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面试英文自我介绍模板锦集8篇 面试英文自我介绍 篇1 Good mrnin, my m isxx, it is reat or to have this ppotityfor n intrview,Iuld lke to answr waever you may ris, and hope Icamkea ooderorane toa。No I wll oduce yelf bely,I m 2 eao, orn Gngdogprovinc,ndI am curenly asni stuent Guagzou XX univeit。 M mjr s xx。And I willgt ychelor der ater yradutio in Jne。 n the s ers, I spentmostf y tme onstud, Ihaveased 6。Ad I haveacia knowede xan xxbth nteory an in prctic。I thinm a god em lyeram pso gat onesty to thrs。 Alo Ia able twok ud preure。Thats al。 Thank ou forgii m he chace。早上好,我是XXX,很高兴有机会能参加此次面试,我很乐意回答您的任何问题,我期望能有个好的表现。此刻我先来介绍一下我自我。我今年22岁,籍贯广东,是广州XX大学,专业的一名应届毕业生。我将于今年6月获得学士学位并毕业。在过去四年,我花了很多的时光在学习上,经过了英语四级六级考试,并掌握了与xx专业有关的基础和实践知识。我有良好的团队合作精神并能承受工作压力。以上是我的自我介绍,多谢您给我这次展示的机会。 面试英文自我介绍 篇 Goodexamine,toda can stnd heref an interview, havethe opporuniyo as you the examner and learnin, fe ey honord. oethat trog this inteiewcan show yo myself, Ioe yoemee eMnae is. hs ear,. .At the ge o hehnnaioaty,celoof lw. Ilke reading andntrnet brwsng infratin. M haacter more cherfl, sy-goinCananyti rud threltiosi, nd fily rds cni in haron, nd lifis flf cnfden. Ivewoke asan inern in tpeoples procuratate,oacetainprcticalexperice.In the ur yeas stdyingi t fiel, Ievloptrngchrtr, this charter madme ovrcm sme difficultes in my tudy an lfe, posiv i. B lega ores is myston dese oyesf I had eopportunit obe hired, thnk, I will b ale towokin a workut nd ralize te ow alue.Atthe se tie, s recgnize th therelationshpbetw wrk and s bilt on the bs e-awareness,Iik I have te abil to alo have the cnfidenceto doh b Civiserans isaaced an nobleprofession, i is pursuige axmizatif pubic interst, i fundamnta puro i tserve the eople,riet th natin Lei fngaid: a mansie islimtd, but servigth peoplei unlimitd, Iat to put thelmitedlife it theulimitedservice fo the pope. Tiism the est inerprtaton of th cogniti of ciil srnt. S, tis jobnachieve my social ial adlif vue, opeeverone canecogned me,ive methis oortuy! 面试英文自我介绍 篇 Gdmrig, laies nntleme! ti reall y hor to hve ths opprunity for an interiew. I pe I ca makea goo eormance oday.I#39; confiet that Ia ceed. ow willintroduce mysfbriefly am 26 yers ld, ornin Shadng rovice Igraduaed rom QigdaoUverity. Mymajo ielectrosAd I gt mybacheor dgreeafter m graduation n teyear of 20X.I spt s of myimontudy,ad Iv pssed CT-6 uring yunvesity. AndIv cuired basc knowledgeoymjor. It smy ongchesheddeam o bean engier and I am eage t getanopotunity ully pla mability. Inuly 0X,began workig ra smal prve copan as thnicalsuprtenginr n Qindao city. Bcausthere asn ore chce fr me tgive uplay tomy alen, so Idecidetohagmyjob. n i Augst 202X, IlefBeijngand ored or a foreign nterprses an amation softwe est enginer.BeusI wantto chane my orking enronme, I3; ike tofi aob which i morhllnng Moeov,Motla isa gbal comny,s I feelIan gaialo fromworkg n thisknd of company.Tis he reaon wh ce here to compee r this posiio. Ihink 3;m a odtaplyand a pson of great onty tootr. As,I a abl toorkner great ssure. I amcnint that I am qufied or ths of nge in or cma.Ths al Thankyu giving the nce 面试英文自我介绍 篇 sel-ntoduce for iteew goo afteroon. amglad t be hreorthis itei.firstlet e inroduce myl my nameisrene.liu, 21 icoe from zhngshn,he captal of gangdong prvnce.igrted fm thedeparme of_nverty in uly ,202i the past t ears i have beenprearen for he potgradute exaination wile have beteachig in aotou middle school nd a headecher oa asnjunior rae wonow al m harwork ha got a esutsiei hav a hnce to be nview by yi mopen-minde ,uic inthoght and vry fon o hstoryin m spa tim,hve broditeests lie mny ther youngers.i k rain oks, epecial tos about _.reuently i xcange with other peol aking commets in he form on lni ama fooballfafor yeital ta is forte.nyway,ifel great
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