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-第一学期大学英语(1)期末复习题(在每道题下面一行拖动鼠标即可显出答案)窗体顶端I. 单选题Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (每题1分,共80题)1. He is indifferent _ praise or blame. A. fromB. at C. for D. to Key(1): D2. Good-bye, Mr. Chen. Im pleased _. A. to meet youB. meeting you C. to have been meeting you D. to have met you Key(2): D3. The trouble seems to be that income tax is progressive, so that the richer you get, the less rich you are than _. A. what you think you ought to be B. what you thought you ought to be C. what you thought you should be D. you think you ought to be Key(3): D4. Every familiar object she touched seemed to have a new meaning for her. A. friendly B. well known C. similar Key(4): B5. Families might get _ a car and go _ a drive in the country. A. onto B. infor C. forin D. toon Key(5): B6. I feel as if I you justice, or loved you as you deserved. A. never doingB. had done neverC. had never done D. has never done Key(6): C7. He enjoys a good humor and gets along well _ his classmates. A. withB. toC. atD. against Key(7): A8. I saw the day before yesterday. A. the both other two girls B. the two other both girlsC. the both two other girls D. both the other two girls Key(8): D9. _due to leave for a Caribbean cruise tomorrow? A. Is she the ship whichB. Is it the ship whoC. Is she the ship whoD. Is she the ship Key(9): D10. They would _ for Guangzhou the next morning and so they went to bed early. A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set to Key(10): A11. A world famous architect has _ this building for the Olympic Games. A. buildB. designedC. playedD. exhibit Key(11): B12. I tried _ the window, but that didnt help. I still felt cold. A. to close B. closing C. to closingD. to be closing Key(12): B13. Dont you know he is an old friend of_? A. my brotherB. my brothersC. my brothersD. my brothers friend Key(13): C14. Mary wants to become _ university student A. anB. aC. theD. / Key(14): B15. _ in such an atmosphere was not a state of affairs that the Court should encourage. A. For the child to have brought up B. For the child to bring up C. For the child to be brought upD. For the child to have been bringing up Key(15): C16. Dont you know he is an old friend of _? A. my brotherB. my brothersC. my brothersD. myh brothers friend Key(16): C17. He made _. A. to settle the matter his prime objectiveB. it his prime objective settling the matterC. it his prime objective to settle the matterD. settle the matter his prime objective Key(17): C18. Im not going to buy that dictionary. _ A. I dont eitherB. So I amC. Neither am I D. I am not too Key(18): C19. _ him much. A. I like B. I dont likeC. I liked D. Everybody likes Key(19): B20. Having left school, Catherine began to look about _ a suitable job A. atB. forC. onD. in Key(20): B21. _ one thing and another, we have up to now failed to take any action. A. Wait forB. But that C. What with D. With Key(21): C22. Then when the interview ended, he asked his secretary to show Catherine _ the work place. A. throughB. around C. intoD. for Key(22): B23. This is one of _ interesting books I have ever read A. the mostB. the most of theC. mostD. most of the Key(23): A24. Catherine spent a lot of time _ English.A. to studyB. studyingC. studyD. studied Key(24): in25. She thinks it was fairly easy to learn some grammar aspects, such as tense, as she heard them being actually used outside the classroom. The underlined word means _. A. evenlyB. hardlyC. rather D. often Key(25): C26. He lived his life apart from the mass of workers _. A. from the skill of whom he dependedB. from whose skill
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