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高考英语阅读试题的命题方向与试题设计高考英语的命题者一般要遵循年度英语考试大纲中关于阅读理解试题的六个命题方向,然后根据这六个命题方向设计出20个小题,每题2分。通常,这六个微技能考点题量的分布如下:文章的主旨大义1道左右;事实细节9道左右;简单的推理判断6道;推断词义1道;文章结构1道;作者的态度和意图2道。其中,事实细节题为表层理解题,其他11小题为深层理解题。下面分而述之。一表层理解试题的命题方向我们先讨论表层理解的试题的一般命题方向。这9道事实细节题虽属表层理解,主要检测学生的文章认读能力,也就是对文章提供的具体事实和线索能加以辨读,但现在的考题也要求考生注意全文的综合性事实,也就是采用多线诘问法,而不全是单线诘问法。(尽管近年的单线诘问法的考题仍然有,但不是主流,而且相对比较容易,我们这里不予讨论。)这就要求考生必须全文把握。一般而论,在多线诘问法中命题者又有以下两种诘问方法:肯定性多线诘问法所谓多线诘问实际上就是考查考生对散布在全文中的重要的信息点的认读与辨析的能力,要求考生既能再认,又能辨认!而肯定性则是指四个选项中有而且只有一个是肯定性的且符合文章线索的正确项,另外三个则是不符合文章线索的错误选项。通常的提问方法是:Which of the following.is true? 我们研究高考英语全国卷和地方卷中阅读理解试题的提问方式,可以从中看出命题者的肯定性多线诘问法的一般设计。这需要考生对四个选项(四个文章细节)做出正确的认读与辨析,否则,就会因误读而误判!例如:1According to the author, which of the following statements is true? (05皖-62)2Which of the following describes a well-designed tool? (05京-61)3Which of the following is most probably written in informal English?(05渝-68)4Which of the following is the correct order of shopping with the computerized shopping carts?(05浙-54)5Choose the correct statements from the following according to the passage. (05闽-59)6How many reasons are mentioned for a visit to lighthouse?(05渝-70)否定性多线诘问法否定性多线诘问法刚好和肯定性多线诘问法相反,是命题者希望考生从所给的四个选项,也就是从四个文章细节中排除三个肯定的且符合文章线索的选项,选择一个不符合文章线索的选项。主要的问题设计是:Which of the following is NOT mentioned.?All the following .EXCEPT.?对于这种诘问法,考生一般会有三种错误。一是审题失误,二是答题失忆,三是正误失判。审题错误反映考生对EXCEPT或NOT没注意或没看清楚或没反应过来!答题失忆则说明考生在答题过程中,特别是在文中找细节时(重读)忘记了题目的原意!正误失判则表明考生对正确选项和肯定选项不能很好地和很清楚地区分开来。请参看以下问题设计。1The British try to solve the problem of queuing by all the following EXCEPT _.(05粤-70)2 All the following are included in the price of 299 EXCEPT _.(05闽-68)3Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? (05赣-62)4Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?(05苏-62)5Which of the following CANNOT be true according to the passage?(05沪-78)严格意义上讲,题干采用否定诘问并不是很好的做法。二深层理解试题的命题方向高考英语阅读理解试题不仅要求考生对表层理解辨读无碍,而且要求对其中的深层理解试题也能举重若轻。不过,我们要特别提醒的是深层理解试题既需要考生的抽象概括能力,又需要考生对全文有良好的驾御能力和一定的逻辑推理能力。深层理解试题主要检测考生理解文章主旨要义、简单的推理判断、根据上下文推断词义、理解文章结构以及理解作者的意图和态度等五个方面的能力。这些既是从测试规律中获得的一般经验,也是考生必要的也是必须掌握的阅读技能。文章主旨要义题的一般设计文章主旨要义的命题方向一般有三种诘问方式。最佳标题法:即直接诘问最佳标题,这要求考生必须对全文有高度的概括并可以通过该标题回顾文章主题。此类诘问一般全卷有1道,也有2道的(05国1-58和62)。例如:1What might be the most suitable title for the text?(05皖-63)2Which of the following would be the best title for the text? (05国3-41)3What might be the most suitable title for the text?(05浙-56)全文主旨法:即诘问文章主题内容,这也要求考生有一定抽象思维的能力,并能恰倒好处地把握全文。例如:1The text is mainly about _ .(05国3-54)2What does this passage mainly talk about?(05渝-71)3The passage mainly tells us about _ in UK.(05沪-79)段落要义法:即就某一段落诘问考生以检测考生对段落的把握能力。1What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?(05浙-60)2We can learn from the last paragraph that_.(05浙-55)3In the last paragraph, the writer implies that there is a long way to go _ .(05鄂-71)推理判断题的一般设计考生通过对一篇文章的阅读后应该可以根据文章的脉络、语气、事实细节、逻辑等做出一般性的简单的推理判断。可以说,只要把文章认真看过并且读懂,一般的推理题对于考生而言不算太难。不过,各位考生要特别留意字里行间,并对命题人的一般诘问方式有所体会。一般而论,推理判断题有以下几种诘问方式。主体是全文推断,这显而易见地说明对全文的把握是考生必须具备的能力。全文推断1It can be inferred from the text that _.(05皖-61)2We may infer from the text that the criminal knows how to reach the car owners because _ .(05国3-53)3What can be inferred from the passage?(05渝-58)4From the passage, we can conclude that _.(05辽-59)5According to the text, the Sierra Club is most likely to be _.(05鲁-68)6We may conclude from the passage that _.(05津-55)段落推断1We learn from paragraph 1 that_ .(05国3-58)单句推断1What can we infer from the sentence “But has the world changed?” in the second paragraph?(赣-61)事例推断1From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters _.(05皖-74)2Kristen felt sad and cried because _.(05粤-58)来源推断1The two letters most probably appear in a _.(05湘-71)文脉推断1What do you think the author is most likely to suggest if he continues to write?(05苏-75)2What information will probably be provided following the last paragraph?(05沪-75)对象推断1The intended readers of the passage are_.(05沪-73)词义推断题的一般设计词义推断能力也是考生必须具备的阅读技能之一。一般来讲,根据上下文我们本可以轻松推断出我们不懂的生词,但是,在考试状态下我们的思维水平并不是正常值,这就要求我们必须了解命题者对这种问题的一般设计。词义推断题通常有三种诘问法。可能词义法1The underlined word “survey” in the first paragraph most probably means _.(05皖-56)肯定词义法1The underlined word “detour” in paragraph 5 means _.(05国1-61)2The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way” in Paragraph 4 means _.(05渝-68)最佳词义法1The word “satiated” in paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “_”.(05沪-76)2The word “presumptuous” in the middle of the passage is closest in meaning to “_”.(05沪-70)文章结构题的一般设计文章结构题检测的是考生对文章的结构把握能力。通常有两种设计。一是指代诘问法,是考查考生对文章中指示代词对前文或后文的指代的判断能力。二是组织结构法,是考查考生对文章的结构与组织形式的判断能力。指代诘问法1The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to _.(05皖-72)2The underlined word “they” in the l
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