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高考英语词汇分类讲解(旅游与交通)vacation /veken/n.假期 v.度假重点&考点:既可数又不可数不可数的情况:on vacation 表示“在度假中”这个状态,不可数。示例:Mr.Fuller is on vacation now.费勒先正在度假。summer vacation 99%的情况下,不可数。真题示例:I will go home in two weeks for summer vacations.答案:把vacations改成vacation可数的情况:如果表达的是多个假期,就可以加s。示例:During my life, I have enjoyed many happy summer vacations.终我,我度过了许多个开的暑假。注意:这种情况从未在考中出现,所以,summer vacation在考99%的情况是不加s的。cover /kvr/v.覆盖 n.覆盖物释义详解:cover的英是释义put something on top of/in front of something in order to protector conceal it,意思就是“为了保护或者隐藏个东,把另外个东放在它上边或前边。”不管是“覆盖”、“掩盖”、“封”、“遍布”,其实都是cover的核意思“覆盖”。法与搭配:be covered with/by 被覆盖着真题例句:The path to Dawsonwas covered with thirty feet of wet snow.翻译:去Dawson的路上覆盖着三十英尺的湿雪。discover /dskvr/v.发现,查明,探索释义详解:dis否定前缀+ cover覆盖物除去覆盖物发现。重点变形解析:变 discovery (n.) 发现示例:Discovery Channel 探索频道explore /ksplr/vt.&vi.探索;勘查释义详解:ex-前缀表示“向外”,-plore的发与“部落”相似,所以,ex-plore可以想像成向外去寻找部落,表示“探索”。真题例句:but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics翻译:但研究探讨发现了如果消费者新的电产品取代旧产品会发什么broad /brd/adj.宽阔的,辽阔的释义详解:broad=b+road,看到broad我们就可以想到宽阔的路,所以broad表示“宽阔的,辽阔的”重点变形解析:broaden (v.) 变宽类似变形:strength (n.) 力量 strengthen (vt.) 使有力量,增强white (adj.) 白色的 whiten (vt.) 使变白常用固定短语:broaden ones view 开阔某人的眼界arrange /rend/vt.排列;整理;安排释义详解:orange 和 arrange 发音和拼写相似, orange 切开以后,一瓣一瓣整整地排列在一起。所以, 排列 arrange 得整整的就是 orange。真题例句:Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Wallers music for a dance party.翻译:去年,莫兰参与了个项目 ,为一个舞会 安排了法茨沃勒的音乐。用法与搭配:arrange to do sth 计划做某事重点变形解析:arrangement (n.) 整理;安排真题例句:Food webs may be dominated by many weak links because that arrangement is more stable over the long term.翻译: 物网 可能被许多薄弱环节所控制,因为这种安排在期内更为稳定。 用法与搭配:make an arrangement to do sth 安排做某事destination /destnen/n.目的地释义详解:destiny表示“命运”,命中注定要去的地方 就是 “目的地”。真题例句:The town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.翻译:这个小镇正迅速成为深受亚洲人欢迎的周末度假目的地。remote /rmot/adj.遥远的;偏远的 n.遥控器释义详解:remote 作为名词时有“遥控器”的意思,遥控器就是隔着遥远的距离也能控制,所以 remote 有“遥远的”的意思。考点&重点:高考更常考的是 “偏远的 ”这个意思。真题例句:.and the remote areas around Tataouine and Matmata, unique for underground cities.remote areas:偏远地区address /dres/n.地址 v.处理;解决作名词时:“地址”示例:IP address / IP 地址作动词时:“处理;解决”真题例句:The DriveLAB is helping us to understand how we might use technology to address these problems.翻译:DriveLAB 正在帮助我们了解如何使用技术解决这些问题。Adaptive signals can make sure that the traffic demand that is there is being addressed.翻译:自适应的信号灯可以保证交通需求得到了解决。spot /spt/n.点,斑点,地点 vt.发现作名词时:“点,斑点,地点”释义详解:spot 做名词表示点,可表示“斑点”,斑点狗就是 spotted dog,也可表示“地点”,还可以是衣服上的油点子或泥点子,总之就是点。常用固定短语:on the spot 在场;当场 示例:He asked Jenny to marry him on the spot.他当场向珍妮求婚。He was not on the spot when the accident happened.事故发生时他不在场。作动词时:“发现”示例:He was spotted by his teacher.他被老师发现了。真题示例:One morning I_a lost lamb when I was in the top field, near where a motorway cuts through my land.A.dropped B.spottedC.carried D.returned答案:Bbudget /bdt/n.预算 adj.低廉的,便宜的释义详解:budget 和八戒的读音相似, 八戒守8条戒律,这个不能做,那个不能做,就像 budget“预算”限制你的花销。区分:budget & revenue & compensation & allowancebudget:“ 预 算 ” 的 限 制 很 多 , 什 么 都 不 准 买revenue:通常指公司的、组织的收入 。 每个月领的工资就可以用salary或 income 表示,但还称不上revenue,年收入就可以说 revenue。所以,revenue 指“大笔收入”。compensation:“补偿”,通常是在受到了损失、伤害、遭罪之后,给的补偿。allowance: “津贴;零花钱”。特指的是在一些规定和特殊目的下给的钱, allow 是允许的意思,在规则内允许你获得钱,allowance自然就是妈妈允许你拥有的“零花钱”。真题示例:They planned to keep the_low by living on boiled noodles, with the occasional hamburger shop treat.A.budget B.revenueC.compensation D.allowance答案:A翻译:他们计划通过吃面 ,和偶尔去吃汉堡店招待自己一下,来把预算保持在一个比较低的水平。beyond /bjnd/adv.&prep.超出;在更远处释义详解:Beyond 乐队非常经典,后人难以超越。所以,这个词的意思是 “超越,超出;在更远处”,需要注意的是这是一个副词。真题示例:Erin had gone _what almost anyone would have done, finding my house on a bitterly cold night, and for that I was extremely grateful.A.into B.against C.over D.beyond答案:D解析:go beyond 表示“走得远”常用固定短语:and beyond 及以后真题例句:In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond.翻译:在任何一个特定的办公室,员工的年龄从22 岁到 70 岁甚至更高。示例:up to the year 2009 and beyond 至2009 年及以后They are pushing the laws to their limits and beyond.他们把这些法规推行得过了头。book /bk/n.书 v.预定释义详解:如果预定了什么东西 ,别人会用一个小book登记,所以,把你的名字记在book 上,就“预定”成功了。有一个叫做 booking 的网站,就是预定机票和酒店的。真题例句:What does Donna offer to do for Bill?A.Book a flight for him.B.Drive him to the airport.C.Help him park the car.Book a flight for him:为他预订一个航班agency /ednsi/n.代理机构,中介示例:travel agency 旅行社重点变形解析:agent (n.) 代理人,特工示例:Agents of Shield 神盾局特工真题例句:Painters, digital media experts, photographers, booking agents and promoters are hired to sell tickets and promote the event.b
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