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词形变化填空题的应试技巧一、 题型分析这个题型主要考查动词的形态变化,也就是说,根据句子的实际情况将动词的原形变为 适当的形式。还包括少量的试题考查根据构词法知识形成的形容词、名词和代词(反身代词) 等的词形变化。二、 应试技巧1. 熟练掌握动词词形变化规律。 注意:动词形式既包括谓语动词的各种形式,如时态、语态及语气(直陈、虚拟)等,虚拟 语气为重点,几年来的考题中都有这方面内容;包括非谓语动词的各种形式。所以做动词的 词形变化时,首先要搞清楚它在句中是谓语动词还是非谓语动词,然后再作相应的变化。2. 认真学好并熟习构词法知识。特别是动词、形容词、名词、副词的相互转换;通过加词 缀构成具有否定意义的词。3. 认真钻研相关的语法讲解:主要指谓语动词、非谓语动词、情态动词、虚拟语气、习惯 搭配等部分。动词是考试的重点。主要包括动词的时态、语态、语气和非谓语动词。 词形变化填空题题型一: 动词的时态:重点是动词的过去式,完成时动词的时态:重点是动词的过去式,完成时(1 ) Seeing violence one television or reading about it in the newspapers every day (make)us tolerate crime more than we should .(2) They used to (work)twelve or fourteen hours a day at that time.( 3 ) Some people think relations between people (deteriorate) so much thatunderstanding and friendship are almost im-possible.( have deteriorated)(4) Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what (happen)to her.( had happened)(5) Some proverbs (be)in the language for 1,000 years ,for example, “A friend inneed is a friend indeed.”(6) In the past two decade, research (expand)our knowledge about sleep anddream.(has expanded)词形变化填空题题型二: 动词的语态动词的语态:主要掌握各个时态的被动式,特别是被动语态的过去式,完成时The nations that actively (involve) in earthquake prediction programs includeJapan, Russia, and the United States.(are involved)词形变化填空题题型三: 动词不定式A.动词不定式:主要考查动词不定式作定语,宾语,宾语补足语及不带 to 的不定式,某些动词后固定用不定式等的用法.还要注意动词不定式的被动式和完成式.1不定式作主语不定式作主语可前置,也可后置。后置时,通常用形式主语it,将不定式后移,使用形 式主语it时,有两种结构:for +名词/代词+不定式 与of +名词/代词+不定式,后一 种句子中的形容词可表示不定式逻辑主语的品质、特点、性情等,如:It is important for you to use your time wisely.It was brave of him to drive from the cliff.用在” of + 名词/代词 + 不定式”结构中的形容词常见的有: wrong, foolish, rude, silly, stupid, selfish, absurd, bold, careless, cruel, honest, good, careful, polite, nice, thoughtful, considerate, kind, generous 等。2不定式作表语 动词不定式可在大部分系动词后作表语,该表语仅用来说明主语的内容,有时常用来表 示预定要发生的行为,或表示未来的可能性与假设,如:The objective of the teacher should be to make sure that the students understand what they read.Are we to hand in the exercises on Monday ?但注意“be +still/yet +不定式”这种结构往往含有否定的意义,如: We have made some achievements. We are still to be modest and prudent.3不定式作宾语(1)动词不定式可接在很多动词后作宾语,但有少量动词只能跟不定式作宾语,如: afford, agree, decide, determine, desire, expect, fail, happen, hope, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, resolve, tend, intend, threaten, wish, attempt, expect, choose, claim, neglect, hesitate 等。(2)动词不定式一般不单独作介词的宾语,只有少数几个介词可以接不定式作宾语,这几 个介词是 but, besides, except, save, instead of 等。但应注意: but, besides, except, save, 等介词一般仅在含有否定意义的句子里才能接不定式作宾语,如:He will do anything for you except to lend you money.There was nothing for it but to give Tom best and go home.Instead of 前后所连接的两个成份对等,若前面的一个成份为不定式,那么后面的成份也应 用不定式。(3)有些结构后面要求跟不带to的不定式,这些不定式有的能作宾语,有的不能,常见的 有: had better, had rather, may just as well, rather than, would rather, would sooner, would you please 等。Rather than leave everything to the last minute, he always prefers to start early.You had better go now. Its getting late.Since she is angry, we might as well leave her alone.注意:rather/sooner than位于句首时,其后的不定式必须省掉to,位于句末时,to可省可 不省,如:Rather than go by bus, he walks to his office every day.He walks to his office every day rather than (to) go by bus.(4)动词 know 后面不能直接跟不定式作宾语,只能用结构: 动词 + 疑问词 + 不定式, 如:While still a young boy, he knew how to play the piano well. 能以这种结构作宾语的动词还有: consider, discover, explain, forget, guess, imagine, learn, observe, remember, see, tell, think, understand, wonder 等They asked how to get to the station. Have you decided whether go an outing.(5) 不定式作宾语时,常用形式宾语it代替,并把不定式移到句末,结构为:动词+ it + 形容词/名词 + 不定式,能以这种结构作宾语补足语的动词有: feel, think, find, consider, judge, make 等,如: He feels it challenging to be a supermarket manager.(6)一部分动词后面要求跟不带 to 的不定式作宾语补足语,这类动词有: feel, let, have, hear, make, notice, observe, see, watch; help 后面的不定式可以带 to,也可以不带 to, 如:On seeing the young child fall into the lake, Eric sprang to his feet, and went to the rescue.He helped me (to) mow the lawn.4不定式作定语(1) 有些名词要求用不定式作定语,常见的有: ability, ambition,anything, attempt, capability, chance, courage, curiosity, decision, desire, determination, effort, failure, hope, intention, need, nothing, opportunity, order, place, promise, reason, refusal, right, something, strength, struggle, tendency, time, way, wish 等,如:The examiner will test your ability to drive under normal road conditions.Theres no need to bother him with such trifles.(2)由 only, last, next 序数词或形容词最高级修饰的名词,常用不定式作定语,如:The next man to come was Grey.He is always the last one to leave the office.This is the third case of smallpox(天花)to occur in the town.(3)有时作定语的不定式与被它修饰的名词间有主谓、动宾关系,用来表示动作发生的地 点、使用的工具等,这时,这一不定式后面通常有一个介词来表示这种关系。如:Little Ruth found no one to play with.The smell tells the bees what kind of flowers to look for.注意: 不及物动词的不定式后面要跟介词。如:Astronauts can be affected by loneliness. They may have to sit in the spacecraft for weeks with very little to do and no one to talk to.
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