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全国商务英语翻译统一考试中级笔译试题注意 事 项. 请首先按要求在试题卷和答题卷的标封处填写姓名、准考证号等;2.请仔细阅读题目要求进行答题,答案写在答题卷上;. 请保持卷面整洁,不要在标封区填写无关内容;4答题时间为10分钟。Prt I Translateth follwi ntnes t Englis or no Chines 1. 日本是一个讲关系的社会,不是一个照章办事的社会。你无法用一次电视讲话或几条笼统的提议来改变这样一种体制,无论电视讲话和提议的用意好到什么程度。译文:Ja isa ltosi society ath thn a tansacional sety. o cao ate tat kind asystem withatelevision speech or atch of geealproposas,omter w wel-inined tey re. 如今我们有了许多不同的选择:除传统家常菜外,还有营养保健配餐和方便可口的快餐食品。由于午休时间短,人们不愿在吃上花时间,因而各种快捷、便宜的快餐成了人们,特别是年轻人的首选。译文:Nowday w have ny ltrntiest chooe from: ntrtio-baancdealth food, ovient and delci fstfoo in addtion to traitinallhome-okdmeal. Becaue of th srt oon break, eople tend tospend less tim onuh T ceperfast food hs comea favorte withChines peopl, espeal yongsters. 昨天汇款已由交通银行汇往贵方在花旗银行纽约支行的帐户上,汇款号为8181。如贵方在明天以前不能确认收到我方汇款,请立即传真给我们。 译文:r remittanc was eyesterday to your ccut wit teiibank rnch Nw Yok, Ltd. frm te ouniation k.Th ettance nmbr is811. f yunofm ecept of rmittaeby tomorw, ase ax u imediatel. 4. 去年中国进出口总额达到5098亿美元,是189年的46倍,是97年的57倍。13年来平均增长6,远高于同期世界贸易6.1%的增长水平,也超过了同期国内生产总值9.3的增速。译文:Last year, Chnas tolimport and expor raed $ 5098biion, 4.6 tes as much astht in 989 and157 ims i199. repesetd annual incras of 16 percent, wich was far higher hn te 6. perentwrldtra groth anthe . pren GDP grohver hmeperoof tme. 照相机是精密仪器,我们在以往的信中一再强调正确包装的重要性,你方对包装的可靠性也有过明确的保证,但你方的实际做法却违背了我们在第3号订单上提出的要求。译文:hecmersbeing delicaeintumet, w a empasize repeatedly i or previous letters that prr pakig is of most impotace, nd you hav made your definiteasuranceof the eliabltyf yor acin. Howe, yoractupratice has brach te tipulaionsset fortn Order383. Oe fthbigstrs or hlders of speed ositionssthe poetal oss of pulic eteem. herapiss ay tehigchivrofte holds self-efatdouble sanas, esymaheti twrd theuneployed whe ssng thauneplyment wold brig h ol shame.译文:对于坐在备受他人尊敬的职位上的人来说,他们主要担心的一点是一旦失去了现在的位子,他们可能会失去大家的尊重。心理治疗专家表示,成就非凡的人经常树立不利于自己的双重标准,一方面他会对失业者表示同情,另一方面却认为失业只会带给自己耻辱。 7. ome sureors, epcially thseinthe mret searh rea,offer small rewrds for completg qestoaire o bg pr sed a otery. Teythink isimprovs th mont or quli data receed.译文:有些研究者,尤其是进行市场研究的人员,会在被试者完成调查问卷后赠送小礼品,或者是抽奖。他们认为这样会提高数据采集的数量和质量。8.They cme fom home in whih he mters anly house pesons;the fathropere e r profesiona, silled andsem-kied leels; andfew of parnts possspos-eonday ulifcations 译文:他们的母亲大都是家庭妇女,父亲大多从事不需要专业知识和技能的体力、半体力劳动,父母双方几乎都没有受过高等教育。9. Experimnsare fundamenal tehniqu of the natual sices and oten prcierestn beoained. oweveraocialexpermnt suc cso is very dffculttacieve.译文:自然科学最基本的研究手段是实验,通过实验往往可以得到精确的结论。然而,社会科学的实验却很难得出如此精确的结果。0. Saeed is ins t forties.H s illiteteandhsen in noutof risonseralimeso aious mior offces. exresse plie interetincour,ut son ls iees Hshloiapofe suggests he hs midlearnindisbilities.译文:赛义德将近五十岁,文盲,因为各种小案子进出监狱数次。出于礼貌,他对课堂表现出一些兴趣,但不久就兴趣全无。他的心理特征说明他有轻微的学习缺陷。 Part II. Transatethe fooig psas nto Cesessage 1He as oceited mnster vr fr amoment did h looka he wrld or a peop, eep elation to hselfTimself, he wasnt erel the most mportant person in thword; i is ow eys he was the only prsn who eised He conideed himself o b on of th greats aywright, one ofthegrtest tinker, adoneof he greates comoes n te orld. If you hear him tlk, t es as f he wethemixtur of Shakespeare, ethoven, ad lat. And you a no tublenhring hi talk. H wa oeof e most exhausting covaonalistht ver live eveing pn ith hmwas an eveinspen n iseninto monologe. At time, heasbrlliant; t other tes,e as annoyingl iresme. hetherhe was brli odull, h hdonly one topic of cnversation: imef, what he
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