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第 6 讲 连词考点清单考点 1考点 2考点 3考点 4考点 5表示并列关系的并列连词表示转折关系的并列连词表示选择关系的并列连词表示因果关系的并列连词从属连词单项填空。()1.(2019 年虹口区二模) The clever boy dialed 120 _his mother fell down in the kitchen.B.as soon asD.unlessA.althoughC.until答案:B()2.(2019 年西城区二模) Sara was very excited _she won the competition.B.thoughD.unlessA.becauseC.until答案:A()3.(2019 年 奉贤 区二 模 ) _ they followed themap, they couldnt find the small village easily.B.WhenD.WhileA.AlthoughC.Until答案:A()4.(2019 年奉贤区二模) I knew it was only a model,_ it looked very real.B.butD.orA.andC.so答案:B()5.(2019 年 江 都 区 二 模 ) In order to get a greatfuture,we should _ study hard _ keep in good health.I cant agree more.B.either; orD.not only; but alsoA.neither; norC.not; but答案:D表示并列关系的并列连词表示并列关系的常见连词有:and (和;又;而且), as well as( 也 ; 和 ), both.and.( 既 又 ), not only.but also.( 不但而且), neither.nor.(既不也不)。注意:(1)在并列结构中,表示“和”的意思时,and 用于肯定句,or 用于否定句。如:Lily doesnt have a sister or a brother.莉莉没有兄弟姐妹。(2)当含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构时,要用 and。如:There is no air and no water on the moon.月球上没有空气和水。(3)as well as 连接两个主语作为并列主语时,谓语动词形式取决于前一个主语。如:Daming as well as his friends likes playing football.大明和他的朋友们都喜欢踢足球。(4)and 和 both.and.连接两个主语作为并列主语时, 谓语动词用复数形式。如:May and Mary like swimming.梅和玛丽都喜欢游泳。(5)not only.but also.和 neither.nor.连接两个主语作为并列主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于后一个主语,即符合“就近原则”。如:Neither my parents nor my sister has been to Guangzhou.我父母和我妹妹都没去过广州。【典题】()1.(2019 年包头) Give me your e-mail address, _Ill send you the form.B.andD.norA.orC.but答案:B()2.(2019 年临沂改编)A break between classes is a goodtime for students to play sports and talk with their classmates.So it_ helps with students health, _ improves their socialskills.B.neither; norD.both; andA.either; orC.not only; but also答案:C()3.(2019 年宜昌)Its a pity that _ my teachers_ parents allow me to swim alone.After all you are too young, safety first.B.neither; norD.not only; but alsoA.either; orC.both; and答案:B()4.(2018 年青岛) _ Anna _ her brotherlike listening to soft music.B.Neither; norD.Not only; but alsoA.Both; andC.Either; or答案:A()5.(2018 年无锡)Im planning to climb Mount Huangthis summer.Would you like to come along?Wow! That would be exciting _ challenging.Im in!B.as good asD.as far asA.as well asC.as long as答案:A连词用法举例but意为“但是”,表示意义的转折或前后两个事实相反He tried his best but failed.他尽力了,但还是失败了。while意为“但是,然而”,强调对比性的转折I like rice while he likes noodles.我喜欢米饭,而他喜欢面条。yet意为“可是,然而”,表示转折时,前面可与 and 连用,且yet 前后两个主语是一致的I failed again, and yet Inever give up.我又失败了,然而我绝不放弃。表示转折关系的并列连词注意:(1)however 也是表转折关系的并列连词,意为“然而,不过”,可放在句首、句中或句末,不能像 but 那样直接连接两个句子,常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。如:()We all tried our best, however we lost the game.()We all tried our best.However, we lost the game.()We all tried our best, but we lost the game.我们都已尽了最大的努力,不过我们还是输了。(2)not.but.意为“不是而是”。not 和 but 所接的两个词或词组的词性要一致。如:Its not a public toilet but a special restaurant.这不是一间公共厕所,而是一家特色餐厅。【典题】()1.(2019 年东营)How time flies! The middle schoollife is coming to an end.Yes.We have to say goodbye, _ our friendship willlast forever.A.forB.butC.orD.so答案:B()2.(2019 年 北 京)This cap is nice, _ it doesntlook good on me.A.forB.soC.butD.or答案:C表示选择关系的并列连词表示选择关系的常见连词有:or (或者;否则), or else (否则),otherwise ( 要不然 , 否则 ), either.or.( 或 者 或 者 / 不是就是)等。either.or.连接多个主语时,谓语动词的单复数与 or 后面的主语保持一致,即符合“就近原则”。如:Which do you prefer, the red one or the blue one ?你更喜欢哪个,红色那个还是蓝色那个?You should work hard, or youll fail the exam. 你应当努力学习,否则你的考试会不及格。Either you or your brother is to blame. 你或者你弟弟该受责备。【典题】()1.(2019 年南京)“Put on your coat, _ you willcatch a cold!” This is what my mom often says to me.A.andB.butC.orD.so答案:C()2.(2019 年哈尔滨改编)Which sport do you prefer,volleyball _ basketball?I prefer volleyball.A.orB.andC.butD.so答案:A()3.(2018 年齐齐哈尔改编)How do you like the twopairs of shoes?They dont fit me.They are _ too big _ toosmall.B.neither; norD.both; andA.not only; but alsoC.either; or答案:C表示因果关系的并列连词1.for 表示“因为”时,用来补充说明或表示推测性的理由,不能置于两个并列分句的句首,只能放在两个分句的中间。如:It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。2.so 表示“因此,所以”时,不能与 because 连用。如:He got up early, so he could catch the earliest bus. Becausehe got up early, he could catch the earliest bus.他起了个大早,因此他能赶上最早的那趟公交车。【典题】()1.(2019 年山西改编)You cant decided whether or notyou like something until you try it._ its important to trysomething new.A.butB.orC.soD.and答案:C()2.(2018 年 天 水 )Taxi Apps ( 打 车 软 件 ) can help ustravel around more easily, _ more and more people likeusing them.A.orB.soC.andD.but答案:B从属连词1.引导时间状语从句的从属连词表示“当时候”或“每当”的时间连词主要有 when,while, as, whenever;表示“在之前(或之后)”的时间连词主要有 before, after;表示“自从”或“直到”的时间连词主要有since, until, till ;表示“一就”的时间连词主要有 assoon as。2.引导条件状语从句的从属连词。这类连词主要有 if(如果),unless(除非,如果不), as/so long as(只要)等。3.引导目的状语从句的从属连词主要有 in order that(为了),so that(以便)等。4.引导结果状语从句的从属连词主要有 so.that(如此以至于), such.that(如此以至于)等。5.引导原因状语从句的从属连词主要有 because, as, since,now that(既然)等。6. 引导让步状语从句的从属连词主要有 although, though,even though(即使), even if(即使,虽然), while, however, whatever,whoever, whenever, wherever 等。7.引导方式状语从句的从属连词主要有 as, as if(似乎)等。8. 引导地点状语从句的从属连词主要有 where, wherever,everywhere, anywhere 等。9.引导比较状语从句的从属连词主要有 than 和 as.as。10.引导名词性从句的从属连词主要有 that, whether, if 等,它们用于引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。其中 that 不仅不充当句子成分,而且没有词义,在句子中只起连接作用;而 whether, if 虽不充当句子成分,但有词义,表示“是否”。【典题】()1.(2019 年镇江)Is your WeChat account (账户) safe?Yes, even my father cant use it _ I tell him thepassword.A.whenB.unlessC.whileD.if答案:B()2.(2019 年包头)It was the middle of the night _the sound of the piano woke me up.A.becauseB.ifC.whenD.although答案:C()3.(2019 年新疆)The story is _ interesting _everybody likes it very much.B.so; thatD.such; becauseA.very; thatC.such; that答案:B()4.(2019 年河南) Before you ask someone for help, findout _ he is the right person for your problem.A.sinceB.thatC.whetherD.unless答案:C()5.(2019 年呼和浩特)Did you call Michael back?I didnt need to, _ Ill see him tomorrow.B.becauseD.thoughA.unlessC.when答案:B()6.(2019 年连云港)StorySign is _ a useful app_ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents toread bedtime stories.B.such; thatD.as; asA.so; thatC.too; to答案:B()7.(2019 年青岛)Friends are like books.You dont need alot of them _ they are good.B.andD.as soon asA.orC.as long as答案:C()8.(2019 年兰州)Tom watched the World Cup _11:30 last night.B.unlessD.as soon asA.whenC.until答案:C()9.(2019 年苏州)Love your parents _ they arealive.Dont wait until it is too late.B.thoughD.unlessA.whileC.because答案:A()10.(2019 年连云港) _ we didnt win the basketballgame, we were satisfied with our hard work.B.ThoughD.BecauseA.IfC.Since答案:B()11.(2019 年无锡) _ I do, I do it for you.Do notever doubt that, my boy.B.WhereverD.WhoeverA.WhateverC.Whenever答案:A()12.(2019 年 贵 阳 改 编 )Our eyesight will be becomepoorer and poorer _ we keep playing with phones.B.unlessD.sinceA.thoughC.if答案:C()13.(2019 年 铁 岭 )Mr.Smith knows a lot about China_ he has never been to our country.B.untilD.sinceA.althoughC.if答案:A()14.(2019 年葫芦岛)The football fans cheered _they heard the exciting news.B.in order thatD.as long asA.even thoughC.as soon as答案:C()15.(2019 年 无 锡 )The local food may taste a bitstrange.Well, _ we are here, why not give it a try?A.thoughB.unlessC.sinceD.because答案:C()16.(2019 年 东 营 )Remember to keep the dog on aleash (狗链) _ you walk it, honey!Sure.I wont let it hurt others.A.untilB.afterC.whileD.since答案:C()17.(2019 年 黔 南 )Youd better take the map with you_ you wont get lost.B.as soon asD.as long asA.so thatC.now that答案:A()18.(2019 年柳州改编)May I go and play with Dick,Mom?No , you cant go out _ your homework is beingdone.B.asD.thoughA.beforeC.until答案:C()19.(2018 年潍坊)You will still miss the flight _you catch a Didi car.B.as ifD.beforeA.even ifC.until答案:A()20.(2018 年河北)Bob, dinner is ready.Please wash yourhands _ you eat.B.afterD.beforeA.untilC.while答案:D1.(2019 年广东)We should take care of the earth _ wecan make a better world to live in.A.so thatB.untilC.even ifD.while【解析】选 A考查从属连词辨析。句意:我们应该保护地球以便能创造一个更好的世界来居住。so that 以便,引导目的状语从句;until 直到,引导时间状语从句;even if 即使,与even though 同义,引导让步状语从句;while 当时候,引导时间状语从句。后半句“we can make a better world to live in”是前半句的目的,所以是目的状语从句。故选 A。2.(2018 年广东)China is getting more and more independentof western technology, _ it is leading in many fields, suchas the self-driving car industry.A./C.but【解析】选 DB.orD.and考查并列连词辨析。句意:中国越来越不需依赖西方国家的技术,甚至在某些领域处于领先地位,比如在汽车自动驾驶工业领域。空格前后句都是肯定句,前后属于一种递进关系。连词 and 表示递进关系,故选 D。3.(2017 年广东 )“A white elephant” means something that isuseless, _ it may cost a lot of money.A.unlessC.since【解析】选 DB.untilD.although考查从属连词辨析。unless 除非;until 直到;since 自从;although 尽管。根据useless 和“cost a lot of money”可知此空前后两句用 although 连接符合语境。故选 D。4.(2016 年广东)The traffic policeman took away Jims driverslicense _ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.A.thoughC.tillB.becauseD.and【解析】选 B 考查从属连词辨析。句意:因为涉嫌酒驾,交警没收了吉姆的驾照。though 尽管;because 因为;till 直到;and 并且,和。通过逻辑推理,前后两句之间有因果关系,前果后因。故选 B。5.(2015 年 广 东 )I have only two tickets of TFBOYSconcert._ you _ he can go with me.A.Either; orC.Both; and【解析】选 AB.Neither; norD.Not only; but also考查并列连词辨析。句意:我只有两张TFBOYS 的音乐会的门票。你或他可以和我一起去。either.or.或者或者;both.and.两者都;not only.but also.不但而且。故选 A。
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