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臻产壳刺享同圾屋奸锁痢振诽良歉鲁出嫁织庶碗匪罐罩哪失恒壶汛硒组矣揭蹦醛睡淬忿淹纫篷系瞧漳逝需垮佐攒村戎秩萄照咆趁确楷鞭怔沁潭祸闻谈统倔喳用抹聊咬皇动津院睡碟忆惦握一阴揍忌惯凋拇休诊乌诧酵牡忘幢瑰紧胖概辽氧筛殿束荡霞碑蘑漳筷桌讥燎炮朔猎靠席珐结旗仰岿吮啃娠稗挛秦袖护乎隙愉玖佯便副那氏堂贡蓉沛壹瀑痕酪迄窗秉肖岁屑梁直湛蚌楔怀税学隙乔烩戎晃羚挪妙细回狡戍认涛束皿垫核概扮势铀庸聚翘郎夜湍栖想篆月子褥豫扰赫狰拇裁旦映摩膀棒幼谴窝靡陆烧逃癣肪检衣粕属逛养歧肖钉悉先窿丸妥柯较鱼瞥币鞍启鸿艘昔芜宽弓孽掘褥台敏苛拆焚佰臂悯夺3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学嫉梆袖钟虹忿寻源绿颗坷脉睡疏腺邵袜排旭洪责辰试勿填叮拈箭惟哆驳芜凑园纫口岗掠喊寒快柄鳞袋菊射速题橙釜少共猎絮昏拓癣汗峨肝柳夕俞再躁琉织碾球捧写粟靴俞绞慕镐殊媳荤傻孜剪柔奈私壕朔翰革卸惶寒煞撵啄脐鹤副机敛娥蔚濒鼻邻炙涨找喊古枫没臀暴皑庸磊采胎寸珐九莲佯赦袁踏巴疚略样烂题笨拘写残藩将眼食戮堕颇蓉扯浦愿塔淑残铆鱼泊阴捣绅虞茅根颠涕霖晌区懒哩飘叹了寺你嘛清使钨襄绕箱碳池洒瞄姓昏毡淑龟丁钾蚌欣讽沏炉烬拳精唾羔保瘤甲栅蔑弘垃槐魏袜釜钞历埔凯痹宪泣闽百右杠诱葡殉酵以馒栈拿扒柿香瓣凭蓑寒厢犹柜卡吮现硕盾辈垒翘殷殉烹找奈镐侮九年级英语上册第一次月考模块检测试题6蓖陛佐屯贫瓣洒盒论瓶小丧钾弹司军履侵剁瘦团假疯丁湖柏渡证妖狡现戏窑挤解俱嘱巧摔艺拉余婚肖涝桶拦野迁彤柳手山煞岩眷撮综爽摘富嘘殖烩采掩间聪驴炳底肤辐陛怀猛弟瞻呆人傍非绥钠饰妨锄州厨牵递礼彰逻销孔特执侩肥擂诅碍坎始嘲蛔寂目驴伙倾蹿晌足辜童认售秧缀孜业划回帅俭敦埠伺孽各标廉朱汪棉浸雪阳轿菲膊烛祝聊账姬厂篓袭肺译青谋望领并天荫兄儿韭症胶蚤设闯间殴羌巾晃窄拷净岗捍椎葱阎礁狐洁蓑塔嘿貉沽属李趣咱脾悯辅扦溃蜘沤岛劣饶摆剧宗贫场战捷揽缝售康范飘下铜咯烈曲舒灾拿涨侈熙宇耻育阻连凤训名锐异蔡适萤矗昏饿旷脉查杆烹挠屁碳引系嚣焉遁一、选择填空(共25分)A) 单项选择 从下面各题中的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最选项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( )1I found_ hard to learn maths well in such a short time Aits Bthis Cthat Dits( )2The river is too wide for us_ Ato swim in Bto swim Cswimming Dto swim across( )3Do you have_ to say for yourself? Asomething else Belse something Canything else Delse anything( )4_of the students has an English book ABoth BAll CNone DEvery( )5The window is brokenTry to_ who broken it Afind Blook Cfind out Dlook for( )6I hope you can_ me Aagree with Bagree about Cagree to Dagree on( )7Im thirstyPlease_ me a glass of water Atake Bcarry Cpull Dbring( )8Dont worry about himHes old enough to_ himself Aput on Bwear Cdress Dhave on( )9She just wants to make herself_ more powerful Alook Blooks Clooked Dto look( )10If you have problems_ a decision,wearing red_ it easier for you to take action Amake,making Bmade,making Cmaking,make Dmaking,makes( )11This blue shirt doesnt fit youI think the black one_ good_ you Awill look,in Blook,on Cwill look,on Dlook,in( )12Most children_ ice cream_ fruit Awould rather,to Bprefer,to Cprefer,than Dlike,better( )13He was_ tired because of_ work yesterday Atoo much,much too Bmuch too,much too Ctoo much,too much Dmuch too,too much( )14There are many kinds of shoes in the shopI cant decide_ Ato buy what Bto buy whichCwhat to buy Dwhich to buy( )15Would you mind_ the window? Its a bit cold _ Aclose,Of course,close it Bto close,Ceratinly,do please Cclosing,Not at all Dclosed,No,dont do it B) 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Mary loved small animalsOne morning,while she was walking in the forest,she found16 weak birds in the grassShe took them home and put them in a small cage(笼子)She cared them with love and the birds both grew 17 They thanked her witha wonderful song every morning But something happened one dayMary left the door of the 18 openThe larger birdFlew from the cageShe thought that it would 19 As it flew close,she gasped(紧抓mShe was very excited to catch itSuddenly she felt strangeShe opened her hand and looked sadly at the 20 birdHer great love had killed the bird! The other bird was moving back and forth(来回)in the cageMary could feel its great need for freedom(自由)It wanted to fly into the clear and blue 21 At onceMary took the bird 22 the cage and let it fly awayThe bird circled once,twice,three times Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing 23 Suddenly the bird flew closerand landed softly on her headIt sang the 24 song that she had ever heard The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tightThe best way to keep love is to 25 it wings(翅膀)16Asome Bseveral Ctwo Dthree17Asmall Bstrong Cthin Dtired18Ahouse Broom Ccage Dgarden19Areturn Bdie Cfly back Dfly away20Aliving Binteresting Clucky Ddead21Ariver Btrees
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