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www.docin.com/zhjh19780218开心学英语四年级教案上下全册开心学英语四年级上全册教案Unit One Hi , GogoThe first period (第一课时)(Conversation、Vocabulary、Review)一、 教学目标1, To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler二、 教学重点1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third preson, singular ,present tense;2、 人称代词单复数的区分;3、 能正确记住Do you have ?的用法三、 教学难点1、 能准确书写所学的单词;2、 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;四、 教学过程 (1)1、 Greetings Say hello to the new students2、 Presentation :To find a few students to play a role3、 To over look the unfamiliar words ; 4、 Let the students practice a few minutes, then perform it.5、 Try to recite Conversation together. (2)1,To teach the new words in Vocabulary2、to present the new words ;To do the motions to help remember the words.3、listen to the tape for Review4、A few students to repeat after the tape, then the whole class. 5、To write down the sentences and practise while the teacherask and answer questions.6、 The students work: practice with their partners7、 A few students demonstrate the questions (3)1、 To teach the students say the rhyme and help them to remember the new content.2、 Go over all the knowledge and summarize. (4) Homework1、To copy the words 2、To recite Conversation 3、Make preparations for the dictation. The second period (第二课时) (Practice1 Practice2 Song Activity1) 教学目标1. To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler.五、 教学重点1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;2、 人称代词单复数的区分;3、 能正确记住Do you have 等的用法。六、 教学难点 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;能准确书写所学的单词。 七、 教学过程 1.Revision (recall the new words together, dictation.)T ask a student “Whats this?”。then result in “ Im thirsty. 2To use the same way to show the sentences of Practice1,Listen to the tape and circle the answer3.To check the answer(2) 1.The teacher ask the student a question and review “ Are you hungry? ” 2. Hold up a object and say :I have a ruler. Do you have a ruler? Yes, I do To extend the key point “No, I dont” 3. repeat the same way to get other objects involved .1、 Pair work (3)1. To listen to the tape twice2. To sing after the tape3. Hold a competition between the boys and girds4. check over ( 4) 1、区分人称代词的数。2、用RHYME 的方式去区分,如:人称代词你我他她 你 you ,我 I ,他 he , 她 she物主代词你/我/他/她的 你的 your , 我的 my ,他的 his ,她的her单数复数要分清你们 you ,我们 we ,他/她们they个个记牢,动脑筋莫出笑话,莫出错(1) 学生做练习(2) 检查,反馈(5) To summarize the contents:(1) To look over the contents(2) Homework: copy the sentences of Practice1 The third period (第三课时)(activity2, sounds and words1and2)一 、教学目标1, To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.不同2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler二、 教学重点2、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;3、 人称代词单复数的区分;4、 能正确记住Do you have de的用法三、教学难点5、 能准确书写所学的单词;6、 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;四、教学过程1. Ask the student to look over the Sounds and the words2. To write them down and let them to distinguish the words in v.+s/es3. to read after the teacher and then listen to the tape 4. ask a few students to repeat 5. ask the student to use “Can you?” to ask their partner about the words6. To look over Part2 then look at the screenTo find out the V.7. Play a game: a few students to point out the thing while hear what the teacher say 8. To summarize the contents9.Homework: review this UnitUnit 2 What day is it today?Teaching Target : What day is it today? Its Monday.What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.Teaching Key: New words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sounds and words:/ju:/The first period: (第一课时)一、词汇1、教师把图画卡片挂在黑板上。T:(指着Sunday) Its Sunday. Repeat. Ss: Its SundayT: What day is it today? Its .( 引导学生答)用一周的其他几天继续进行活动。T:All the days together make one week .(出示图画卡片)Week. Repeat.Ss: Week.2、 Look at the teachers mouth, then guess the words.3、 Read together and pair work.4、新课呈现T: Open your books to page 10.Listen to the tape and repeat, point to each day as you say it .播放录音,让学生跟读一周的每一天。至于week这个单词,可让学生在图片的月历上圈出一个礼拜T:(指着Saturday ) Is it Wednesday? Ss :No, it isnt . Its Saturday.(指着Monday )Is it Monday ?Ss: Yes, it is教师必要时做示范。指着一周的其他几天,问类似的问题。对话二、对话的学习:1、教师带一本大的月历和一些体育器材,如:一个篮球,一个乒乓球拍等,进入教室。Review the words .(做练习)T:What day is it today?(指着月历上一周的每一天,然后指着当天的日子)oh, its (Tuesday).教
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