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20232023 年湖北省武汉市中考英语真题年湖北省武汉市中考英语真题 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1Do you understand what I mean?_.Im a bit lost.AVery much BI hope not CNot really DIts nothing 2Mom,can I talk to you about my job offer,please?_.AGo ahead BI see CMuch better DNever mind 3What the headmaster said at the graduation must have stuck in the minds of many students._.It was very inspiring.AI agree BThank you CAll right DMy pleasure 4The car will not start.What can I do?Dont worry.Tom and I _ it a push.Agive Bgave Chave given Dwill give 5Jessica _ every night before her Chinese test and got good results.Astudies Bstudied Chas studied Dwill study 6Who will talk about the development of American country music next week?I suggest Brad.He _ in Nashville,the home of country music,since he was a child.Alives Blived Chas lived Dwill live 7Please bring Ms.Steen to the welcome party _ telling her so that she can be surprised.Aabout Bfrom Cwithout Dfor 8Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.His height gives him a big _.Asituation Bchallenge Cachievement Dadvantage 9 There are many celebrations in the coming Dragon Boat Festival.Sounds very interesting.I dont want to miss _.Ait Bany Cnone Done 10Mary is _ about what she eats.She never has junk food.A good habit.Acareful Bangry Cnervous Drelaxed 11 The hair product is being _ at present.You mean if its up to the standard,it will be put on the market soon.Aused Btested Cshown Dsold 12Excuse me,but we _ wait in line to get on the subway.Im sorry.Amight Bwould Ccould Dshould 13 Sally _ into the role of our group leader.Really?Im expecting fresh air and new ideas from her.Aran Bbroke Cstepped Dlooked 14Hard to believe.Luke won the school speech contest!He used to be shy,but his friends support _ his confidence.Atook away Bmade up Cput away Dbuilt up 15This famous saying“When I walk along with two others,they may serve me as my teachers”tells us _.Ahow should we treat people Bwho we can learn from Cwhat did we say in public Dwhy we need teachers 二、完形填空二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Katie said goodbye to her parents at the front door of their candy shop as they drove off for a vacation,and Katie 16 shed be able to run it with Aunt Marias help.Aunt Maria didnt have any experience on business,but she is always called“17 ”.As Maria blew into the store,she said,“All right,Katie my love,lets get this party started.”Katie took her aunt over to where the family made their own candy,such as fresh fudge(软糖).Aunt Maria 18 a piece of chocolate fudge.“Hmm,”she said.“Its good,but not 19 .We can add something to make that basic taste exciting.”Before Katie could 20 what Maria meant,the woman had gone to the kitchen.Katie heard her walking around,opening drawers and the fridge.Then she came back with her hands full of things.She 21 them on the work surface with a happy tune(小调).“Brussels sprouts(甘蓝)?”Katie gave her aunt a 22 look.She couldnt be serious!But she was.The womans hands were busy 23 the green vegetables and then adding those small pieces into the fudge.Katies eyes grew wide as she watched her aunt mix them together.Katie 24 as the bell over the front door rang,announcing some 25 .Three boys came in.“Ill have strawberry fudge,please,”said the first boy.“Oh,how 26 ,”laughed Maria.“I must suggest you try something new!Try this!”She offered the boys the Brussels sprout fudge.“Its free!27 !”Surprised,but too polite to 28 ,the boys left with the fudge.“There go our customers.They will tell everyone how strange our candy is,and nobody will want to shop here!”Katie said to herself.She didnt know what to do.Her parents were going to be 29 .The sound of the bell woke her up from her 30 .The boys were back!But this time there was a crowd of kids coming into the store with them.“Give me two pieces of Brussels sprout fudge,please.”16Apromised Bremembered Cpretended Dchecked 17Afriendly Bcreative Chonest Dlucky 18Anoticed Bbought Cmade Dtried 19Asoft Bsweet Csmooth Dspecial 20Abelieve Bchange Cquestion Dexplain 21Astuck Bleft Cspread Dswept 22Astrange Bfresh Cblack Dhungry 23Awashing Bweighing Ccutting Dcooking 24Amoved on Blooked up Cbroke down Dcame over 25Aclerks Bpolicemen Ccustomers Dbusinessmen 26Aexpensive Bcheap Cfunny Dboring 27AStay BEnjoy CGo DHelp 28Aaccept Bargue Ceat Dorder 29Amad Bcalm Crelaxed Dsilent 30Amistakes Bmemories Cplans Dthoughts 三、阅读单选三、阅读单选 Dinosaur(恐龙恐龙)Prints Discovered A diner eating in a restaurants outdoor yard,in Sichuan Province,has discovered dinosaur footprints on the ground.After using a 3D scanner(扫 描 仪),scientists made sure that the footprints are 100 million years old.They belonged to two dinosaurs with long necks and tails._ Marley and Bob say they became interested in archaeology(考古学)from studying history at school,going to museums and watching Human Histories!They also go to the Young Archaeologists Club and they do digs at archaeological sites(地点)and carefully research their finds.“You never know what you might discover,and it is a
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