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光伏项目收资清单(中英文)光伏项目收资清单(中英文) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(光伏项目收资清单(中英文))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为光伏项目收资清单(中英文)的全部内容。光伏项目收资清单Required Information List for PV Solar Project一、 气象资料 Meteorology Information1、气象站地理位置(最好提供坐标)、海拔高度、观测记录数据的辐射仪器型号及记录方式、位置、高程、场地周围环境、周围遮蔽情况,以及建站以来站址、辐射观测仪器及其周围环境变动的时间和情况等.Submit Location (Geographic coordinates best) and altitude of the meteorological station; type, record method, location, altitude, environment, shielding situation of the radiation measurement instrument which is used to observe and record radiation data。 If the meteorological station has moved, the radiation measurement instrument has been changed, or the environment has changed, please submit change time and details of them.2、气象站长系列数据Measurement Data during many years from the meteorological station(1)多年历年各月太阳辐射数据资料(含直接辐射、散射辐射、总辐射资料、日照时数);Monthly radiation data (including direct radiation, diffuse radiation, total radiation and sunshine duration) over the years。(2)多年平均气温、极端最高气温、极端最低气温、昼最高气温、昼最低气温,多年各月平均气温;Yearly average temperature, extreme highest temperature, extreme lowest temperature, highest temperature in the day time and lowest temperature in the day time.Monthly average temperature over the years。(3)多年平均降水量和蒸发量;Yearly average precipitation amount and evaporation amount over the years。(4)多年最大冻土深度和积雪厚度;Yearly maximum frozen soil depth and maximum snow cover depth over the years。(5)多年平均风速、多年极大风速及其发生的时间、主导风向;Yearly average wind speed, maximum wind speed, its occurrence time and the predominant wind direction over the years.(6)30年灾害性天气资料,如沙尘、雷电、暴雨、冰雹等。Damaging weather information (like sandstorm, thunder and lightning, rainstorm, hail etc。) over the last 30 years。二、 电气资料Electrical Information1、当地电力系统现状及规划: Present situation and planning of the local power system:(1) 所在地区电力系统现状概况及发展规划,包括电网现状图、规划图;General present situation and development planning of the local power system, including drawings of the existing power grid and planning drawings of power grid.(2) 电网地理接线图,电源结构及负荷情况等;Power grid geographical line diagram;(3) 所在地区变电站一次主接线图。Primary electrical single line diagram of the substation in the area where the PV station is located.2、拟接入厂区变电站的电压等级、名称、主接线图,系统最大、最小运行方式下的短路容量、最大负荷、平均负荷、最小负荷及出现季节月份,主变压器型号、参数,断路器参数,距离光伏电站直线距离.Voltage class, name and single line diagram of the PV plant substation which will be built to connect the existing gridShort circuit capacity, maximum load, average load, minimum load and occurrence season and month under the maximum/minimum operational mode of electric power system.Type and parameters of the main transformer, parameters of the circuit-breaker and the distance between the substation and the PV Power Plant.三、 场区资料Site Information1项目所在位置地理坐标及场址范围地理坐标Geographic coordinates of the project site, and the geographic coordinates of the key points which are used to determine the site range;2实测地形图(如平坦地区1:2000,丘陵地区1:1000,山地1:500)Measured topographic maps (such as flat area 1:2000, hilly area 1:1000, mountain 1:500)3场址自然条件,场区周围环境,包括:场区周边工业企业、居民区,与城市规划的关系,对外交通条件,包括公路、铁路和水路,附近有无文物保护区、军事设施。Natural conditions and environment situation of the site: including industrial area and residential area near the site, the relation between the site and the city planning, transportation condition of the access to the site (including roads, railway and waterway), and whether there are cultural relics protection area and military facilities;4场址区域洪水评价分析报告.Evaluation and analysis reports of the flood in the site area;5场址土地征(租)地费。Lease fee of the site land;7地震安全性评价(地震基本烈度9度以上)。Seismic risk evaluation (when seismic basic intensity is above 9 degree in GB codes)8、场址区工程地质资料(地质、地貌、地下水的深度、水文资料、冻土层厚度、接地电阻);Engineering geology information of the site(geology, landforms, underground water level, hydrology information, frozen soil depth and earthing resistor);9、土地利用规划、已查明重要矿产资源分布、自然环境保护、军事用地、文物保护等敏感区的资料等。Information of the land utilization plan, layout of investigated important mining resource, and sensitive area of natural environmental preserve, military land, cultural relics protection etc。
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