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Unit 6 In the kitchen第三课时 Sound timeCartoon time 基础巩固 Review一、选出下列每组单词中画线部分音标不同的一项。( )1. A. peach B. ready C. meat D. please( )2. A. queen B. quick C. quiet D. cook( )3. A. chopsticks B. headache C. check D. choose( )4. A. win B. pick C. with D. white( )5. A. tomato B. golden C. metro D. from二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Is your mother _(look) for her new clothes? Yes, she is.2. Mike _(come) _(help)_(we).3. Liu Tao _(love) the meal because his parents are good _(cook).4. Look! Yang Ling _(help) her mother _(wash) the dishes now.5. Whats Wang Bing doing? He is _(write) a letter.三、单项选择。( )1. Dont eat too much _. You can eat many _.A. meat; vegetables B. vegetables; meat C. meats; vegetables( )2. Look! The lion _ the flies(苍蝇) away.A. is driving B. drive C. drives( )3. I am _some juice on the table. But I cant _ it.A. look for; find B. looking for; find C. finding; look for( )4. Sam is _apples _the tree.A. pick; to B. picking; to C. picking; from( )5. The king is coming _ his new clothes.A. wears B. wear C. wearing 能力提升 Unit四、从II栏中选出与I栏相对应的答句,将其序号写在提前的括号内。I II( )1.How are the noodles?A.Not at all.( )2.Are you cooking fish?B.They are nice.( )3.Where are they eating?C.Yes, there is.( )4.Thank you for your help, my friends.D.Bobbys cousin is.( )5.Whos drinking Sams grape juice?E.In the kitchen.( )6.Is there any milk in the fridge?F.No. Im cleaning the kitchen.( )7.What do you have for lunch?G.Some rice and vegetables.五、看图,选择与所给句子相对应的图片。( )1. Martin puts the paper into his pocket and goes home happily.( )2. Then he laughs and shouts to the dog,“It doesnt matter. You dont know how to cook it! The paper is in my pocket!”( )3. The butcher(屠夫) tells him the way of cooking the meat.“I cant remember your words,”Martin says.“Can you write them down?”The butcher writes the words on a piece of paper.( )4. Martin buys a piece of meat, but he doesnt know how to cook it.( )5. Suddenly a dog takes away the meat from his hand and runs away. Martin doesnt know what to do. 拓展训练 Goal六、完形填空。Hello, my name is Lizzie. I love 1 , and my mum and dad call me their Little Chef. I have my own special hat and coat. They 2 me very well.Chefs have to 3 early and stay up late. This morning I wake up Mum and Dad very early 4 it is a very special day. Grandma is coming over for dinner. I want to cook a perfect dinner 5 her!After a yummy 6 , Mum and I get to the market early, so I can get the freshest (最新鲜的) fruit and vegetables. Grandma and I 7 sweet potatoes, so I pick out the best ones.We get home. It is time to start cooking. Do you know the best part about making Smashed Sweet Potatoes? Smash them. Then I 8 the secret ingredient(秘方)! Every great chef has one. It makes a chefs food taste very 9 .Finally, it is time to 10 ! A chef has to taste food. I need to make sure it is perfect. Mmmm . I am sure Grandma will like it.( )1. A. eating B. shopping C. cooking( )2. A. fit B. clean C. show( )3. A. get on B. get up C. take off( )4. A. so B. because C. but( )5. A. with B. for C. on( )6. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner( )7. A. buy B. grow C. love( )8. A. use B. win C. run( )9. A. well B. great C. full( )10. A. smell B. eat C. taste参考答案第三课时 Sound timeCartoon time一、1. B 解析画线字母组合ea 在 peach, meat和 please 中发/i:/音,在 ready 中发/e/音。故选 B。2. D 解析 画线字母组合qu在queen,quick和 quiet 中发/kw/音,画线字母c在cook中发/k/音。故选 D。3. B 解析画线字母组合 ch 在 chopsticks,check 和 choose 中发/t/音,在 headache 中发/k/音。故选 B。4. D 解析画线字母 i 在 win, pick 和 with中发/音,在 white 中发/a/音。故选 D。5. D 解析画线字母 o 在 tomato, golden和 metro中发/音, 在 from 中发/音。故选 D。二、1. looking 2. comes, to help, us 3. loves,cooks 4. is helping, wash 5. writing三、1. A 解析 much 用于修饰不可数名词,many用于修饰可数名词。故选 A。2. A 3. B 4. C5. C 解析本句中的主语 The king 在发出coming 的动作时又伴随着“穿着他的新衣服”的状态,所以设空处要用现在分词作伴随状语。故选C。四、1-6BFEADCG五、1. C 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. D六、1. C 解析:根据“my mum and dad call me their Little Chef”可知, 爸 爸 妈 妈 都 称“我”是他们的小厨师,因此推测“我”喜欢烹饪。故选C。2. A 解析 fit sb well 意为“适合某人”。故选 A。3. B4. B 解析 设空前一句“我很早把爸爸妈妈叫醒”和后一句“这是一个非常特殊的日子”是因果关系,前面是结果后面是原因,连词用 because。故选 B。5. B6. A 解析根据“This morning I wake up Mum and Dad very early”可知,“我们”一家起得很早,应该是吃完早饭后去了市场。故选 A。7. C 解析 根据“so I pick out the best ones”可知,“我”挑选了最好的红薯,由此推测“我”和奶奶都喜欢红薯。故选 C。8. A9. B 解析 taste 是系动词,后接形容词,well是副词,排除选项 A。taste great意为“尝起来好极了”。故选 B。10. C 解析根据“
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