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Shes not here yet. Shes not here. 她还没来 她还没来Shes having my baby and shes not here. 她就要生下我的孩子 她却还没来Im sure everythings fine. 我肯定一切都好- Has her water broken yet? - I dont know. -她的羊水破了吗 -我不知道When I spoke to her, she said shed already passed the mucous plug. 她和我通话时说她已分泌粘液Do we have to know about that? 我们非得知道这些吗Joey, what are you going to do when you have a baby? 乔伊 等到你有小孩时你会怎么做Ill be in the waiting room, handing out cigars. 我会在等待室中分发雪茄Joeys made arrangements to have his baby 乔伊已经打定主意让他的孩子in a movie from the 50s. 出生在50年代的电影场景中God, I dont believe this. 天啊 我真不敢相信She could be giving birth in the cab. 她有可能在出租车中分娩Ross, relax. 罗斯 放轻松Its probably like $2 for the first contraction. 说不定就是第一次宫缩收二块钱.and then 50 cents for each additional contraction. 之后每收缩一次只收五毛What, its okay when Chandler does it? 怎么了 钱德勒这样说就没关系You have to pick your moments. 你得选对时间Did I miss it? 我错过了吗No, Shes not here yet. 没有 她根本还没出现Whats with the guitar? 干嘛带吉他来I just thought we might be here for a while. 我想我们大概会在这儿待一阵子Things might get musical. 说不定有人想听歌Where the hell have you been? 你到底跑哪儿去了We stopped at the gift shop. 我们在礼品店待了一会儿We stopped at the gift shop. 雀巢的一款内含坚果的巧克力棒I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky. 我想买个填充玩偶 苏珊想买巧克力棒Oh, Susan wanted a Chunky. 苏珊想吃巧克力棒啊Were having a baby, ok, a baby, you dont stop for Chunkys. 我们要有小宝宝 哪有时间吃棒棒I used to have that bumper sticker. 我过去也用那个汽车贴纸You see what I mean? 懂我意思吗- Stopped for a Chunky. - Let it go, Ross. -下车买巧克力棒 -别介意了 罗斯- I got an extra one. You want this? - No. -我多买了一个 要吗 -不要Hows my favorite parenting team doing? 我最爱的父母团准备如何Dr. Franzblau. Hi. 弗兰兹布朗医生 你好I understand youre thinking of having a baby. 我了解你们在考虑生宝宝的事I see youre nine months pregnant. Thats a good start. 看来你已怀胎九月了 这是好的开始- How are you doing with your contractions? - I love them. -你宫缩的情况如何 -我爱死了Each ones like a little party in my uterus. 每收缩一次都像是子宫里在狂欢Every 4 minutes, lasting 55 seconds. 每4分钟一次 每次55秒59 seconds. Quartz. 是59秒 石英表 赢你Swiss quartz. 瑞士石英表 休想- Am I allowed to drink anything? - lce chips. just ice chips. -我能喝饮料吗 -冰沙 只能喝冰沙- Theyre at the nurses station. - Ill get it! -护士站有 -我去拿- No,Ill get it. - No, Im getting it. -不 我去拿 -别 我这就去Hi. Thought you might like some ice chips. 嗨 我想你或许想喝点冰沙- Thanks. - And if you need anything else l. -谢谢 -如果还需要别的 我.do not believe weve met. 我们还没见过吧Im Rachel Green. 我叫瑞秋格林Im Carols ex-husbands sisters roommate. 卡罗尔前夫妹妹的室友Nice to meet you. Im Dr. Franzblau. 幸会 我是弗兰兹布朗医生Im your roommates brothers ex-wifes obstetrician. 你室友哥哥前妻的产科医生Oh, thats funny. 真有趣I want a baby. 我想要个宝宝Not tonight, honey. I got an early day tomorrow. 今晚不行亲爱的 明天我得早起Get up. Come on. Lets get some coffee. 起来 快点 我们去买咖啡Okay, because we never do that. 好吧 这倒是前所未闻Shoot, shoot, shoot. Or just fall down. Thats good too. 投篮 投 投 或是倒下也成 挺好- Knick fan? - Oh, yeah. -尼克斯迷吗 -对- Oh, boy, do they suck. -Listen, lady -天啊 他们烂透了 -听着 女士Look. Look at your man, Ewing. 看看你喜欢的尤恩Nice shoot. You know what, 好球 你知道吗He couldnt hit water if he was standing on a boat. 他就算站在船上往水里投球都不会中- Oh yeah? And who do you like? - Celtics. -是吗 那你支持谁 -凯尔特人Celtics? They couldnt hit a boat if 凯尔特人 他们连船都击不中 除非Wait. 等等They suck, all right? 反正他们很烂 好吗Shut up. You know, its a rebuilding year 闭嘴 你知道吗 今年是重建年Let me get the father. 我帮你叫孩子爸爸去We need a father over here. We need a father. 来人啊 我们这儿需要个爸爸Theres no father. 这孩子没有爸爸- Oh, sorry. - Thats okay. Im fine. Im. -抱歉 -没关系 我没事Okay. Right this way. 这边来All the other pregnant women seem to be going in here. 所有的孕妇似乎都往这儿走*Theyre tiny and chubby and so sweet to touch* *他们小小的肉肉的手感很棒*But soon theyll grow up* *但不久他们会长大*And resent you so much* *对你恨之入骨*Now theyre yelling at you* *现在他们对你大吼大叫*And you don t know why* *而你不知原因何在*And you cry and you cry and you cry* *你只能哭啊哭啊哭个不停*And you cry and you cry and you cry* *你只能哭啊哭啊哭个不停*- Thanks, Ross. - Im paying you to stop. OK? -谢谢 罗斯 -我是付钱请你别唱了OK. 好Oh, look, twins. Hi, guys. Oh, cute. 看啊 是双胞胎 好可爱No fair. 不公平I dont even have one. How come they get two? 我一个都没有 他们怎会有两个- Youll get one. - Oh yeah? When? -你也会有的 -是吗 什么时候Ill tell you what. When were 40, if neither of us are married. 这样吧 如果我们到了40岁时都还单身.what do you say you and I get together and have one? 我们就在一起生个娃 如何Why wont I be married when Im 40? 为何我会到了40岁还单身Oh no no no. No, I just meant hypothetically. 不不不你误会了 只是个假设- Hypothetically, why wont I be married when Im 40? -No. -假设 为何我到了40岁还单身 -不是What is it? Seriously, is there something unmarriable about me? 为什么 说真的 我不适合结婚吗Well? 怎么回事Well? 源自西方著名笑话Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack. 我的老天 这降落伞是个背包Look at you, dressy-dress. 看看你 盛装登场Did you go home and change? 你是回家换了衣服吗Its an impor
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