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高考英语读后续写句子翻译练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 (一)1.Alice感到非常吃惊,他向后跳了起来,拱起背,剧烈地摇着尾巴。2.接着,他非常兴奋地叫了起来,眼睛盯着那个可爱的小同伴。3.注意新同伴的好奇和热情,Alice向前跳了起来,伸开两条毛茸茸的腿,拥抱了新伙伴Linda。 4.立刻,两只狗在院子里玩着追逐的游戏,兴奋的吠叫萦绕在耳边。5.这样的场面温暖了男孩的父母的心,他们从来没有想到这两只狗能这么快地友好相处起来。(二)1.当我苏醒过来时,我发现自己躺在医院的床上,父母陪着旁边。2.就在他回家的路上,他注意到不远处有个熟悉的身影,正在将砖头从一个地方搬到另一个地方。3.直到那时她才意识到妈妈为这个家付出多少,她的话有多伤妈妈的心。4.拖着疲惫步伐,冒着刺骨的寒风,他开始一天的工作。5.尽管他已经做了所有可能的尝试,他丢失的车还是没能找回来。(三)1.她一想到母亲的斥责,不禁伤心地哭了起来。2.她在街上漫无目的地游荡了好几个小时,她感到有点饿,想吃点东西。3.独自站在前院,且寒风呼啸,这不是Freddie想要的好时光。4.知道妈妈说到做到,男孩叹了口气,认为雪人堆越快,他就能越快地回去玩电子游戏。5.听到大家的哄堂大笑,我的脸一下子尴尬地红了起来。(四)1.大卫笑得很大声,以至于其他孩子也听到了并取笑我的尴尬处境。2.我坐在沙发上,这个激动人心的经历使我松了一口气,让我充满活力。3.当我们打包行李时,我们不停地交谈和哭泣,因为我们很快就会分开了。4.他低声说,躲避我的眼睛,不知怎么的,他甚至不敢看。5.她脸色发红,打破了沉默,“再次表示歉意。我并不是有意要伤害你的。”(五)1.他们耸了耸肩,咧嘴一笑,这赶走了她所有的烦恼,安慰了她。2.最后,我成功地把整个脑袋都放进了南瓜里,就像一个塞进瓶子里的软木塞(cork)。3.毫无疑问,即使我做了愚蠢的行为,但是这个万圣节成为了最令人难忘的万圣节。4.为了避免眼神交流,她转过身来,面对着电梯门。 5.狼也注意到了他们,便转过头来,对着Paul和Becky大喊大叫。(六)1.妈妈明白了整个故事,举起大拇指,心里露出了大大的微笑。2.很长一段时间以来,他几乎不相信自己的眼睛和耳朵,就盯着那个他从来没有和她交谈过的姑娘。3.苏珊松了一口气,想象着,她赶紧给母亲买了一件新外套,给汤姆买了一双鞋。4.他永远不会忘记这段独特的经历,对他的人生观产生了积极的影响。5.他突然想到了他父亲和他分享的黄金法则The Golden Rule。(七)1.Dudley吓得张口结舌,哈利却高兴得心里怦怦直跳。2.他知道,只要他一哭丧着脸,嗷嗷地号叫,母亲就会满足他的任何要求。3.“我警告你,”他把红得发紫的大脸凑到我跟前说。4.比问问题更让the Dursleys恼火的就是他总说一些违反常理的事情,不管是做梦梦到的,还是从动画片里看来的-他们认为他总有可能产生危险的想法。5.达力用鼻子紧贴着玻璃盯着这亮闪闪的项链。(八)1.如果它怏怏不乐最终在这里死去,我不会觉得奇怪。因为它没有伙伴,只有一些愚蠢的家伙整天用手指敲玻璃想把它弄醒。2.乔治惊讶不已,重重地摔在水泥地上。3.只见皮尔和达力(Piers and Dudley)一下子紧贴在玻璃上,马上又惊恐万状,大喊大叫,连蹦带跳往后退去。4.在他倒在扶手椅上前,佩妮姨妈连忙跑去给他端来一大杯白兰地。5.等他们睡了,他就可以冒险,偷偷溜到厨房去找点东西吃。附:参考答案(一)1.Feeling greatly astonished, Alice leapt backwards, with his back arched and tail wagging intensely.2.The next minute, he barked with great excitement, fixing his eyes on the adorable little companion.3.Noticing this new companions curiosity and hospitality, Alice jumped forward, stretched out his two fluffy legs, and hugged his new partner.4.Instantly, the two dogs were playing a game of chase in the courtyard, with excited barks lingering around.5.Such a scene warmed the hearts of the boys parents, who had never expected that the two dogs could break the ice so soon.(二)1.When I came to myself, I found myself lying on the bed in the hospital, with my parents keeping me company.2.On his way home, he noticed a familiar figure not far away, moving the bricks from one place to another.3.It was not until then that she realized how much her mother had done to the family and how much her words had hurt her.4.Dragging heavy steps and braving chilling wind, he began the days work.5.Despite all his possible attempts, his lost car failed to be recovered.(三)1.She couldnt help weeping sorrowfully when she thought of the scolding from her mother.2.Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt a little hungry and wished for something to eat.3.Standing alone in the front yard, with the cold wind roaring, was not Freddies idea of a good time.4.Knowing his mom meant what she said, the boy sighed, thinking the quicker he completed his snowman, the faster he could go back inside to his video games.5.At the sound of loud laughter from everyone, my face flushed with embarrassment in a flash.(四)1.David laughed out so loud that other kids also heard and made fun of my awkward situation.2.I sank into the sofa, relieved and energized by the whole exciting experience.3.While we packed, we kept talking and crying as we would soon part.4.Murmuring in a low voice, he dodged my eyes, somehow even not daring to look into them.5.Blushed, she broke the silence, “I am sorry again. I didnt mean to hurt you.”(五)1.They shrugged and grinned, which drove away all her worries and comforted her.2.Finally I succeeded in putting my whole head into the pumpkin, like a cork forced into a bottle.3.Undoubtedly, it became the most unforgettable Halloween even if I had a foolish act.4.Avoiding eye contact, she turned around and faced the lift doors.5.The wolf also noticed them and turned its head back, shouting at Paul and Becky.(六)1.Understanding the whole story, Mom raised up her thumb , wearing a big smile from the heart.2.Hardly believing his eyes and ears, for a long time, he stared at the girl to whom he had never talked .3.Susan breathed a relief and as imagined , she rushed to buy a new coat for her mother and a pair of shoes for brother Tom.4.Never would he forget this unique experience, which exerted a positive influence on his outlook on life.5.The Golden Rule his father shared with him popped into his mind.(七)1.Dudleys mouth fell open in horror but Harrys heart gave a leap.2. He knew that if he screwed up his face and wailed, his mother would give him anything he wanted.3.Im warning you, he had said, putting his large purple face right up close to mine.4.If there was one thing the Dursle
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