BtT Tt,T6zs- 进出库费 warehouse in/out charge ?(0U Zqb*-1Qw* 提箱费 container stuffing charge &kT!GUn lwIxn1n 滞期费 demurrage charge q_PYT dE2=WVB6 滞箱费 container detention charge ?yueo BjUs$cZ 卡车运费 cartage fee ;Zn&Nc7 v9(NhoP 商检费 commodity inspection fee K?jV&Xor |XuCF# 转运费 transportation charge Pon0(:#1 nP|ah q 污箱费 container dirtyness change Nz%pl! N xJC_ 坏箱费用 container damage charge ;ZkY5 -iFFXESVX 清洁箱费 container clearance charge ZVit 3hd U.ZA%De 分拨费 dispatch charge v 机场费 air terminal charge |M3sL F(,SnSam 空运提单费 airway bill fee ol_&epG;ST NCm=l FSC (燃油附加费) fuel surcharge 9mpQusM 361! 抽单费 D/O fee wOH 3SKo 9s*UJIL 上海港常用术语 TI8E W swhtlc 内装箱费 container loading charge(including inland drayage) VrQ7SE Mv7tK l 疏港费 port congestion charge 7WvfN8# a$LoQX9$ N normal(rate classification) 一般货(运价) C)0JcM n.c.v. non customs (commercial) value 无商业价值 wqfn-Ze n.e.s. not elsewhere specified 不另阐明 %k+nK n.f.o. not free out 不管卸货 MIWI0bnf n.l.t. not later than 不迟于,不晚于 4krK CD|G n.o.e. not otherwise enumerated 不另编号 u6u1 n.o.p. not otherwise provided 未另列出 )O1 N.O.R. not otherwise rated 未列名 -m )fWf N.O.S. not otherwise specified 未列名 ?W4IAbTG n.v.d. no value declared 未声明价值 E; N/M NO MARK 无麦头 HX:rVHY n/n non-negotiable 不可转让旳 6rr;S N/O no order 无定单 5/.q;z N/R NOTICE OF READINESS 装卸准备就绪告知书 N!&$fhY) NAABSA not always afloat but safely aground 不常常漂浮但安全坐浅 4RV5:&ALLS NAOCC Non Aircraft Operating Common Carrier 无航空器公共承运人 8PzQ:#RV NAWB Neutral Air Waybill(forwarders Air Waybill) 货运代理人空运分运单 2qD80W1 NGO non governmental organization 非官方组织 F7zBm53 NOR NOTICE OF READINESS 装卸准备就绪告知书 lIj2w;$v NR NUMBER 数字,号码 5ZkMd !$y NRT NET REGISTER TONNAGE 净登记吨 J m+;A; NT.WT. NET WEIGHT 净重 k )T;WCia NVO (NVOCC) Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier 无船承运人 UlN+ NVOCC N
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