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云南省昆明市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解Here come four most popular clubs in our school! Join us, and we will help you to find your own shining points, lead you to find beauty and to create beauty, and make your campus life as fulfilling and happy as a dream.Basketball ClubStudents will be able to develop their basketball skills further and have the opportunity to compete in basketball games with members from other international schools in Beijing. The club will be available to 10-16 members from Grades 5 to 8, and will practice twice weekly.Public Speaking ClubThe Public Speaking Club will be centered around the personal development of students along with developing public speaking skills. The club will be interested in focusing on all skills in delivering better speeches and improving communication skills. The club will be available to 10-12 members from Grades 7 to 12, and will meet once weekly (Wednesday).Yoga ClubYoga not only improves balance, flexibility, and joint stability, but also serves as a peaceful escape from the stress of daily life. Our students will have the chance to physically exercise while reducing some stress from their life. The club will be available to 10-16 members from Grades 7 to 12, and will meet once weekly (Tuesday).Media ClubThe Media Club teaches students the basics of journalism. The club engages in a wide range of activities like interviewing teachers and students, writing about big events on campus, and operating the weekly school radio broadcasts. The club will be available to 8-12 members from Grades 6 to 12 and will meet once weekly (Monday).1Which club will attract students who want to get both mental and physical benefits?ABasketball Club.BPublic Speaking Club.CYoga Club.DMedia Club.2What will club members do at the Media Club?ASet up a school radio.BWrite imaginary stories.CLearn public speaking skills.DInterview teachers and students.3Where can the text be found?AIn a school introduction.BIn a research paper.CIn a history textbook.DIn a guidebook.In 1999, John Smyth, a high-school teacher decided it was time to retire. Together with his wife Helen, he set off on a journey around Australia. But when they returned, John found he missed the classroom, so he spent another eight years doing casual teaching. Then he heard about a program known as Volunteers for Isolated Students Education (VISE), which pairs up energetic people with educational experience, usually retired teachers, with children whose schooling is largely done remotely, because they live too far away from towns and cities to attend regular schools. John grew up in the country and as a kid in the bush, he always dreamed of running with circus, but he didnt even have much chance to see the circus in person. Therefore he was immediately interested in the program and got a travelling post as a teacher with Stardust Circus. The lesson timetable was built around the kids performance schedules. “The eight-year-old I tutored was an awesome gymnast who was part of the teeterboard (跷跷板) act,” he explains. “A big guy would jump on the other side, he would swing up in the air, do a couple of twirls (旋转) and land on his uncles shoulders, and his uncle was standing on the boys fathers shoulders!”The circus still includes some animal acts, including lions, monkeys, horses, goats and pigs. John and his wife Helen found it extraordinary enough to sink into sleep to the sound of lions roaring, but one day the lion-trainer, Matt, gave him a very special privilege, inviting him in to meet four 13-month-old lions in person. While it was understandably a little scary at first, for John it was a never-to-be-forgotten experience, which helped him realize his boyhood dream in his 75th year.4What can we know about the children in the Stardust Circus?AThey missed the classroom.BMost of them lived downtown.CThey were dreaming of travelling.DThey were lacking in regular schooling.5What can we learn from the passage?AJohn taught the gymnast to perform in the air.BTeachers of the program had a flexible schedule.CJohns dream came true as a volunteer in the circus.DThe couple were fed up with the sound of lions roaring.6How did John probably feel after meeting the little lions?AScared.BExcited.CCalm.DRegretful.7What is the best title for the text?ARunning with CircusBMissing Regular SchoolCEnjoying RetirementDTravelling with AnimalsBody language is an essential part of communication and can be just as important as our spoken language exchanges. Body language can be both conscious or unconscious actions, so it is important to make sure your body is sending the same messages as your words to ensure good communication. These actions can strengthen the verbal (口头的) messages youre sending or it can lead to mistrust or confusion signs of poor communication
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