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高考英语话题作文素材(个人情况)一、词汇41.beneficial adj.积极的,好的2.undesirable adj.消极的,不良的3.healthy adj.健康的4.beautifulattractive adj.美丽的5.advantagevirtue n.优点6.responsibilityduty n.责任7.jobcareeremploymentprofession n.职业8.generous adj.宽厚的,宽宏大量的9.kindness n.慈善,仁慈10.straightforward adj.正直的,坦率的11.fault n.缺点12.impressed adj.印象深刻的13.inspired adj.受激励的14.casual adj.随便的,自然的15.frank adj.坦白的,直率的16.ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的,有抱负的,有野心的17.creative adj.富有创造力的18.intelligence n.智力;才智19.enthusiastic adj.热情的20.optimistic adj.乐观的21.personality n.个性22.qualification n.资格23.virtue n.美德24.outstanding adj.杰出的25.diligent adj.勤奋的petent adj.能胜任的27.voluntary adj.自愿的28.achievement n.成就;功绩29.admire vt.钦佩;欣赏30.contribution n.贡献31.determination n.决心;决定32.devotion n.奉献;奉献精神33.quality n.品质34.generous adj.慷慨大方的35.independent adj.独立的36.outgoing adj.外向的37.reliable adj.可靠的38.serious 严肃的39.justice 正直的40.honest 诚实的41.rational 理性的42.reliable 值得信任的43.humorous 幽默的44.independent 独立的45.aspiring 有志气的46.creative 富有创造力的47.dedicated 有奉献精神的48.energetic 精力充沛的49.vigorous 精力充沛的;充满活力的50.diligent 勤奋的51.hard-working 辛勤的52.patient 耐心的53.analytical 善于分析的54.cooperative 善于合作的55.determined 有毅力的petent 有能力的57.optimistic 乐观的58.warm-hearted 热心肠的59.easy-going 温和宽容的60.friendly adj.友好的61.talented/gifted adj.有天赋的energetic adj.精力充沛的,富有活力的,活跃的62.stubborn adj.固执的;倔强的63.flexible adj.灵活的,可变通的64.personal adj.个人的;私人的65.sacrifice vt.牺牲66.ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的67.qualification n.资格;学历68.characteristic adj.典型的,独特的69.rigid adj.死板的;固执的70.voluntary adj.自愿的,主动的,志愿的,自发的71.passion n.激情,热情72.independent adj.独立的;单独的;自主的73.adjustment n.调整,适应74.motivation n.(做事的)动机二、常用搭配1.achieve/accomplish success 获得成功2.have a burning desire/a great passion for充满渴望/激情3.devote oneself to 致力于,投身于4.sense of responsibility/sense of achievement责任感/成就感5.both physically and mentally 身心两方面6.I am greatly convinced(that)I am greatly assured(that).我深信7.take upgo in for 从事8.be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems接触新思想/新经历/新问题9.live up to 不辜负10.adapt oneself to the development of使自己适应的发展11.keep skills fresh and up to date 保持技能可以与时俱进12.make great contributions to 对做出巨大贡献13.take sth seriously 认真14.realize the importance of.意识到的重要性15.be beneficial to 对有益16.be born in .出生于17.be fond of swimming 喜欢游泳18.speak English fluently 说流利的英语19.be determined to be a nurse 决心做一名护士20.have patience and confidence 具有耐心和自信心21.look forward to studying here 希望能在这里学习22.devote all ones life to science 一生奉献于科学23.apply for the university 申请这所大学24.employ new part time editors 雇用新的兼职编辑25.be well known in .在方面很出名26.have a good habit of study 有良好的学习习惯27.learn a lot from .从身上学到很多28.exchange learning experience 交流学习经验29.have no work experience 没有工作经验30.be popular with sb.受到某人的欢迎31.achieve/win international fame 获得国际声誉32.do well in all subjects 各科成绩优秀33.be interested in music 对音乐有兴趣34.make his classes lively and interesting 使他的课生动有趣35.in ones spare time 在某人的业余时间36.be qualified for the job 胜任这个工作37.very friendly and generous 待人友善且慷慨大方38.an open-minded and optimistic boy 一个开朗乐观的男孩39.be strict with students 对学生要求严格40.have the language advantage over . 有语言方面的优势41.make/leave a deep impression on 给留下深刻印象42.set a good example to 为做出好榜样43.be devoted to.投身于/专心于44.be satisfied/content with 对满意45.make great contributions to 对做出巨大贡献46.be recognized/acknowledged as 被公认为47.be famous/known/distinguished for/as 因为/作为著名48.exercise regularly 定期锻炼49.read before sleeping 睡觉之前读书50.keep writing reading notes every day 每天坚持写读书笔记51.write diaries 写日记52.listen to others suggestions 倾听他人的建议53.participate in speech contest held in our school 参加我们学校的英语竞赛54.be strict with sb/in sth 对严格的55.graduate from 毕业于56.be major in 主修57.win scholarship 获得奖学金58.win/get/land the first prize 获得一等奖59.specialize in 专攻;精通60.have a good command of 精通61.previous work experience 以往的工作经验62.be able to work on own initiative 能够主动工作63.strong written and spoken communication skills.较强的书面和口头交流能力64.expressive ability 表达能力65.oral / verbal communication skills 口头交流技巧66.be capable of 有能力67.have a gift for 对.有天赋68.show/have aptitude in 在某方面有能力69.master the skills of written and spoken communication.精通口头和书面交流技能70.get along/on well with others 与他人相处融洽71.be able to manage my time well 能合理安排自己的时间三、佳句1.She is a beautiful girl, with long hair and big eyes.她是一个长着大眼睛,留着长发的漂亮女孩。2.So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。3.Owing to the fact that he can do whatever he has chosen to do with great perseverance, he has made great achievements in many fields.由于他能够坚持不懈地做他所选择做的事情,所以他在很多领域都取得了巨大成就。4.His charming personality lies in a simple fact that he never hesitates to help o
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