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小学五年级英语下册Unit 4 预习学案及限时作业五年级 _班姓名:_ 课题No.1 Let s chant, A Let s learn,C Let s sing 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)读一读,写出下列动词短语的汉语意思,并说出动词的ing 形式是怎样构成的?1.drawing the pictures _ 2. doing the dishes _ 3. cooking dinner _ 4. reading a book _ 5. answering the phone _ 动词 ing 形式的构成:_ (二)读一读,写一写:并总结下列动词的现在进行时是怎样构成的?“ 你在干什么? ” “ 我在画画。 ”1. What are you doing? I am drawing the pictures. 2. What are you doing? I _( 刷碗). 3. What are you doing?I _( 做饭). What are you doing? I _(读书 ). . What are you doing?I _( 接电话 ).现在进行时的构成:_要求:读短语,理解动词形式的变化及规则。读句子,理解动词时态的构成结构。限时作业看图写短语 ,并写出动词的 ing 形式精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页小学五年级英语下册Unit4 预习学案及限时作业五年级 _班姓名:_ 课题No. 2 A Let s try , Let s talk,Pairwork 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)看一看,说一说,并说出相应的动词的ing 形式。1. 2. 3.4. 5. (二)读一读,说一说:和你的同伴运用上面的短语练习句型吧!What are you doing? I am drawing the pictures. 要求:看图说短语,理解动词形式的变化及规则。看图说句子,理解动词时态的构成结构。限时作业选词填空1 I can _(play / playing) football. 2 Are you_(watch / watching) TV now? 3 I m _(do /doing ) the homework.4 Look! Chen Jie is _ (draw /drawing) pictures. 5 Let s _ (eat / eating) lunch together .精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页小学五年级英语下册Unit 4 预习学案及限时作业五年级 _班姓名:_ 课题No. 3 A Read and write, Let s play , C Pronunciation 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)听 P48 对话,跟读对话三遍,注意自己不会的单词和黑体句子。(二)读一读,理解下面的句子。1.Hi, John! This is Zhang Peng. 2.What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. 3. I am reading a book 4.Do you want to go to the Children s Center? Sure. 5. See you later. 要求:能够认读句子,并说出其汉语意思限时作业根据答句写出问题。1 A :_? B: I am writing a letter. 2 A: _? B: I can do the dishes. 3 A:_? B: My father is cleaning the room. 4 A:_? B: I often read a book on the weekend . 5 A:_? B: My mother often cooks dinner at 6:00. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页小学五年级英语下册Unit 4 预习学案及限时作业五年级 _班姓名:_ 课题No. 4 B Let s learn, Let s chant, C Task time 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)读一读,说一说下列动词短语的汉语意思,并说出动词的ing 形式是怎样构成的?1.listening to the music _ 2.washing the clothes _ 3. cleaning the room _ 4. writing a letter_ 5. writing an e-mail_ 动词 ing 形式的构成: _ (二)读一读,说一说:注意人称和动词be 的变化。1. What is he doing? He is _( 听音乐 ) 2. What is she doing?She _( 洗衣服 ). 3. What is he doing?He _( 打扫房间 ).4. What is she doing? She _(写信 ). . What is he doing?He _(写电子邮件 ).要求:读短语,理解动词形式的变化及规则。读句子,理解动词时态的构成结构及人称变化。限时作业看图写短语 ,并写出动词的 ing 形式1. 2. 3. _ _ _ 4. 5. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页_ _ 小学五年级英语下册unit4 预习学案及限时作业五年级 _班姓名:_ 课题No. 5 B Let s try,Let s talk, Let s play C Good to know 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)听音跟读三遍,然后看一看,说一说,并说出相应的动词的ing 形式。1. 2. 3.4. (二)读一读,理解下面的句子。1.Can I speak to your mum,please?. 2.Please hold on. 3.Mum, there is a call for you. 要求:读短语,理解动词形式的变化及规则。能够认读句子,并说出其汉语意思.限时作业连词成句。1 .am . a . writing. I . letter 2 you .shopping. are. now 3 the. Amy. phone .is .answering 4 friend .cleaning. my. window. is. the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页5. I, Can, your, to, mum, speak _? 小学五年级英语下册Unit4 预习学案及限时作业课题No. 6 B Read and write, Group work, C Let s check 预习内容及要求预习内容(一)看一看,说一说:根据提示说句子,并注意出相应的动词的ing 形式。1.Grandpa - write a letter _. 2.Bothrer - do homework _. 3.Mum - cook dinner in the kitchen _. 4.I -clean the room _ 5.Dad -write an e-mail in his study _ (二)阅读课本 P51,找出我们与英语国家的人打电话的区不同之处。找出英语打电话使用的句子。要求:根据提示说句子。阅读对话,理解中西方国家都是怎样打电话的?.限时作业看图说话精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页
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