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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date新概念英语第一册Lesson-93-94-练习题(无答案)练习Lesson 93 and Lesson 94一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10分)1. Nigel is our new n_.2. A p_ works in an aeroplane.3. Twelve m_ makes a year.4. Tokyo is in J_.5. Im going to the library to r_ my books.6. Nigel has already been to nearly every country in the w_.7. At the m_, he is in Madrid.8. Nigels wife is very u_. She usually stays at home.9. Berlin is the c_ of Germany.10. Seoul is in K_.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. They built a new school in our _ (neighbour).2. Nigels wife isnt _ (luck).3. He comes from Stockholm. He is _ (Sweden).4. I can do it _ (easy).5. Lin Tao kept _ (write) his diary all night.6. Who was the _ (win) of the match yesterday.7. Please give my best _ (regard) to her.8. I often help my mother do some _ (wash).9. Does she read the text _ (care).10. The man shaved himself _ (bad) this morning.三 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. Nigel _ (be) in the R.A.F. is the Second World War.2. He _ (fly) to New York next month.3. He _ (return) to London the week after next.4. Nigel _ already _ (be) to nearly every country in the world.5. Nigels wife usually _ (stay) at home. 6. At the moment, he was busy _ (repair) the car.7. She _ not _ (miss) the bus if she gets up early tomorrow morning.8. The people are waiting for the doctor _ (come).9. When _ he _ (go) to Sydney? Next year.10. I _ not _ (begin) to eat until my mother returns home.四 选择填空(15分)( ) 1. I wont come back _ August 5th. A. until B. when C. between D. for( ) 2. There _ a factory, too shops and eight schools in the small town for many years. A. has been B. have been C. is been D. are been( ) 3. _ you _ your library book? Yes, I _ it yesterday.A. Did, return; have doneB. Did, return; didC. Have, returned; didD. Has, returned; did( ) 4. I _ twenty dollars on the coat. A. paid B. spent C. gave D. cost( ) 5. There are _ students in our school. A. five hundred and thirty-five B. five hundreds and thirty-five C. five hundred thirty-five D. five hundreds and thirty fifth( ) 6. Mum, _ you _ an English did for us? Yes, I shall. A. shall, cook B. will, cook C. Do, cook D. Have, cooked( ) 7. They _ to Moscow next week. A. go B. going C. went D. will go ( ) 8. Nigel is our _ neighbour. A. next door B. next-door C. next doors D. next doors( ) 9. He _ to Spain a week ago. A. fly B. flied C. flying D. flew ( ) 10. Sorry! I havent told Dick to send the letter for you. It doesnt matter. A. do B. have done C. will do D. did( ) 11. I wont go to see the film with you because I _ it already. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. did see( ) 12. There _ two football matches next Saturday. A. will have B. would be C. are going to be D. are going to have( ) 13. Ill finish school next June. _ month Ill go back to my hometown. A. Next B. A next C. The next D. This next( ) 14. Miss Li with her parents _ China since _.A. have been in; two years agoB. has gone; two yearsC. has been to; two yearsD. has been in; two years ago( ) 15. Where _ we _? A. will, meet B. shall, meet C. do, meet D. did, meet五 句型转换(5分)1. He will fly to New York next month.(变为同义句) He will _ to New York by _ next month.2. His wife isnt lucky.(变为同义句) His wife is _.3. He will return to London the week after next.(变为同义句) He will _ _ to London the week after next.4. Shall we go to the butchers?(变为同义句) _ _ to the butchers.5. Tom will go to Madrid next year.(就划线部分提问) _ _ Tom _ next year?六 补全对话(10分)A: Who is he?B: He is Nigel, our new next-door _1_.A: What is his _2_.B: He is a pilot. He often _3_ here and there in the _4_.A: How old is he?B: Hes _5_ 41 years old.A: 41 years old? He looks so young.B: Yes. He is a very _6_ man. He has already _7_ to _8_ every country in the world.A: I hear his wif
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