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书面表达 本写作任本写作任务务要求考生写一封要求考生写一封邮邮件和外国朋友件和外国朋友分享自己的分享自己的户户外外美美术课经历术课经历,属,属于半开放性作文。于半开放性作文。lStep 1:认认真真审题审题lStep 2:构思构思结结构构lStep 3:写作要点写作要点lStep 4:润润色成文色成文Step 1:认认真真审题审题 假定你是李华,上周五上周五你们班在公园上了一堂美术课。请你给英国朋友Chris写一封邮邮件件分享这次经历,内容包括:(1)你完成的作品;(2)你的感想。注意:(1)写作词数应为80个左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。Dear Chris,Im writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.Yours,Li Hua文体:文体:邮邮件件时态:时态:一般过去时一般过去时Step 2:构思构思结结构构Para.1 Para.2Para.3 写邮件的目的介绍作品介绍作品感想感想Im writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.详细详细描写具体的作品内容:描写具体的作品内容:画作形式画作主画作主题题画作色画作色调调突出自然对艺术创作的重要性Step 3:写作要点写作要点Para.1 Para.2Para.3 Im writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.画作主画作主题题human and nature:a little boy looks after an injured birdnatural beauty:peaceful lake,green trees and colorful flowers画作形式vivid brilliant gorgeous radiant dazzlingwatercolor painting oil painting traditional Chinese paintingThe painting class in the park stirs our desire to be surrounded by natures beauty,draw inspiration from it,and reconnect with the environment.The park setting promotes a peaceful and calming environment for us to immerse ourselves in the process of painting.Step 4:润色成文润色成文Dear Chris,Im writing to share with you an art class I had in a park last Friday.I painted a touching scene in the park where a little boy was rescuing an injured bird.The green grass beneath,the colorful flowers around,and the crystal-clear blue sky merged.I also paid attention to the light and shadow to make the painting more vivid.This experience was truly remarkable.The peaceful atmosphere allowed me to truly immerse myself in the creative process,losing myself in the strokes and colors.I really enjoyed this special art class and the opportunity it gave me to express and share this meaningful story through my painting.I hope you will appreciate my work and that we can enjoy a similar painting experience together.Yours,Li Hua读后续写Step 1:仔细审题,明确续写要求:仔细审题,明确续写要求Step 2:精读文章,梳理故事线索:精读文章,梳理故事线索Step 3:研读线索,设计主要情节:研读线索,设计主要情节Step 4:拟写草稿,核查拼写和语法:拟写草稿,核查拼写和语法读后续写语篇丨语篇丨记叙记叙文文类型类型主题丨主题丨人与人与社会社会语境语境语语篇篇本本介介作作者者叙叙述述了了自自己己从从维维也也纳纳前前往往布布拉拉格格的的旅旅途途中中,遇遇到到一一位位热热心心的的出出租租车车司司机机,善善良良的的出出租租车车司司机机甘甘特特帮帮助助作作者者成成功功地地赶赶上上了了公公交交车车,并并且且在在作作者者遇遇到到支支付付困困难难时时给给予予了了帮帮助和理解。作者结束旅行后如约和甘特再次见面。助和理解。作者结束旅行后如约和甘特再次见面。Step 1:仔仔细审题细审题,明确,明确续续写要求写要求I met Gunter on a cold,wet and unforgettable evening in September.I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference.Due to a big storm,my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half.I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague.The moment I got off the plane,I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.That was when I met Gunter.I told him where I was going,but he said he hadnt heard of the bus station.I thought my pronunciation was the problem,so I explained again more slowly,but he still looked confused.When I was about to give up,Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend.After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century,Gunter put his phone down and started the car.Finally,with just two minutes to spare we rolled into the bus station.Thankfully,there was a long queue(队列)still waiting to board the bus.Gunter parked the taxi behind the bus,turned around,and looked at me with a big smile on his face.“We made it,”he said.Just then I realised that I had zero cash in my wallet.I flashed him an apologetic smile as I pulled out my Portuguese bankcard.He tried it several times,but the card machine just did not play along.A feeling of helplessness washed over me as I saw the bus queue thinning out.At this moment,Gunter pointed towards the waiting hall of the bus station.There,at the entrance,was a cash machine.I jumped out of the car,made a mad run for the machine,and popped my card in,only to read the message:“Out of order.Sorry.”Step 1:仔仔细审题细审题,明确,明确续续写要求写要求注意:注意:(1)续写词数应为150个左右;(2)请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news.Four days later,when I was back in Vienna,I called Gunter as promised.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Step 2:精精读读文章,梳理故事文章,梳理故事线线索索I met Gunter on a cold,wet and unforgettable evening in September.I had planned to fly to Vienna and take a bus to Prague for a conference.Due to a big storm,my flight had been delayed by an hour and a half.I touched down in Vienna just 30 minutes before the departure of the last bus to Prague.The moment I got off the plane,I ran like crazy through the airport building and jumped into the first taxi on the rank without a second thought.That was when I met Gunter.I told him where I was going,but he said he hadnt heard of the bus station.I thought my pronunciation was the problem,so I explained again more slowly,but he still looked confused.When I was about to give up,Gunter fished out his little phone and rang up a friend.After a heated discussion that lasted for what seemed like a century,Gunter put his phone do
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