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20232023 年山东省威海市中考英语真题年山东省威海市中考英语真题 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 一、阅读单选一、阅读单选 Penguin(企鹅企鹅)Swims 5,000 Miles Every Year Joao,71,lives on an island near Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.He has retired(退休),but still works as a part-time fisherman.One day,about five years ago,when he was fishing,he found a tiny,sick penguin on the beach near his home.The penguins feathers(羽毛)were covered in oil.The poor bird was dying.Joao felt sorry for the sick,little bird,and so he took him back to his home.He cleaned him and fed him fish,and he gave him the name Din dim.The penguin soon became strong and healthy again.After a week or two,Joao went down to the coast and tried to put Din dim back into the water.The penguin didnt want to go.He stayed with Joao,getting bigger and biggerbeautiful new feathers grew on his back.Eight months passed.Joao was very happy because he was enjoying the company of his new friend.Then suddenly,one day in February,Din dim disappeared.Joao was sad to lose him,but hoped that the bird just wanted to return to his penguin family.Four more months passed,Joao was walking sadly home from the beach,when suddenly he heard a familiar(熟悉的)“honking”soundDin dim was back.Every year since then,Din dim spends eight months with Joao and then disappears for four months.Where does he go?It is thought that he swims 2,500 miles to the coast of Argentina or Chile to start a penguin family and then swims 2,500 miles to Joao.Thats 5,000 miles a year to be with the man who saved his life.1What was the penguin like when Joao first met him?AHe was tiny and sick.BHe was strong and healthy.CHe had clean and beautiful feathers.2When the penguin became healthy after a week or two,what did he do?AHe still stayed with Joao.BHe returned to his penguin family.CHe walked sadly on the beach every day.3How might Joao feel when he suddenly heard a familiar sound?ASorry and sad.BSurprised and sad.CSurprised and happy.4Which is the right order according to the passage?a.The penguin was found.b.The penguin was hurt.c.The penguin was back.d.The penguin disappeared.Ad c b a Bb a d c Ca b d c 5Why does the penguin swim to Brazil every year?ATo star this penguin family.BTo look for more delicious food.CTo visit the man who saved his life.In Chinese culture,twelve different animals are used to stand for the Chinese birth years.2023 is the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.At the beginning of 2023,rabbits have been used for artistic themes around the world.As a cultural image(文化意象),rabbits have been in different forms of art worldwide,including stamps,colorful lights and exhibitions.The worldwide popularity of the Chinese Rabbit might have something to do with Western culture.For people in Europe,rabbits mean new life and prosperity(繁荣)as they can give birth to many young ones.So the image of a rabbit is easily accepted by people in the West.Through the Chinese Year of the Rabbit,people from other counties can get a closer look into Chinese culture.On January 21,an exhibition was held in a museum in the US to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit 16 excellent Chinese artworks on rabbits were on show.It showed visitors that rabbits have been a popular artistic theme in China since ancient times.The museum has also explained the meaning behind rabbits in China to visitors.People could also learn about the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.Images of the 12 Chinese animals are fun to everyone.They can help with communication between different cultures.6Why do Western people accept the Chinese Rabbit easily?ABecause its one of the 12 Chinese animals.BBecause it has connection with Western culture.CBecause it is used to stand for the Chinese Year of the Rabbit.7In Paragraph 3,what does“It”refer to(指代)?AThe exhibition.BThe museum.CThe rabbit.8In Paragaph 3,why does the writer introduce the exhibition held in the US?ATo invite people to visit the exhibition.BTo show the popularity of the Chinese Rabbit.CTo tell the stories of the rabbit and the moon in China.9Whats the passage mainly talking about?AAn exhibition on rabbits in the US.BThe culture of the Chinese Rabbit.CImages of the 12 Chinese animals.10Where may we read this passage?AIn a guide book.BIn a text book.CIn a magazine.Green Energy for Today and Tomorrow Did you know that most of the energy we use comes from the sun?For example,the sun helps plants to grow.Plants that grew millions of years ago turned into coal,oil,and natural gas(天然气).We call these fossil fuels(化石燃料).However,fossil fuels make pollution.This is bad for the Earth.Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable.Some day they will be gone.So,scientists want people to use green energy.Why is green energy important?First,it is clean.It doesnt hurt the Earth.Next,it is renewable.It wont run out.Green energy gives us almost 25%of the electricity we use today.What are the main sources(来源)of green energy?Water Power Water power uses moving water in rivers and dams(堤坝).Moving water has energy.Water power makes 16.6%of the electricity we use.Wind Power Is wind powe
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