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Unit 2The universal language.写作单词会拼写1castvt.& vi. 选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容)2stubbornadj.固执的,顽固的3condemnvt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责4darevt.& vi.& aux.敢于,胆敢5seizevt.逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占6scoldvt.训斥,责骂7deadlinen.最后期限,截止日期8declinen.衰落,衰败;减少;下降vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝9trendn.趋势,动向10seekvt.& vi.试图,设法;寻找,寻求11screamvi.尖叫,高声喊;呼啸n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音12universen.宇宙 universaladj.共同的,普遍的,全体的,全世界的13disturbvt.打扰,使中断,使焦虑 disturbingadj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的 disturbedadj.心理不正常的;精神失常的14willingadj.自愿的 willingnessn.乐意 unwillingadj.不情愿,不愿意;勉强的,无奈的15demandvt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求 demandingadj.要求高的,苛求的16evidentadj.清楚的,显然的 evidencen.证据;证词17mercyn.宽容,仁慈,怜悯 mercifuladj.仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的18employv.雇佣 employmentn.雇佣,工作,职业 employeen.雇员 employer n.雇主 unemploymentn.失业 unemployedadj.失业的19collectvt.收集 collectionn.作品集;收藏品;一批(人或物品);取走 collectorn.收集者;收藏家20tendv.倾向,趋向 tendencyn.倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向.阅读单词要识记21gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的;平缓的,不陡的22prejudice n.偏见,成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见23department n.部,司,局,处,系24folk adj.民间的,民俗的 n.人们;亲属(尤指父母)25discrimination n.歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力高频短语会默写1be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚2ask for sb.s hand in marriage (向女方)求婚3fall in love 相爱,坠入爱河4at first sight初次见面;乍一看5participate in 参加;参与6split up 分手;分裂;破裂7spring up 突然兴起,迅速出现8break up 破裂,解散;破碎;拆开9go crazy 变得疯狂,发病10take on 呈现;雇用;承担教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a more awesome setting!(“否定词比较级”表示最高级意义)1.就我个人而言,身体健康最重要。As far as Im concerned,nothing is .2.Unfortunately,Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene,and it had to be completed by one of his former students,Franco Alfano.(before引导时间状语从句,意为“尚未来得及”)2.我还没来得及问她的名字,她就把电话挂了。She rang off I had time to ask her name.3.Wherever the Beatles went,there was a phenomenon calledBeatlemaniathousands of fans would surround them,screaming and going crazy trying to see them.(wherever引导让步状语从句,意为“无论去哪里,无论在什么地方”)3.我希望你无论在哪里,都要用现在所拥有的做好你能做的事情。I expect you to do what you can with what you have, .【答案】1.more important than health2.before3.wherever you are精讲5个考纲单词 condemn vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责教材原句Those who cannot answer all three riddles,however,will be condemned to death.然而,那些不能答对三个谜语的人们将被处死。be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚;使某人被迫接受困境condemn sb.to death判处某人死刑condemn sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而谴责某人condemn.as.指责为be condemned to do sth.注定做某事She knew that society would condemn her for abandoning her children.她知道社会会因她遗弃自己的孩子而谴责她。Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat(repeat)it.那些不能从过去中吸取教训的人注定还要摔跟头。 dare vt.& vi.& aux.敢于,胆敢教材原句This means that few men would dare to ask for her hand in marriage.这意味着几乎没人敢向她求婚。(1)dare用作情态动词时,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,后面跟动词原形,其否定式dare not。(2)dare用作实义动词时,有人称、数和时态的变化,常见搭配为dare to do sth.,在否定句和疑问句中,to可以省略。(3)How dare you.?你怎么敢?(用以表示对他人举动的愤慨)(4)I dare say我想,很可能,大概How dare you say such a thing?你怎敢说出这样的话?So,let your imagination run wild,and dare to dream(dream)所以,充分发挥自己的想象力,敢于去梦想。They dare not play(play)a joke on him in case he becomes angry.他们不敢对他开玩笑,怕他发火。 【导学号:92872141】 demand vt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求教材原句Calafs father and Liu have been seen accompanying Calaf,so Turandot seizes Calafs father and Liu,and demands that they tell her Calafs name or they will be beaten.有人曾看见卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿陪着卡拉夫,因此图兰朵把卡拉夫的父亲和柳儿抓了起来,命令他们说出卡拉夫的名字,否则就要拷打他们。(1)demand to do sth.要求做某事(sth.)demand doing/to be done(某事)需要被做(sb.)demand that sb.(should)do sth.(某人)要求某人做某事(that从句使用虚拟语气)(2)in demand需求大on demand一经要求satisfy/meet the/ones demands满足(某人的)要求First,science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China.首先,在中国,对理科毕业生的需求比对文科更大。The public demanded to be told(tell)the truth about it.公众要求知道事情的真相。The workers demanded(that)their employer(should)improve(improve)their working conditions.工人们要求雇主改善他们的工作条件。链接写作一句多译她要求他归还向她借的书。 【导学号:92872142】She demanded that he(should)return the books he borrowed from her.(that从句)She demanded of him to return the books he borrowed from her.(简单句) decline n衰落,衰败;减少;下降vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝高考佳句 Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children.(2016年江苏高考)甚至猩猩母亲也经常拒绝和她们的孩子分享食物(1)fall/go into decline陷入衰退in decline/on the decline在衰退中,走下坡路(2)decline to do sth.拒绝做某事In many cases living standards are on the decline/in decline.在许多方面生活水平正在下降。The minister declined to comment(comment)on the rumors.部长拒绝对那些传言发表评论。链接写作句型转换Because of the waste oil event,there were fewer customers in the restaurant. Because of the waste oil event,the number of customers in the restaurant was / 【答案】on the decline;in decline seek vt.& vi.
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