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2023年英语美文:如何欣赏别人的成功:英语美文欣赏英语资源网权威发布英语美文:如何观赏别人的胜利,更多英语美文相关信息请访问英语资源网。First thing in the morning, I check Twitter, only to have it list off for me all the ways Ive already fallen behind. A colleague has released a new e-book. Two of my design heroes are announcing a collaborative project. One of my old college buddies has posted a video trailer for an upcoming online program, and she looks phenomenal, polished, charismatic (Im still in bed, bleary-eyed, and definitely not at my most telegenic.)每天早晨,我的第一件事就是刷推特,因为它会显示出来在哪些事情上我已经落后了。比如:我的同事已经发布了一本新电子书,我崇拜的两个设计英雄声明一起合作项目,我的一个高校挚友在网上发布了一段即将上映的节目的视频预报片,她看起来美貌惊人、闪闪发亮、充溢魅力(而我还窝在床上,睡眼惺忪,确定是不能上镜的。)Am I really falling behind? Is anybody actually keeping score? Did any of these people post any of the updates with the intent of making me feel bad? Of course not. But if Im not careful, its terribly easy to view my social media streams as a constant reminder of all the stuff Im not doing and dreams Im not fulfilling.那么,我的确落后了吗?其他人始终都在取得成果吗?这些人发布的任何状态更新都是为了刺激我?当然不是。但是假如我不是很细心的话,那么很简单觉得我的社交媒体流始终在提示我没有做的事情和没有实现的幻想。This isnt a social media problem. Its a comparison problem. There isnt a single thing about Twitter or any of the other social media platforms I use thats designed to make me ask how Im measuring up. Thats all me an automatic, internal mechanism. Its part ego (“But what does this say about me?”), part creative drive (“What more am I capable of?”), and part deep soul yearning (“How can I make an impact, leave a legacy, and matter?”).这其实不是社交媒体的问题,这是一个攀比的问题。推特以及我运用的其他社交媒体平台本身没有任何问题,它们的设计初衷本就不是让我用来进行自我估量的。这都是我的问题自动的内部机制。一部分出于自我因素(“但这说到了我什么?”),一部分出于创新驱动(“我还可以做到更多吗?”),还有一部分出于内心深处的呼喊(“我如何才能产生影响、留下遗产并发挥作用?”)。And I know its not just me. Ive spent the past year collaborating with leadership coach Tanya Geisler on researching how comparison works, what it costs us, and what it can teach us and weve discovered that it runs rampant among just about every creative, growth-oriented person we know. In our comparison-soaked cultu
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