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课后分层集训Unit 2Fit for life.阅读理解A(2017四川重点中学高三检测)Can you imagine an engineer building a tall skyscraper without a plan?Someone said,“If you fail to plan,you plan to fail.” Success is no accident.It doesnt just magically happen.You have to plan for it to happen.As one guy put it,“You must plan for a great future.After all,you have to spend the rest of your life there.” We must have some kind of plan of what we want and how well get it.You see,if you achieve nothing,youll hit it every time.A wise person said,“If youve accomplished everything youve planned in life,then youve probably not planned enough.Youre getting too old when all your dreams are reruns (重演)”The very successful head of the Chrysler Corporation,Lee Iacocca,used to ask his workers,“What do you want to do?What do you want to be?What do you want to have?Where do you want to go?How do you plan to get there?Write it down.Now go to do it.It doesnt get any simpler or better than that.”So why not start living your life on purpose?First dream it,and then do it.They say that one hour of planning will save you three hours of wasted time and work.With a plan,your work is working for you.Your plan will keep you in control of your life,moving ahead toward your goal of success and happiness.After you plan your work,you have to make your plan work.Discipline is what brings your dreams into real life.A dream with no discipline will just remain a dream,and a plan without work will be a plan that wont work.【语篇解读】成功不是偶然的,它需要我们对自己的未来有明确的规划。只有这样,我们才能离成功与幸福更近一步。1We should live our life on purpose because _Amaking a plan reduces the cost of our workBmaking a plan leads us to get close to successCwe can finish our work easily with a good planDmaking a plan lets us achieve our goals immediatelyB细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段中的“Your plan will keep you in control of your life,moving ahead toward your goal of success and happiness”可知,制订计划可以让我们离成功与幸福更近一步。2We can infer from the last paragraph that _Aplanning your work is the most importantBdiscipline makes up for an imperfect planCone will fail if he makes a plan without carrying it outDeveryone needs a detailed plan in order to realize his dreamC推理判断题。根据文中最后一段的内容可推知,如果一个人只是制订计划而不付诸实践,那么就永远不会成功。3Whats the best title for the text?ANever give up your dreamBHow to plan your workCSuccess requires hard workDMake a plan ahead of timeD标题判断题。本文主要讲述的是成功不是偶然的,它需要我们对自己的未来有明确的规划。只有这样,我们才能离成功与幸福更近一步。故选D。 【导学号:92872242】B(2017无锡高三期末考试)Most evenings,before watching latenight comedy or reading emails on his phone,Matt Nicoletti puts on a pair of orangecolored glasses that he bought for $8 on the Internet.“My girlfriend thinks I look ridiculous in them,” he said.But Mr.Nicoletti,a 30yearold consultant in Denver,insists that the glasses,which can block certain wavelengths of light emitted by electronic screens,make it easier to sleep.Studies have shown that such light,especially from the blue part of the spectrum (光谱),inhibits the bodys production of melatonin(褪黑激素),which helps people fall asleep.Options are growing for blocking blue light,though experts caution that few have been adequately tested for effectiveness and the best solution remains avoiding brightly lit electronics at night.A Swiss study of 13 teenage boys,published in August in The Journal of Adolescent Health.showed that when the boys wore orangecolored glasses,also known as “blue blockers” and shown to prevent melatonin,in the evening for a week,they felt “significantly more sleepy” than when they wore clear glasses.The boys looked at their screens,as teenagers tend to do,for at least a few hours on average before going to bed,and were monitored in the lab.Older adults may be less affected by blue light,experts say,but blue light remains a problem for most people,and an earlier study of 20 adults aged 18 to 68 found that those who wore orangecolored glasses for three hours before bed improved their sleep quality considerably relative to a control group that wore yellowcolored lenses,which blocked only ultraviolet(紫外线)light.LEDs used in devices such as smart phones,tablets and televisions tend to emit more blue light than incandescent products(白炽产品)LEDs are also increasingly popular as room lights,but “warm white” bulbs,with less blue,tend to be a better choice than “cool white” for nighttime use.The lighting company Philips also makes a reducedblue LED bulb,meant to be used before bedtime.“In theory,anything that will decrease that blue light exposure at night will be helpful.” said Christopher Colwell,a scientist at the UCLA,“I know some gainers who swear by those orangecolored glasses.”But orange glasses are not a panacea(万能药)Dr.Skene said.“It isnt just getting rid of the blue and everythings fine,” she said.The intensity of light,in addition to color,can affect sleep,she said,and not all brands of orangecolored glasses have undergone enough indepen
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