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扉页(英文) Cultural Factors in Chinese & English Proverbs Translation(Times New Roman二号加粗 居中)byLi HairongWang Zhiyun, Tutor(Times New Roman小二 居中)Registered No. 09301040126Faculty of Foreign LanguagesShanghai Business SchoolDecember, 2011(Times New Roman小二)论文摘要(英文)英文摘要字数不少于150词,单独一页。及关键词Abstract(Times New Roman二号,加粗,居中)Proverbs reflect colorful national culture in (Times New Roman四号).(空一行)Key words: proverbs; translation; culture; differences(Times New Roman四号)说明:1关键词3-5个,词与词之间用分号隔开,除专有名词外,其他单词首字母不大写,最后一个词后面无标点符号。2“摘要”下空一行写摘要内容,摘要内容与关键词之间空一行。论文摘要(中文)单独一页及关键词摘要一号,黑体,居中谚语宋体三号. (英文摘要的对应译文)关键词:(宋体四号,加粗)谚语;翻译;文化;区别(宋体四号)说明:1中文摘要的内容和关键词应与英文摘要相对应,关键词3-5个,词与词之间用分号隔开。2“摘要”下空一行写摘要内容,摘要内容与关键词之间空一行。Contents(Times New Roman小二号加粗,居中,目录占一或两页)Statement (in Chinese) .IAbstract (in English).IIAbstract (in Chinese).III论文原创性声明、英文摘要、中文摘要的页码编制用罗马数字I,II,III。I. Introduction .1从Introduction开始至acknowledgements用阿拉伯数字1、2、3。可通过分节来设置页码。(一级标题,Times New Roman四号,加粗,“”与页码不加粗,后面页码应排齐,下同)II. The Characteristics of Idioms2A. (二级标题,Times New Roman四号,不加粗).2B. .3III. The Translation of Idioms .4A. Differences between Literal Translation and Free Translation .41. (三级标题,Times New Roman四号,不加粗)52. 一级标题靠左,不空格,二级标题空两格,三级标题再空两格,依次类推。但最好不要超过四级。.5 2.1 (四级标题,Times New Roman四号,不加粗).6B. .6C. .6D. .7IV. Different Cultures in China and Western Countries 8A. .9B. .9C. .10V. Conclusion .11Bibliography.12Acknowledgements .13 Cultural Factors in Chinese & English Proverbs Translation(标题用Times New Roman二号加粗,居中;一级标题用Times New Roman四号加粗;英文正文用Times New Roman小四;一级标题与上一段落间空一行, 每段首句空四个字母,单倍行距; 如出现四级标题,四级标题与段落首行之间为1.5倍行距。)I. Introduction(Times New Roman四号加粗,下同)Idioms are II. The Characteristics of IdiomsA.(二级标题,Times New Roman四号)B. III. The Translation of IdiomsA. Differences between Literal Translation and Free Translation 1. (三级标题,Times New Roman四号).2. .2.1. (四级标题,Times New Roman小四号) B. .C. .D. .
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