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七年级下学期期末英语试卷七年级下学期期末英语试卷一、单项填空。从一、单项填空。从 A A、B B、C C 和和 D D 四个选项中四个选项中,选出最佳选项选出最佳选项。(1515 分)分)1If you want to borrow the book on the right,from which of the following_parts can you find it in thelibrary?AArts.BPets.CToys.DSports.2Where are we going to have a picnic?I know there are some beautiful parks_theYangtze River.AonBoverCalongDthrough3I walk my dogs every day.How do you look after_?My mum just asks me to keep mine clean.AhersBthemCyoursDyourself4Which of the following words has a different pronunciation of the-ed ending?AplayedBcarriedClistenedDstopped5 What amazing things do you know?I_about the history of our local food Qingtuan the other day.AlearnBlearntCwill learnDam learning6Sandy_her pet mouse in a box and let her classmates have a guess.AhidBhitChurtDhelped7You may get into_if you dont follow the traffic lights.AtripBtrickCtroubleDtraffic8 My uncle_speak good English when he was two years old.Thats amazing!AcanBmayCcouldDshould9After many years hard work,the 11-year-old Chinese girl won a big match in the US and_became abasketball star.AbadlyBquicklyCusuallyDcarefully10Did you sleep with the window_last night?No,mum I opened it just now to let some fresh air in.AopenBcloseCopenedDclosed11Its dangerous for kids to_the matches when they are still on fire.Aput upBpick upCgrow upDhurry up12We are going to have a trip to Hangzhou this summer._exciting news it is!AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an13Which of the following words comes LAST in a dictionary?AnowBnoteCniceDneck14Li Hua says he wants to play in the next World Cup and_can stop him.He practises very hard and we all think his dream will come true!AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything15 The children in poor areas need books to read.Can we collect some for them?_.We can also raise some money for them to buy new books.ANo wayBNot sureCNot reallyDNo problem二、完形填空二、完形填空。(1010 分)分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The rabbitsAlex,Bobby,Chris(吹)outside.Do not leave the16when I am out,said theirmother.Then she left for the town.The rabbits17their rooms,made their beds and had lunch.All the time,Alex said18lunch,the rabbits sat by the window.They took out their kites,just to look at them.The March wind blew19the house.Lets just fly our kites in the garden,saidAlex.Mother said we must not leave the house,said Chris.The March wind blew some20onto the window.Alex couldnt stand(忍受)it any more.He wentoutside with his kite.The other rabbits followed him and they ran around the house with their kites.They21got tired of their garden.We can go down the path,saidAlex.The rabbits flew their kites down the path into the forest,Suddenly,My kite is caught in a tree!Just then,Grandpa Bear walked by.Grandpa Bear22the tall tree andpulled the sting(线)from the tree.He brought it down and gave it toAlex Be careful,now23things.You should always be good when you play by yourself.Alex took hold of his kite string,and he went up and up with it.Soon he flew out of sight(视野).Theother rabbits looked at him with tears(泪水)24later,he said.When they got home,Dora looked into the sky,Is itAlex?It wasAlex25he reached the groundright in front of the door.Did you learn to listen to your mother?Grandpa Bear asked.Yes,we did,said therabbits.16A roomB townC houseD garden17A leftB closedC cleanedD searched18A AtB AfterC UntilD Before19A insideB aroundC behindD between20A rainB woodC kitesD leaves21A soonB onlyC neverD always22A cut downB asked forC saved fromD climbed up23A usualB noisyC helpfulD strange24A AlexB BobbyC ChrisD Dora25A orB soC butD and三三、阅读理解阅读理解。阅读下列材料阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项从每题所给的四个选项(A A、B B、C C 和和 D D)中中,选出最佳选项选出最佳选项。(1 15 5分)分)阅读理解Frisbee CentreAddress(地址):No.54,Zhucui Road,NanjingOpen time:9:0022:00 at weekendsTicket:RMB 90;10%discount(折扣)for groups of 5 or moreActivities:Frisbee lessons on Saturdays and Frisbee matches on Sunday afternoonsIf you want to join us,you can call us on 02589338222 or take Bus No.19 to our centre!26You can join the Frisbee matches at the center on _.ASunday morningsBSaturday morningsCSunday afternoonsDSaturday afternoons27If Tom wants to join the club with 4 classmates,they will pay _.ARMB 81ARMB 90BRMB 405CRMB 45028From the passage,we can get the information about _.Athe way to Frisbee CentreBthe history of Frisbee CentreCthe teacher of Frisbee lessonsDthe number of Frisbee lessons阅读理解People say that Changsha is a busy city.For local people,the day often starts with a bowl of rice noodles.Chen Xueyi,48,owns his restaurant for 27 years.The restaurant is small,preparing toppings(浇头),andcooking rice noodles.To make delicious rice noodles,Chen uses pork bones to make the soup.Later,he puts spring onions,soysauce(酱油)and meat on rice noodles.If you like(辣椒)in the rice noodles.The tasty dish brings in a large number of people every day.Now,Chen sells three to four hundred bowls ofrice noodles a day.As well as local people,travelers now come to his restaurant too.Im happy to have moreguests(客人),so it would be good to keep it a small restaurant,Chen s
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