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河南省2023-2024高三上学期开学考试英语试题河南省2023-2024高三上学期开学考试英语试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名准考证号码填在答题卡上。2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷及草稿纸上无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。一、阅读理解A Harbin Ice and Snow World Vhen talking about China Ice Festival,people are typically referring to the Harbin Ice and Snow World,which shows ice sculptures of huge proportions and opens usually from 11 am to 10 pm each day.Best time to enter:Harbin gets dark at around 4 pm in,vinter.The best time to enter the ice world is around 3 pm to appr如ate the shining ice sculptures in the daytime,soon followed by the dazzling colors and light effects at night.It is recommended to spend no more than 4 hours inside the ice world,since it is well below freezing,especially after sunset.Activities to talce:I.Put on your Els.a dress,walk into dreamlike but real ice buildings,and appreciate icec.asties and people sculptures.2.Experience the speed and excitement of icy super slides.You have the choice of eightice slides of d诅虹nt sizes.The longest is 300 meters.3.Entertain yourself with various amusements like ice climbing,skating,skiing,icemazes,snow fights,and ice biking.4.Attend the Harbin Showa splendid ice-and-snow-themed show combining icedances,ice magic,clown comedy,caf:valk models,ice acrobatics,etc.The Harbin Show is performed by artists from all over the world,three times a day after 5 pm,each show lasting around 40 minutes.No matter whether you are a solo traveler looking for a travel partner,a couple loo血g for something romantic and f扭ytale,or traveling with young children or with friends for fun and adventure,we c.an create a trip that is right for you.Read our personalized One-Day Ice and Snow Fairyland Tour for insp江ation or sc.an the QR code to tell us your needs.I.According to the author,the best time to visit the ice world isA.at around 11 amB.at around 8 pmC.at around 3 pmD.at around 10 pm2.Vhat c.an you do in the ice world according to the passage?A.Enjoying the ice driving.B.Experiencing i守slides.C.Creating ice buildings.D.Learning ice dance.3.In which section of a newspaper may readers find this passage?A.Travel.B.Business.C.Science.B D.Sport.I was once a Chinese 1V star.Actually,I,m neither Chinese nor a star,but for two seasons,I was the French voice of one of the major characters in a famous Chinese soap opera.China has put a lot of effort into sharing its culture with the world.Chinese movies and 冗r shows have been translated into various languages.As a result,dubbing配音)jobs in China have increased greatly over the years.I landed my first dubbing job without having any previous experience,something that would be impossible in France.As I entered the tiny recording studio,I pretended to血owhow to dub,feeling more than ever like a立些-I didnt speak Chinese,so how could I!mow when a sentence ended?I managed to control my shaking hands,and tried my best to match the French text with the Chinese lips.Finally,they asked me to try again,with more emotion this time.And so I did.To my surprise,I secured my first role.Once I was in the database,I got offered roles every now and then.I really started enjoying the Chinese soap operas.As the shows helped me to better understand the Chinese family and the relationships between young people in China,I realized I was able to have deeper conversations with my Chinese friends.And so I discovered that dubbing is not a job that stays in the offi,ce;it becomes part of you.Not only bee.ause of what other people think,but bee.ause of what you share with the character.Vhen my character once believed her mother had killed herself,I couldnt help crying.I left the studio and immediately c.alled my mom,and I believe that was the nicest c.all I ever made to her.This might sound silly,I血ow,but I will miss her.Our one-way relationship was as fictional as she was,but the emotions were real.4.Vhy did dubbing jobs in China increase quick!沪A.China has various cultures to r氏ord.B.China has set up many cultural companies.C.China has developed very fast in recent years.D.China encourages 1V shows to spread its culture.5.Vhat does the underlined word fraud in paragraph 3 probably mean?A.Actress.B.Cheater.C.Foreigner.D.Director.6.Vhat is the fourth paragraph mainly about?A.The authors Chinese friends help her a lot.B.Soap operas spread Chinese culture widelyC.Dubbing in soap operas helps the author a lot.D.The author likes Chinese soap operas very much.7.Vhat c扭be a suitable title for the text?A.My Dubbing Experience in ChinaC.Dubbing in ChinaC B.Dubbing,an interesting jobD.My first successVhat makes a word real?Vho has the power to make those kinds of official decisions about words?Those are the questions many people have in mind.Vhen most people say a word isnt real,what they mean is that it doesnt appear in a dictionary.That,of course,raises some other questions,including,who Tites dictionaries?Now,dictionaries are good resources,but they are changeable.If you ask dictionary editors,what theyll tell you is that theyre just trying to keep up with people as
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