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Unit 3 Are you Su Hai?Unit3 Are you Su Hai?(Wrap-up time)Listen to a songLook and sayWho are youWho are you?你是谁?I am Sam.I am Sam.根据场景,回答问题。Are you a rabbitAre you a rabbit?你是一只兔子吗?Yes,I am.Yes,I am.根据场景,回答问题。Look and sayAre you a zebraAre you a zebra?你是一只斑马吗?Yes,I am.Yes,I am.根据场景,回答问题。Look and sayAre you a horseAre you a horse?你是一匹马么?NoNo,I am a dog.I am a dog.根据场景,回答问题。Look and say今天学校又会发生什么,我们来一起看看吧!Look and sayRead and say Who can you see?MikeSu HaiSu Yang当我们认错人的时候应该讲什么?听录音,回答问题Read and say听录音,回答问题Read and sayLook and sayI am sorry!对不起!We should be polit!我们应该有礼貌!我们应该有礼貌!Read and circleAre you Su Hai?Yes,I am.No,I am not.圈出正确答案Are you Mike?Yes,I am.No,I am not.Su Hai 和 Su Yang是什么关系?Read and sayYour are twins!Read and sayYour are twins!Your are twins!Your are twins!Read and sayWhat class are you in?I am in Class12.阅读图片3,全出正确答案。Read and sayRead and sayRead and chooseWhat class are you in?I am in Class12.阅读图片3,全出正确答案。Read and choose阅读图片4,全出正确答案。What class are you in?I am in Class12.Read and sayRead and choose阅读图片4,全出正确答案。What class are you in?I am in Class12.他们有什么不同之处?和你的小伙伴讨论一下!Read and sayRead the passageRead the passageRead the passageRead the passageReading time自己读读小组分读角色扮演play a game下面请五位同学上台,一位同学背对大家,其他四位同学好他打招呼!请背对大家的同学猜测是谁的声音!Homework制作一份面具,带上去摆一个pose拍张照片,让同学猜猜你扮演的是谁吧!
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