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2024年四川省内江市中考英语试卷A卷(选择题,共三部分,满分12.5分) 一、听力 (共两节,满分12.5分) 答题时,先将答案划在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)1(2.5分)What does Alice look like now?A.Shes short.B.Shes heavy.C.Shes thin.2(2.5分)Why did the girl get bad grades in the exam?A.She didnt feel well.B.She didnt get enough sleep.C.She didnt finish the exercises.3(2.5分)Where does the man want to go?A.To the supermarket.B.To the post office.C.To the library.4(2.5分)How much is the bag?A.100.B.120.C.140.5(2.5分)When is Sams birthday?A.On July 16.B.On July 17.C.On July 18.第二节(共5小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分22.5分)听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。6(3分)(1)What is Sarah going to do this weekend?A.Visit the museum.B.Go to the nursing home.C.Plant some trees.(2)When will the speakers meet at the school gate?A.At 8:30.B.At 8:40.C.At 8:50.7(4.5分)(1)What does the woman think of watching TV?A.Interesting.B.Exciting.C.Boring.(2)How does the woman spend her free time?A.Playing football.B.Reading books.C.Keeping diaries.(3)What does the man probably like?A.Basketball.B.Football.C.Volleyball.8(4.5分)(1)What is Tom busy writing these days?A.A novel.B.A poem.C.A report.(2)How does the woman help Tom?A.By offering him a computer.B.By giving him some money.C.By posting a book to him.(3)When will Tom enjoy the new song?A.On Sunday night.B.On Sunday afternoon.C.On Sunday morning.9(4.5分)(1)What did the man do last Sunday?A.He swam in a new swimming pool.B.He played football with his father.C.He read books under the trees.(2)How old is Gina?A.35.B.25.C.15.(3)Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Driver and passenger.B.Doctor and patient.C.Classmates.10(6分)(1)What is the most important according to the speaker?A.Listening.B.Reading.C.Grammar.(2)How does the speaker usually deal with the new word?A.He asks others for help.B.He guesses its meaning.C.He pays no attention to it.(3)Where does the speaker practice speaking English?A.In the English corner.B.On the Internet.C.At home.(4)What is the speaker mainly talking about?A.How he studies English.B.Why he improves English.C.Where he practices English.二、阅读理解 (共两节,满分37.5分)第一节(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。11(7.5分)Here are some persons plans for the coming summer.You are welcome to post yours! Name Plan Emma I usually teach English at a language school in summer.I often cant enjoy the summer because I am so busy.So this summer,Im not planning to work.Instead,Im going to have a proper summer holiday.Im going to drive around Ireland with my friends.We are going to visit lots of beautiful beaches! Pamela Last month,my friend Alfie and I had a crazy idea.We have decided to ride bikes from the south of England to the north of Scotland this summer.Its an874 mile trip!It takes 10 to 14 days.I dont ride fast,and I want to enjoy visiting several places Jayden Last autumn,I learned to dive(潜水),and Im going to take a diving coach course soon.Then,I wont stay in the UK.I want to fly to Egypt.I ll travel there alone.(1)How will Emma travel around Ireland? A.By train.B.By bike.C.By plane.D.By car.(2)Who will travel alone? A.Jayden.B.Emma.C.Pamela.D.Alfie.(3)What are the three persons talking about? A.Their best friends.B.Their summer plans.C.Their favorite sports.D.Their interesting stories.12(10分) Amma,your son has sent money to you,said the postman to the old lady.She was sitting outside her house.Seeing him,she was looking at him with hopeful eyes.But the postman tried to avoid it,AmmaThe postman wanted to go but Amma stopped him.She said, It will take just a while.Hearing this,the postman dialed(拨号),Amma was happy.Then,the postman handed eight 100rupee(卢比,货币单位) notes to Amma.After counting the moneyWhy,Amma?asked the postman.Amma smiled and said,You bring me money and also let me talk to my son.It must cost money(祝福).The postman left and met his friend Ramu.Every month you give your own money to Amma.Not only that,you give me money to talk to her on the phone as her son!Why?Ramu asked.The postman said,Her son worked in a foreign country and used to send money to his mother every month.But one day,her son was missing.Now(1)How much money did Amma receive this time? A.8 rupees.B.100 rupees.C.800 rupees.D.1000 rupees.(2)Who gave money to Amma this time? A.Her son.B.The postman.C.Her friend.D.Ramu.(3)What does the postman mainly talk about in the last paragraph? A.The reason for his action.B.The difficulty in his work.C.His relationship with Amma.D.His story with Ammas son.(4)Which word best describes the postman? A.Strange.B.Honest.C.Rich.D.Kind.13(10分
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