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Unit 6 In the kitchen 基础巩固 Review第一课时Story time一、英汉互译。1.等不及 2.一些土豆 3.洗一些蔬菜 4.寻找 5.烧肉 6.一位很棒的厨师 7.a football game 8.in the kitchen 9.smell nice 10.some apple juice 二、根据所给中文提示填空。1. Do you want to have some _(西红柿) soup? Yes, please.2. Are there any _(蔬菜) at home?Yes. We have some peas and broccoli(西兰花).3. How do you usually cook _(土豆)?I usually cut them into pieces and cook them with peppers(辣椒).4. The meat _(闻起来) bad. Dont eat it.5. How is the fish, Judy?I _(喜爱) it very much. Youre a great cook!三、从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当的形式填空,每个短语限用一次。wash apples look for come home be ready eat some meat1. Would you like _, Cindy?No, thanks. Id like some carrots.2. Mike, breakfast _. Come and have it. OK.3. Lucy _from a dressing party. She has a good time there.4. Where is your mum, Helen?She is _in the kitchen.5. What are you _?My pen, Mum. I cant find it. 能力提升 Unit四、单项选择。( )1. Whos _the dishes? Wang Bing is.A. washes B. wash C. washing( )2. Is your mother _fish soup?Yes. She can _ nice fish soup.A. cooks; cook B. cooking; cook C. cooking; cooks( )3. _there _meat here?A. Is; any B. Are; any C. Are; some( )4. The child is _his ball, but he cant find it.A. looking at B. looking C. looking for五、按要求完成句子。1. Im chatting with my grandpa on the Internet.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ chatting with _grandpa?2. Nancy is studying English at home.(改为否定句)Nancy _ _English at home.3. There is some coffee in the cup.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_there _coffee in the cup? No, there _.4. Uncle Fred is reading newspapers on the bench.(对画线部分提问)_is reading newspapers on the bench?5. The fish is yummy. (对画线部分提问)_ _the fish? 拓展训练 Goal六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Coconut(椰蓉) and mango cheesecakeIngredients(原料): biscuits(饼干), butter(黄油), sugar(食糖), coconut cream, milk, cheese, mango juice, fresh mangoesSteps(步骤):1. Put some biscuits in a big bowl. Break the biscuits into small pieces.2. Add(添加) some butter and sugar into the bowl. Mix them with the biscuits.3. Put the biscuits in a big cake tin. Press(压) them hard to make the bottom of the cheesecake.4. Mix together some coconut cream, milk and cheese in a big bowl.5. Add some mango juice into the bowl. Skip(跳过) this step if you do not have any mango juice.6. Pour the mixture on the top of the biscuits. Put the tin into the fridge.7. After six hours, slice some mangoes and put them on the top of the cheesecake.( )1. To make the coconut and mango cheesecake, we need seven or eight ingredients.( )2. We should put the biscuits in a cake tin to make the top of the cheesecake.( )3. Pour the mixture of coconut cream, milk and cheese on the top of the biscuits before we put the tin into the fridge.( )4. If we dont have the mango juice, we cannot make this cheesecake.( )5. The coconut and mango cheesecake needs a long time to make.参考答案第一课时 Story time一、1.cant wait 2.some potatoes 3.wash some vegetables 4.look for 5.cook meat 6.a great cook 7.一场足球比赛 8.在厨房里 9.闻起来香 10.一些苹果汁二、1. tomato 2. vegetables 3. potatoes 4. smells 5. love三、1. to eat some meat 2. is ready 3. comes home 4. washing apples 5. looking for四、1. C 2. B3. A 解析本句为 there be句型的一般疑问句,句子的主语meat为不可数名词,所以句子用 be动词 is 引导。在一般疑问句中表示“一些”要用 any。故选 A。4. C 解析根据“he cant find it”可知,第一个分句想表达的是“这个小孩正在找他的球”,表示“找,寻找”用 look for。故选C。五、1. Where are you, your 2. isnt studying 3. Is, any, isnt 4. Who 5. How is六、1. T 解析根据 Ingredients 处的八种原料和“Skip this step if you do not have any mango juice.”可知,做椰蓉芒果奶酪蛋糕一般需要巴中原料,但如果没有芒果汁也没关系,所以需要的原料有七或八钟。故填T。2. F 解析根据步骤3可知,把饼干放在一个大的蛋糕烤盘里,用力压实是为了做奶酪蛋糕的底部,而不是做蛋糕的顶部。故填 F。3. T 解析根据步骤 4、5 和 6 可知,在将烤盘放进冰箱之前,需要将椰奶、牛奶、奶酪(和芒果汁)这三(四)种原料的混合物倒在饼干上面。故填 T。4. F 解析根据“Skip this step if you do not have any mango juice.”可知,如果没有芒果汁,可以直接跳过步骤5,而不是缺少这一原料就做不成蛋糕。故填 F。5. T 解析根据“After six hours”可知,完成这个椰蓉芒果奶酪蛋糕需要很长时间。故填 T。
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