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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2008-2009学年度滨州实验中学第二学期八年级期末考试英语试卷说明:本试题满分120分,考试时间100分钟。第卷(选择题共65分)一、听力选择(共20小题,计20分)(你有8秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。)(一)听句子,选出正确的应答语或图片。每个句子读两遍。1AFor three years BTwo years ago CIn a month2AMe,too BYoure right CThank you5AOh,I like reading BOh,I like writing COh,I like stamps(二)听下面五组对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。6AWith his brother BWith his sister CWith his neighbor7AShe is looking after her motherBShe is doing her homeworkCShe is seeing a doctor8AAbout the sports BAbout the tests CAbout the games9AHe is at school BHe is at homeCHe is in the hospital10AIn a supermarket BAt home CIn a factory(三)听对话,选择最佳答案,对话读两遍。请听第一段对话,回答1112小题。11What is Jacks mother doing?AShes watering the flowersBShes cleaning the kitchenCShes cooking the dinner12What does jacks mother ask Jack to do?ATo cook the dinner BTo wash the dishesCTo clean the kitchen请听第二段对话,回答1315小题。13Where are they talking?AIn a clothes shop BIn a food shop CIn a fruit shop14What color does the womans daughter like?ABlack BRed CGreen15How much does the woman spend?AFive dollars BFifteen dollars CFifty dollars(四)听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。16Where is Victor from?AAustralia BAmerica CBeijing17How many times has Victor visited the Summer Palace?AOnly once BTwice CLots of times18When did Victor visit the Great Wall?ALast weekend BLast vacation CLast summer19Where has Victor visited with his friends?AThe World Park BThe Great WallCThe Summer Palace20Where hasnt Victor visited yet?AThe Beijing Zoo and the World ParkBThe Beijing Zoo and the Water ParkCThe Summer Palace and the aquarium二、选择填空(共15小题,计15分)选择最佳答案填空。21-_ has Mary been playing the piano?- For three and a half hoursAHow soon BHow long CHow far DHow often22- What would you like to drink?- It doesnt matter_ will doAAnything BEverything CNothing DSomething23We have _ homework and _ free time than the children in AmericaAmany;fewer Bmuch;less Cmore;less Dmore;fewer24Our geography teacher is interested in _ stampsHe has a great stamp _Acollected;collection Bcollecting;collectionCcollect;collector Dcollecting;collector25_ you study,_ you will beAThe harder;the successful BThe better;successfulCThe harder;the more successful DThe much;the more successful26-There are so many problemsIm so tired-Try to _ themYou are not a child anymoreAend up Btake off Cpick up Dget over27-Where can I buy a house?-You _ look in the Sunday TimesThere are always lots of house-for-sale ads(广告)Amust Bwill Cshould Dwould28Bob bought his phone several years ago and it is _ nowHe is going to buy a new oneAout of style Bin style Con board Dat least29- Do you think _ will be robots in the schools in 100 years?- No,_Athey;there will Bthere;they wontCthere;there wont Dthey;there wouldnt30- I predict it will be more difficult to find a job in the following years- _AThats a good idea BI hope notCThat will be good for the earth DIm glad to hear that31- Could you please _ me your CD?-Sorry,Emily _ it an hour agoAlend;borrow Blend;borrowed Cborrow;lent Dborrow;lend32There _ two football matches in the gym(体育场)next weekAwill be going to Bwill haveCis going to be Dare going to be33It was already midnight _ they arrived at the village at lastAsince Bbefore Cwhile Dwhen34- Would you like to go to the cinema with us tonight?- Id like to,if I _ too much homeworkAwont have Bwill have Chad Ddont have35- Would you mind my _ the music?- _Do it as you like,pleaseAturning up;Not at all Bturning down;CertainlyCto turn down;Of course Dto turn up;Good idea三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C中找出一个正确的选项填空。There are many people in the world nowThere _36_ a lot more people next centurySo the earth will be very _37_ and there will be a little room for each personMaybe there will be only _38_ room on the earth in 600 yearsThat will be a very serious _39_So man is _40_ of a way to solve the problem
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