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高考英语应用文写作练习与讲解一、演讲稿:人工智能(云南2024届三校高考备考实用性联考卷六)假定你将参加学校组织的以“人工智能”为话题的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:1.人工智能技术的优势和缺点;2.中学生如何合理使用人工智能技术。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请在答题卡的相应位置作答。写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般现在时。2.写作思路:四段论。第一段介绍演讲的主题;第二段写人工智能技术的优点(要点1);第三段写人工智能的缺点(要点1);第四段介绍中学生如何合理使用人工智能技术(要点2)。【参考范文】Dear teachers and my fellow students,Hello, everyone! I am very glad to stand here sharing Our growth through.AI, as we all know, is make all the difference to the world.Obvious are the advantages of AI in education.AI can tailor a personalized learning plan to the individual differences of students.Also, AI plays an important role in our life, smart home devices, for instance, will create a comfortable living environment for us.AI is a good servant, but a bad master.Over-reliance on AI may deprive us of our ability to think independently and solve problems.Plus, privacy disclosure is a growing concern.Therefore, AI is a double-edged sword.As students, not only should we try new learning methods and technological tools with curiosity and exploration spirit, we should also avoid over-reliance on AI to guarantee our comprehensive development.Thank you! (140 words)【中文翻译】尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!很高兴能站在这里分享“人工智能与中学生成长”。大家都知道,人工智能正在不断地影响和改变着我们的世界。在教育领域,人工智能的优势尤为明显。它可以根据学生的个体差异,量身定制个性化的学习计划。在生活领域,人工智能同样发挥着重要作用,比如,智能家居设备可以根据为我们创造舒适的生活环境。然而,水能载舟亦能覆舟。过度依赖人工智能可能导致我们丧失独立思考和解决问题的能力。此外,隐私泄露问题也日益严重。人工智能是一把双刃剑,作为中学生,我们既要保持好奇心和探索精神,勇于尝试新的学习方法和技术工具,以适应不断发展的技术世界;又要避免过度依赖人工智能,确保学生在人工智能时代能够全面发展。谢谢大家!【参考范文解析】1.应用文写作前三步骤:(1)审题判定文体为演讲稿;(2)因文体是演讲稿,故李华身份不必交代;(3)因文本主体部分为介绍人工智能技术的优缺点及中学生如何合理使用人工智能技术,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时;2.本文的亮点:(1)as we all know用作插入语,as引导定语从句;(2)make all the difference to对.产生巨大影响;(3)Obvious are .形容词作标语置于句首产生完全倒装结构;(4)tailor .to .根据.量身定制.;(5) for instance比如;(6)AI is a good servant, but a bad master意译为“凡事都有两面性;水能载舟,亦能覆舟”;(7)deprive sb of sth使某人丧失某事;(8)Plus此外;(9)not only should .否定词置于句首产生部分倒装结构。二、通知:观看环保宣传片(浙江强基联盟2024年5月高三全国“优创名校”联考)6月5日是世界环境日(World Environment Day),届时你校将组织观看UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration倡议的宣传片。请你写一则通知,刊登在校英语报上,内容包括:1.观看时间和地点;2.观看意义;3.观看要求。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。Notice about Watching a Promotion Video写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般现在时。2.写作思路:三段论。第一段介绍观看的时间和地点(要点1);第二段介绍观看的意义(要点2)和观看要求(要点2);第二段表达期盼。【参考范文】Notice about Watching a Promotion VideoWith World Environment Day on the way, our school will organize a viewing of a promotion video“UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” at 2 p.m.on June 5 in the Academic Lecture Hall.The event aims to raise our awareness of the importance of environmental protection and encourage everyone to participate in the restoration and protection of ecosystem.Watching the video will not only give us a deeper insight into global environmental issues, but also stimulate our sense of responsibility and mission to protect our planet.Please take your seat 10 minutes early and keep quiet during the viewing.Each and every one of you is also expected to take active actions in daily life and contribute your share to building a beautiful China.Looking forward to your active participation! (133 words)【中文翻译】观看宣传片通知值此世界环境日到来之际,我校将于6月5日下午2点在学术报告厅组织观看“联合国生态系统恢复十年记”倡议的宣传片。此次活动旨在提高我们对环境保护重要性的认识,并鼓励大家积极参与到生态系统恢复和保护中来。观看这部宣传片不仅能增进我们对全球环境问题的了解,还能激发我们保护地球家园的责任感和使命感。请各位同学提前10分钟到场就坐完毕,观看期间请保持安静。也希望大家在结束观看后在日常生活中积极行动起来,为打造“美丽中国”贡献自己的一份力量。期待大家的积极参与!【参考范文解析】1.应用文写作前三步骤:(1)审题判定文体为通知;(2)因本文是一则通知,故作者身份不必交代;(3)因文本主体部分写观看宣传片的时间、地点、观看意义和要求,故本文总体时态定调为一般现在时。2.本文的亮点:(1)on the way在路上,即将到来;(2)give us a deeper insight into让我们更深地理解;(3)take your seat就座;(4)each and every one of you每一个人。三、倡议书:读好书,促成长(长郡中学2024年6月高二期末考试)为了鼓励同学们阅读,你校举行了“读好书,促成长”的主题班会,请你代表全班同学写一封倡议书,内容包括:1.读书的益处;2.推荐书籍类型;3.号召大家读书。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear boys and girls,写作注意要点1.基本时态为一般现在时。2.写作思路:三段论。第一段开门见山交代写作目的发出倡议;第二段说明读书的益处(要点1)并分享推荐的书籍类型(要点2);第三段发出号召(要点3)。【参考范文】Dear boys and girls,In order to cultivate students reading habits and improve our personal qualities, we propose an initiative on Reading good books to fuel our growth.Reading, as we know, makes it accessible for us to enrich our inner mind and find the calm, which comes as a welcome relief from the burden in our study.In the vast sea of books, there must be many classics worth reading.We recommend you to read the classics of Chinese literature, which contain profound cultural heritage.We can also read some popular science books, which will stimulate our interest in science.Modern literary works and foreign classics should not be underestimated as well, which will bring us great enlightenment.Lets immerse ourselves in the ocean of knowledge, and light up our way of life through reading! (132 words)【中文翻译】亲爱的同学们:为了培养同学们的阅读习惯,提升个人素养,我们特发起“读好书,促成长”的主题倡议。我们都知道,阅读可以丰富我们的内心世界,让我们在忙碌的学习生活中找到一片宁静的天地。在浩瀚的书海中,一定有很多经典值得我们去品读。我们推荐大家阅读中国古典文学名著,它们蕴含了深厚的文化底蕴;还可以阅读一些科普读物,它们能激发我们对科学的兴趣。当然,我们也不应忽视现代文学作品和国外经典,它们同样能给我们带来深刻的启示。让我们捧起书本,沉浸在知识的海洋中,用阅读点亮我们的人生之路!【参考范文解析】
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