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Good morning, everybody! Unit 7. Where would you like to visit? New words: Ace travel 文中指一旅行社名 eastern adj. 东部的;来自东部的 provide v. 提供;供应 firm n. 公司 spot n. 地点; 场所1. The person has a lot of money to spend on the vacation.2. The person wants to relax and do nothing on vacation.3.The person is a man.4.The person has children.5.The person likes to swim.6.The person wants to go to another country.1. Where do S.T. Zhang and the family want to take a trip?2. What kind of place do they want to go to?3. What exercise do they especially love doing?4. What does S.T. Zhang say about the hotel they want to live in? 5. What does S.T. Zhang want the Ace travel to do?6. How long would they like to be away? provide sb with sth provide sth for sb eg: Could you please provide him with some food? Could you please provide some food for him? enough 的用法: 跟形容词连用,放在形容词后面: old enough, interesting enough 跟名词连用,放在名词前:enough time, enough money等等 Dear S.T. Zhang , Dear S.T. Zhang , Were very glad to receive your letter. Thank you for choosing Were very glad to receive your letter. Thank you for choosing our firm.our firm. I think Qingdao is the best place for you and your family to go I think Qingdao is the best place for you and your family to go on vacation on vacation based onbased on your e-mail. your e-mail. Qingdao is a very beautiful city near the sea. The waves of the Qingdao is a very beautiful city near the sea. The waves of the sea are really wonderful. Its really an exciting place to visit. And sea are really wonderful. Its really an exciting place to visit. And you can also do a lot of exercise there, such as hiking along the you can also do a lot of exercise there, such as hiking along the beach and swimming in the sea. It will become a more beach and swimming in the sea. It will become a more fascinating place in summer.fascinating place in summer. We can help you We can help you book book an inexpensive room with three beds. an inexpensive room with three beds. The rooms are very clean and nice and you can cook your The rooms are very clean and nice and you can cook your meals in the kitchens if you like. I suggest meals in the kitchens if you like. I suggest youd betteryoud better travel by travel by plane. You can save much time in that way.plane. You can save much time in that way. How do you think about traveling to Qingdao? Please tell us. How do you think about traveling to Qingdao? Please tell us. Best wishes to you and your family. Best wishes to you and your family. Ace Travel Ace TravelHomework:1. Write a reply to S.T.Zhang.2. Preview next class. Class is over. bye bye!
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