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初高中英语口语练习275句 1. Keep the change! 不用找零了!2. While traveling in Europe, I was pickpocketed on a train. 在欧洲旅行时,我在火车上被扒手了。3. Its not important. 那并不重要。4. I will see him after I get back. 我回来后就去看他。5. See below. 见下文。6. The rumor spread all over the town. 谣言传遍了全城。7. I cant walk any farther. 我走不动了。8. If you run fast, you can catch the train. 如果你跑得快,就能赶上火车。9. It is really quite a good story. 这真是个好故事。10. This is very useful. 这是非常有用。10.Whats up? 有什么事吗?11. The tree cast a shadow across the road. 那棵树在马路上投下了树影。12. I have heartburn. 我胃酸烧心。13. If anything goes wrong, Ill answer for the consequences. 如果出了什么差错,后果由我负责。14.This carpet feels nice. 这地毯摸起来不错。15. The politician lost his position in the end. 那位政治家最后失去了他的地位。16. When will the law go into force? 这项法律什么时候生效?17. Its like summer outside. 外面就像夏天一样。18. Theyre a little tight. 有点紧。19. Im sorry, but I didnt catch what you said. 对不起,我没听懂你刚才说的话。20.The brave fireman rescued a boy from the burning house. 那位勇敢的消防队员从着火的房子里救出了一个男孩。21. I would often visit the museum when I lived in London. 我住在伦敦时,常去博物馆。22. What prevented you from coming to the concert? 什么事让你没能来听音乐会呢?23. Im starved. 我饿死了。24. Can I use your pen? 我能用你的钢笔吗?25. Im exhausted. 我累坏了。26. This rule is applied to foreigners only. 这条规则只适用于外国人。27. Bob is my friend. 鲍勃是我的朋友。28.This book looks interesting. 这本书看起来很有趣。29. Mary has a social nature. 玛丽天生合群。30.The nurse recommended that he try walking. 护士建议他试着走一走。31. I am sending a copy of my letter to you. 我在把我的信抄送给你一份。32. The lion is the king of the jungle. 狮子是丛林之王。33.This machine works by electricity. 这台机器是电运转的。34.Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us. 请填写这份问卷并发给我们。35.Would you like to turn it down a little? 你能把声音关小一点吗?36. Youve done it! 你做到了!37.It isnt expensive. 不是很贵。38.Would you mind writing it down on this piece of paper? 你介意把它写在这张纸上吗?39. Lets take a bus. 我们去坐公共汽车吧。40.I will write to you soon. 我很快就给你写信。41. Ill make allowances for your lack of experience. 我会体谅你缺乏经验的。42.This table is just as large as ours. 这张桌子和我们的一样大。43. Whats going on? 发生了什么?5. That incident drew his interest. 那件事引起了他的兴趣。44.This big gate is disproportionate to the small garden. 这扇大门与那个小花园不相称。45.This is the first time Ive seen such a dreadful movie. 这是我第一次看这么糟糕的电影。 46.It was him that broke the window yesterday. 是他昨天打破了窗户。47.How cute! 好可爱!48.The incident upset him. 那件事使他心烦意乱。49.John has hardly ever gone to bed before midnight. 约翰几乎从没在午夜以前上床睡过觉。50.The ice is very thick. 冰很厚。51.I want this work completed by two oclock tomorrow afternoon. 我要这项工作在明天下午两点以前完成。52. Look about you. 看看你。53.It can not be true. 这不可能是真的。54.Can you tell me what this word means? 你能告诉我这个词是什么意思吗?55.Youre wet through. 你湿透了。56.Kate sympathized with him. 凯特很同情他。57.Its secret. 保密。58. Do something! 做点什么!59.You should make the most of your ability. 你应该充分利用你的能力。60.Will he be able to come tomorrow? 他明天能来吗?61.Take care. 当心/保重。62.Whales are said to have lived on land long ago. 据说鲸鱼很久以前就生活在陆地上。63.That teacher is in charge of the third-year class. 那位老师是三年级的班主任。64. Please do it quickly. 请快一点。65.Where do you think I met her? 你觉得我在哪儿见过她?66.Its a dictionary. 这是一本字典。67.How is the weather? 天气怎么样?68.I do hope you will get well soon. 我真希望你能早日康复。69.Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?70.Do you like cooking? 你喜欢烹饪吗?71. I believe in love. 我相信爱情。72. Lets stay friends forever. 让我们永远做朋友吧。73. Some children do not like vegetables. 有些孩子不喜欢蔬菜。74. Take the medicine. 吃药吧。75. He was hard up. 他手头拮据。76.Turn on the radio. 打开收音机。77. Tom put his shirt on inside out. 汤姆把衬衫穿反了。78. Youve forgotten your change. 您忘了找给您的零钱了。79.It is necessary. 很有必要。80. Jane is something of an authority on the subject. 简在这方面算得上是权威。81. It is raining. 下雨了。82. Were elected. 我们被选中了。83. Its about time you were independent of your parents. 你该独立,不再依靠父母了。84. This room is for rent. 这个房间出租。85. Stop grumbling. 停止抱怨。86. The company has branches in all large cities. 这家公司在所有大城市都有分部。87. Ive had coffee already. 我已经喝过咖啡了。88. We need to take care of this immediately. 我们得马上处理这件事。89.Dont drink any alcohol. 不要喝酒。90. I hurried home. 我急忙赶回了家。91. Definitely! 当然!92. Kate thought the teachers lecture was dull, boring and endless. 凯特认为老师讲的课枯燥无味,没完没了。93. Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?94. It is difficult for me to answer the question. 我很难回答这个问题。95. I miss you. 我好想你。96. Which is your guitar? 哪一把是你的吉他?97. Please let me know the schedule beforehand. 请提前告诉我日程安排。98. It is up to you to finish the task. 由你来完成这项任务。99.We accepted his offer. 我们接受了他的提议。100.This problem is a real challenge. 这个问题真是个挑战。101. If he has time, he will come. 如果他有时间,会来的。102. These problems will be solved in the near future. 这些问题将在不久的将来得到解决。103. Leave it there. 放到这儿吧。104. When did they go home? 他们什么时候回家的?105. Where is this play being performed? 这出戏在哪里上演?106. You like fruit. 你喜欢水果。107. If anything, the ecconomy in our country is going up.
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