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PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT个人货币对换协议This PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT and the ONE (3) attached APPENDIXES are hereby en tered into this Date:此个人货币对换协议立于2014年11月号并附有一份附件。BY AND BETWEEN下述协议人签署Funds Owner USD : MR.Passport Number 护照号:Issui ng Country 国籍:(Hereinafter referred to as “ USD PROVIDER” 以下称美元供货人)AND 禾IFunds Owner HKD 姓 名:Passport Number 通行证号:Issui ng Country 国 籍:(Hereinafter referred to as HKD AND “MB PROVIDER”以下称港币或者人民币供货人)The USD PROVIDER and HKD AND RMB PROVIDER agree to this PRIVATE CURRENCY EXCHANGE AGREEMENT (herei natter referred to as the “ AGREEMENT and its contents as detailed below:以下 是 由美元供货人与港币供货人共同协商同意按下述条件签定此个人货币对换协议(以下称 协议”:WHEREAS, the USD PROVIDER presents legal tender -UNITED STATES DOLLARS (USD) available and warra nts that they are good, clean, clear of noncrim inal orig in, free from any lie ns and taxes, freely tran sferabl e to be excha nged for Ho ng Ko ng or Chi na Curre ncy AND (HKD-RMB).美元供货人就此有法律責任地保证,这些美元是清洁、干净、合法来源、没有任何留置权和税务、并能自由转让 的,作兌换港币或人民币。WHEREAS, BOTH PARTIES hereby declare that the herein referred to currencies are good, clean, cleared, egitimate, legally earned and of noncrim inal orig in. These funds are freely tradabl e in side and outside of the Country of Origin; can be utilized for un restricted use; and are free from any and all taxes, evies, duties, charges, lie ns or other en cumbra nces of any n ature.双方特此声明,交易的货币 是好的、 干净、清洁、合法的、依法賺得和无犯罪来源。这些资金都可以在发行国部和外部自由流通的;无限制使 用;而无任何欠付税收,征收,稅,费,留置权或其他任何性质的债权。NOW AND THEREFORE, i n con siderati on of the premises and the mutual cove nan ts, warra nties, terms and con diti ons here in contained and for other good and valuable con siderati ons, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowl edge, the USD PROVIDER and HKD PROVIDER agree as follows :现在,因此,在审议的前提和相互契约,担保,条件和条款和其他有价值的考虑,美元供货人和港 币供货人等双方充分接受、特此承认、同意如下:ARTICIF 1 0 CONTRACT QUANTITY*第一章:合同数额1.1 UNITED STATES DOLLARS 10 BILLION (USD10 000,000,000) with rolls and extensions as agreed by the USD PROVIDER and the HKD-AND RMB PROVIDER.美元供货人和港币或者人民币供货人同意办理壹佰亿美元,在双方同意下可延续和增加数额1.2 Extensions to be agreed upon writing at least FIVE (5) Banking Days prior to the comme nceme nt of the proposed exte nsions of Tran sact ion.办理延续双方需要在五个工作天前签署相尖文件才能幵始执行。ARTICLE 20 TERMS OF EXCHANGE:第二章:兌换条件2.1 UNITED STATES DOLLARSprovid ed and delivered by USD PROVIDER shall be as follows:美元 供 货人按下述程序提供和送递相尖美元:2.1.1 The notes shall be in denomination USD100美元必须是壹佰元现钞。2.1.2 The RECEIVING BANKS have the final rights in the determination of the US NOTES accepta nee and Reject ion.接款银行有最终决定权决定是否接受这美元現钞。2.2 The First Tranche Delivery of the exchange shall be an amount of UNITEDSTATES DOLLARS 500 Million ,ONLY (USD500,000,000). And operate at HKDPs d esignated bank. After the daily operati on, the uncoun ted USD will be registered by both Provid er*s Bank officers and stored in the Receiving banks security warehouse until they are fully counted and d eposited into HKD Providers bank acco unt. HKD/RMB Provider is resp on sible for the storage cost in side the Recei ving Bank.第一次送递作兌换的美元数额为伍亿美元,安排在指定银行操作。每天操作完毕,双方银行官员登记还没 兌换的美元数量,然后存放在银行保险柜里,直到全部美元兌换完毕。在操作银行里面的费用由港币或人民币方负责。2.3 The Subsequent Tranches shall be not less than 500 Million in designated bank, if need more shall be mutually agreed upon by BOTH PARTIES.后继每天送递至指定银行数额不低于5亿,如需增加,由双方另行协商决定。2.4 Tranches are to be tran sacted accordi ng to the PROCEDURESas prescribed in ARTICLE 4 of this AGREEMENT 兌换程序按本协议第四章描述执行。2.5 The Place of Exchange shall be at various d esignated BANKS as determined by HKD AND RMB PROVIDER. And HKD-RMB PROVIDER shall provid e BANK1 Sbcality to USD PROVIDER at least 3 Banking Days in adva nee before the tran sact ion take place.由港币或者人民币供货人确定交易的银行地点,如果改变,需要在三个银行工作日前,向美元供货人提供 接款银行地址。ARTICIE 3 0 EXCHANGE RATE AND BONUS:第三章:汇率和利益3.1 The EXCHANGE RATEis agreed as the Official In ter-Ba nk Cash Buyi ng Rate for HKD /USD as of the Day of Excha nge.兌换汇率按当天银行标准美元现钞买入价兌换。3.2 For each and every tranche of US NOTES (100% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT excludi ng Rejected US NOTES as per ARTICLE 2.1.2) delivered to the BANKS (determined by the HKD AND RMB PROVIDER ), HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall conduct perIMFPA.每次兌换后,港币或者人民币供货人需按每批美元的全数金额(不包括按第二章2.1.2接款银行拒收金额)按分流表支付给相尖人员:3.2.1 Calculated base on 90% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (in USD) and EXCHANGE RATE as per ARTICLE 3.2, HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall transfer the equated sum of HKD or RMBFUNDS to USD PROVIDER* Sdesignated Hong Kong HKD OR RMB Bank Accounts as per USD PROVIDER* S BANKING COORDINATEto be Annexed to this Agreement 港币或者人民币供货 人按 美元兌换总额的百分之玖拾(90%)(按第3.2章)的美元等值港币或者人民币汇到美元供货人的指定银行 的港币或者人民币账户。3.2.2 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall retain the 8% of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (in USD) as its BONUS. 港币或者人民币供货人保留百分之捌(8% )作为港币或者人民币供货人的应得利润。3.2.3 HKD AND RMB PROVIDER shall transfer 2 % of the TRANCHE AMOUNT (conversion in HKD) to INTERMEDIARIES PAYMASTER as per IRREVOCAB
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