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英语励志小短文演讲稿(精华11篇)(英语演讲稿30秒简单励志) 演讲稿可以帮助发言者更好的表达。在快速变化和不断变革的新时代,能够利用到演讲稿的场合越来越多,相信写演讲稿是一个让许多人都头痛的问题。下面是我整理的英语励志小短文演讲稿(精华11篇)(英语演讲稿30秒简单励志),供大家阅读。 英语励志小短文演讲稿1Change The Ingredients Of Your LifeThis is a glass of water, tasteless, rightHowever if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. The same is true with our life the flavor is created by our choices.If kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. If love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. If dont like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.Three year ago, I weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which causedsignificant embarrassment and frustration in my life. Like always failing my P.E examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. It was my grandmothers encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. She said “ My dear, if you cant change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. So I began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. By choosing to change my outlook on life, I developed the confidence to make a difference and finally I found a totally new world.So my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. And hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.英语励志小短文演讲稿2做好自己The Art of Being YouThese are challenging times when we lose faith in the world and even in ourselves. Most of us think that we are in control of our lives or destiny1, but it is not always like that. It is time for us to look inward and find our inner power.这是充满挑战的时刻当我们对世界甚至自己失去信心。我们中的大多数人认为自己能够掌握自己的生活或命运,然而事实却并非总是如此。这时我们应审视内心,并寻找自身的内在潜能。We truly have everything in our lives to make us happy, but we have trouble recognizing it. Happiness does not come from material things, money or the love of an admirer. Yes, material things can make us happy; money is something nice to have; love from another person can bring lots of pleasure, but real happiness comes from our own minds. It is the art of being you.我们的确已经拥有生活中那些能够令我们感到幸福的事,只是还未意识到。幸福并非来自物质享受、金钱或仰慕者的喜爱。是的,物质享受能够令我们感到开心;拥有金钱是件美事;来自仰慕者的喜爱给我们带来愉悦,但真正的幸福来自我们内心做自己的艺术。You cant have everything you want, but you can have happiness by accepting all the good things in your life. The time we have on this earth is limited3, so take time to enjoy and appreciate a hot shower, the smell of a rose, the laughter of children and the feeling of the warm summer sun on your skin.你无法拥有自己想要的一切,但接受生活中所有的美好仍可令你感到幸福。生命有限,因此请珍惜时间。享受一个热水澡、玫瑰的芬芳、孩子的笑声和夏日阳光洒在皮肤上的温暖感觉,并对这些心存感激。The art of being you is to feel the gratitude4 and peace of being alive. Take a quiet moment to thank everything for allowing you to live on the earth to discover happiness. Once you do this, you will know the great value of the art of being you. What more can you ask for?做自己的艺术在于感受活着的平和并对其心存感激。找一个安静的时刻感激所有令你能够活在世上并发现幸福的事物。一旦做过,你便会知道做自己的价值所在。人生如此,夫复何求?英语励志小短文演讲稿3This is a multiple choice questions, could you tell me: senior year, I use the attitude of how to grow? Answer: happy, pessimistic, make public, positive, rebellious, forbear, stick to, give up and shake of hardship and struggle. You may meet the challenge in the storm, can also learn to strong and enduring in failure. No matter what your choice is, three high, this is the growth of a struggle process.Mr Yu has been in the win in China issued a theory of the grass tree: there are two kinds of peoples way of life, the first is like grass alive: growing up again, you still grow up, people can tread you, wont produce the pain, because people itself didnt see you, so every one of us should grow like a tree. Even if we now are nothing, but as long as you have the tree seed, even if you are stepped on earth the middle, you still can absorb soil nutrients. You maybe two years three older is not big, but a decade eight years twenty years you can grow into towering trees. Tree, alive is a beautiful scenery, dead still is pillars just. Living dead are useful. In three of this article is a bit bumpy road, we should all in everyones heart with the seed of a tree. Regardless of wind and rain wet eyes or wind broken skin, should be stalked a steadfast head high to meet belong to high in the thorns. Then, we slowly have a tree trunk, forceful and vigorous. Although there are some see rough arm scar, but was poured with envious eyes.Perhaps, three journey, we can not long be great trees like Mr Yu said, but, as long as we always have the dream of tree species, we will be able to wait until that day, the sun is shining, shining on us on the g
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