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Is she your mums favourite singer?一、学情分析:本课的对象是6年级的学生,经过了3年半的英语学习,学生们大部分已经基本掌握一定的英语日常用语,具备一定的英语基础,通过之前的学习习,学生已经掌握日期的表达和简单一般疑问句的问答,本节课学习本课的生词,并巩固一般疑问句的问答。二、教材解析:本单元是湘鲁版小学英语六年级第二单元的内容,主要围绕“母亲节”这一话题展开讨论。重点句型“Is she your mums favourite singer? Yes, she is. No,she isnt.”重点单词:Mothers Day singer actor actress film good idea。三、设计思想:通过关于母亲节的视频导入话题,讨论与母亲有关的相关。利用同学们比较感兴趣的演员图片呈现单词并操练重点句型。通过PPT游戏练习读单词和对话,最后让学生根据表格提示调查同学Is she your favourite singer?并做好记录。四、核心素养1.语言能力:能准确运用Mothers Day singer actor actress film good idea 等核心词汇讨论关于母亲的事情。能准确运用核心句型“Is she your mums favourite singer? Yes, she is. No,she isnt.”来询问对方母亲喜欢的事物或人。2. 学习能力:能够积极参与到课堂每个环节中,能够听懂老师的口令并作出正确的回答。3.思维品质:学生在对话练习中能够和同学积极配合,积极完成学习任务。4.文化意识:让学生能恰当地表达对母亲的感恩之情。学生能够学会用英文互问对方喜欢的人或事物。五、教学重难点:1、学生能够听懂,会说,认读并默写下列重点词汇:good idea actress Mothers Day actor singer film2、学生可以读、理解并运用下列基本的句型结构:Is she your mums favourite singer?She is my mums favourite actress.六、资源与工具PPT课件七、教学过程1、 Lead-in: Greeting and Oral EnglishTeacher:First,I will ask you some questions.Please answer me.Eg: Hows the weather? When is your birthday? Whats your favourite subject? SS:Its sunny. My birthday is on. My favourite subject is.2、 Warm up Teacher:Now, Lets watch a video.And then tell me Whats the video about? OK, Time is up. SS:The video is about mother. 3、PresentationTeach the word “Mothers Day”. Read in groups.Teach the word “singer”.play a game named”High and low voice”.Teach the word “actor”. Play the hand game.Teach the word “actress”.Play the voice game.Teach the word”film”. T ask and student answer.Teach the word “good idea”. 4、Practice: Play the games to practice these words.I point you say wordDo the action and readPlay the PPT game(Cut fruit)5、ProductionShow students some pictures.And ask student “Is he your favourite singer?” Then, ask SS to do a survey.Every student should ask 3 partners about“Is he your favourite singer?” After a few minutes,invite 2 students to show their answers.6、SummaryTeacher summarizes what we have learned today.7、HomeworkReview the new words
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