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- 1 - / 9 Book2 Module 2单元测试卷(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分 (120)一、单项填空 (共15小题。 每小题 1分, 满分 15分) 1. Smoking is danger to health. So it should be banned in public places. A. a。 / B. /。 the C. a。 the D. /。 / 2. She has changed a lot. It took me quite a while to her at the party. A. introduce B. recognize C. avoid D. know 3. Cocaine is so addictive a drug many people become addicted to it once they start using it. A. when B. which C. that D. unless 4. He tried to swim the English Channel, but had to halfway because of the bad weather. A. give in B. pick up C. give up D. go up 5. get himself into trouble, he decided to keep it a secret. A. So as to not B. In order to not C. So as not to D. In order not to 6. The earlier you stop smoking, the less you re to have diseases related to it in later life. A. possible B. informal C. able D. likely 7. Some workers were late this morning staying up watching the World Cup last night. A. in need of B. in front of C. as a result of D. instead of 8. Tom shows no interest in his study because he is completely computer games. A. related to B. crazy about C. anxious about D. bored with 9. Simon and Alice will get married next week. ! As far as I know, they got to know each other last month. A. You can t be serious B. That s right C. No problem D. You are welcome 10. It s a waste of time. Whatever you say won t his decision. A. prevent B. reduce C. bother D. affect 11. It s a fact that many kinds of diseases have a direct with air or water pollution. A. relationship B. connection C. reaction D. treatment 12. Everything has been progressing so far, we re sure to finish the task on time. A. but B. because C. unless D. so 13. Did you report to the police when you found your officelast night? A. broken up B. broken down C. broken into D. broken out 14. Steven was banned, according to traffic rules, for six months. A. from driving B. to drive C. on driving D. to have driven 15. Go for a swim this afternoon, OK? . It s too hot today. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页- 2 - / 9 A. You ve got it B. I couldn t agree more C. Go ahead D. I m afraid not 二、完形填空 (共20小题。 每小题 1.5分, 满分 30分) I was swinging on the front gate, trying to decide whether to play with Verna, my best friend, when I saw a tramp (流浪汉 ) 16 up to me. “ Hello, little girl,” he said. “ Is your 17 at home? ”I nodded and 18 the gate open to let him in the yard. He looked like all the tramps who came to our house during the Great Depression. His hair hung below a 19 hat, and his shirt and trousers had been rained on and 20 in. He smelled like a bonfire. When my mother appeared, he asked, “ Lady, could you 21 a bite to eat?”“ I think so. Please sit on the step.”He 22 onto the narrow wooden platform. In 23 my mother handedhim a sandwich made from thick slices of homemade 24 and generous chunks of boiled meat. She gave him a cup of milk. “ I 25 you, lady,” he said.I swung on the gate, 26 the tramp wolf down the sandwich and the milk. “ They said your mama would 27 me,” he told me on the way out. Verna had said the tramps told one another who would feed them. “ They 28 come to my house and my mama will not let them in 。 they are so dirty,” she had announced 29. So why does Mama feed them? I 30. She worked as a waitress in the mornings and sewed at nights to earn money. Why should she give anything to the people who didn t 31 at all? I marched inside. “ Verna s mother says those men are too 32 to work. Verna and her mother never let them in. Why do we feed them?”My mother smiled. “ Lovely, we don t 33 why they don t work,” she said, “ but they were 34 once. I feed them for their mothers, because if you were ever 35 and had nothing to eat, I would want their mothers to fee d you.”16. A. came B. showed C. turned D. put 17. A. daddy B. mama C. sister D. brother 18. A. shook B. swung C. forced D. called 19. A. beautiful B. careless C. worthless D. shapeless 20. A. played B. made C. slept D. let 21. A. sell B. spare C. cook D. take 22. A. fell B. got C. dropped D. looked 23. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks 24. A. beer B. rice C. noodle D. bread 25. A. admire B. know C. thank D. miss 26. A. watching B. imagining C. finding D. having 27. A. welcome B. feed C. accept D. receive 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页- 3 - / 9 28. A. ever B. normally C. usually D. never 29. A. sadly B. jokingly C. proudly D. formally 30. A. understood B. wondered C. answered D. believed 31. A. work B. suffer C. appreciate D. trouble 32. A. willing B. ready C. lazy D. weak 33. A. know B. think C. expect D. mind 34. A. tramps B. pupils C. gentlemen D. babies 35. A. angry B. lonely C. hungry D. dirty 三、 阅读理解 (共20小题。 每小题 2分, 满分 40分) ASmokers will be stopped in the street and asked to take a test in England. “ Smoking police ” will find smokers at betting shops (彩票经理部 ), bus stops and shopping centers to help them give up cigarettes. Smokers will be asked to have a breath test to show how much carbon monoxide (一氧化碳 ) is in their bodies. They could then join local stop-smoking services and some people will help them to stop smoking. Ealing Primary Care Trust, which is supporting the project, said it could help 2,400 people to give up smoking. A team of 11 young people have been employed to approach smokers. Projectspokeswoman Fran Pearce admitted, “ They will have to be careful when approaching smokers in case they become angry, but we are interested to see ifit works. If someone says no, they will not continue to ask them to take the test. ”Project manager Phil Robinson said, “ The law to ban smoking in public places was very successful, but since then some focus has been lost. We want to put stopping smoking back on the agenda(议程), so 50 percent of our activity is about taking our message direct to smokers.” He added, “ We will be focusing on betting shops, bus stops and shopping centers where most smoking takes place.”There are 75,000 smokers in Ealing, and it is hoped 7,500 will take the newtest, with 2,400 going on to stop smoking completely. However, some people don t support the project and think it is against civil liberties (公民自由 ). 36. Who are “ smoking police ” ? A. The police in the street who punish smokers. B. People who are making laws against smoking. C. Doctors who can help smokers give up cigarettes. D. People who ask smokers to take a test in the street. 37. What does Fran Pearce mean about their team? A. They will approach smokers quietly. B. They will try their best to get the results. C. They will not make smokers uncomfortable. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页- 4 - / 9 D. They will be punished if they can t satisfy the smokers. 38. The underlined part “ to put stopping smoking back on the agenda ” probably means “”. A. to make more rules to stop smoking B. to work on stopping smoking again C. to help people get some cheap cigarettes D. to discuss whether we should stop smoking 39. What can we learn about the project from the passage? A. It has helped 2,400 smokers in Ealing. B. Its test is based on carbon monoxide in the body. C. It is supported by most people in England. D. Ealing Primary Care Trust created the project. BSeveral years ago, April Hollingsworth went to a local animal shelter, looking for her missing cat. She d had no intention (意向 ) of coming home with a dog, but when she saw Piggy, the dog smiled at her. “ I d never seen a dog smile before, so I had to have her,” she told KLS News. Piggy loved to run and play, but the dog s life changed three and a halfyears ago when she was struck by a car outside Hollingsworth s house. Hollings-worth came out to find her dog covered with blood, unable to move. When shetook Piggy to the vet, the news wasn t good. “ It wasn t until I picked her up that I really understood that she was paralyzed (瘫痪的 ), ” Hollingsworth said.“ No one came out and said, You should put her down, but that was what theythought.”But Hollingsworth decided that she would give her dog as much care andhelp as she needed to stay alive. She bought the dog a cart (手推车 ), letting her walk without use of her back legs. Now, Piggy is pretty good at getting around on her own and her favorite place to go to is the children s wing of ShrinersHospital. Piggy visits children who also have physical problems. “ As soon as the children see her, they think of their own situation,” said Andrea Mathers, a nurse. “ I think that is what makes her unique coming here to the hosp ital, so it is really somet hing that these kids look forward to.”“ I think if we re lucky we have something to give the world to make people happy,” said April. “ I have a great dog who spreads happiness wherevershe goes, so I feel it s as much my duty as it is something that makes me really happy.”40. Hollingsworth took Piggy home from the animal shelter because. A. she would never find her missing cat B. she loved dogs more than cats C. the dog couldn t walkD. the dog smiled at her 41. What is Hollingsworth s attitude towards the dog? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页- 5 - / 9 A. She loves it all the time. B. She thinks it is useless for her. C. She is tired of taking care of it. D. She loves it more than the kids. 42. The kids in the hospital looked forward to Piggy s coming because. A. their life in the hospital was boring B. they needed a pet like Piggy C. they could learn something from Piggy D. they wanted carts to help them walk 43. What would be the best title of the text? A. Lucky dog, lovely kids B. Love me, love my dog C. The importance of keeping a dog D. A disabled dog inspires the disabled kids CHere are some sports in the Winter Olympics: BobsleighingBobsleighing has been an Olympic sport since 1924. It came from the Swiss town of St. Moritz in the late 1800s and looks great fun! If you want to do this sport, you should be able to run on the ice! Top athletes can sometimes reach a speed of about 130 kilometers an hour. Germany picked up the gold for both the two and four-men bobsleigh at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. CurlingCurling has also been an Olympic sport since 1924 and its birthplace is Scotland. Curling is a competition between two teams with four players on each side. The game is played on the ice, and the two teams take turns pushing a 19.1kg stone towards a series of concentric circles (同心圆 ). The object is to get the stone as close to the centre of the circles as possible. You need to be light on your feet and have good balance (平衡 ) to walk on the ice. Hockey Hockey is an Olympic sport since 1920. It is fun, fast but also a little dangerous. Women were not allowed to play it in the Olympics until 1998. Teams consist of (包括 ) 12 people, but each team can t have more than six players on the ice at one time. The game lasts for three 20-minute periods, with a 15-minute break after the first and second periods. Canada holds the gold for both the men and women s ice hockey teams, but ice hockey is a growing sport in the UK, with lots of clubs and teams. 44. What do bobsleighing and curling have in common? A. They came from the same place. B. They need the same skills in each game. C. The number of players in each team is the same. D. They became an Olympic sport in the same year. 45. If you want to do bobsleighing, you should according to the text. A. have a good sense of balance B. learn how to run on the ice C. walk carefully on the ice D. practice a lot on the ground 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页- 6 - / 9 46. Which is a rule of playing hockey? A. Women are not able to take part in the game. B. Teams compete by pushing a 19.1kg stone. C. Players can rest for 20 minutes in each break. D. Up to 12 players can be on the ice during the game. 47. According to the text, people in the UK . A. enjoy bobsleighing B. prefer to play curling these years C. have become fond of hockey recently D. are good at winter sports DSTA Travel, the world s largest students and youth travel agency, beats any price! Every day we re working with our partners around the globe to get you (students, teachers and anyone under 26) the cheapest and most comfortable flights and top-rated accommodations (住宿处 ). This section of www.statravel.com provides great tips for green travel how to pack, how to leave your house or apartment, and how to plan for your trips. You ll also find a great selection of green travel adventure trips to all corners of the world. Green travel means responsible travel! Leave as little influence as possible on the places you visit and protect the environment both at home and during your trip. Think “ Green ” when you pack and when you travel. You ll help prevent long-term effects on the communities you leave and visit! Here s some advice on how to do that.Before you leave Turn your water heater to its lowest setting. Turn off your water from the outside. While you travel Pack eco-friendly (对生态环境友好的) clothes in your eco-friendly luggage. Try products made from recycled materials. Don t buy souvenirs (纪念品 ) produced from endangered species. Carry a reusable bottle for water and refill it as you go. Use the bathroom in the airport, NOT on the plane. The fuel used for a single flush (冲洗 ) could run a car for six miles. 48. The underlined word “ beats ” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “”.A. offers B. pays C. accepts D. cuts 49. Green travellers care much about. A. culture B. their accommodations C. nature D. their workplace 50. What is the reader advised to do before they go on a trip? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页- 7 - / 9 A. Learn about adventure travel. B. Pack as few things as possible. C. Examine your water supply. D. Examine your water quality. 51. Where can we most probably read the text? A. On a travel website. B. In a travel magazine. C. On an environmental website. D. In an environmental magazine. EZach Hirsch, who was a student at St. Charles North High School last year, saw Graham Jackson eating lunch by himself every day. “ I just don t think people should have to eat lunch alone,” Hirsch, now at the University of Nebraska, said in December 2009 when he decided to be Graham s friend.Because Hirsch was friends with Jackson s cousin, a basketball teammate, sohe also knew Graham faced (面临 ) some difficulties. He has a form of autism (自闭症 ). As a result, he has trouble with some social relationships, including making friends. After discussing it with his mother, Hirsch introduced himself to Graham the next day. “ Each day he got a little more comfort able with me,” said Hirsch, who is on a baseball scholarship (奖学金 ) at Nebraska. “ It s really interesting to talk to him . he s probably the biggest sports expert I ve ever known,” said Hirsch. “ It s interesting to get his opinion.”Jackson s mother, Melissa said the effect on Graham was big. “ This is his first real friendship,” she said. Even so, she was prepared for her son to be disappointed once Hirsch went away to college and Graham couldn t see Hirsch every day. But she told herself it was a “ life lesson” for Graham.But the friendship continues. They two e-mail each other and talk several times a week. “ Hirsch is a wonderful person. He continues to make an effort.” Zach s mom, Nancy, said. The day Hirsch told his mother he got first place in a competition, “ It was probably one of the proudest moments I ve had in all my life,” she said.52. The underlined word “ it ” in Paragraph 3 refers to .A. joining a basketball team B. having lunch alone at school C. making friends with Graham D. having trouble with social relationships 53. We can learn from the text that Graham. A. finds fun in talking about sports B. knows a lot about sports C. has no interest in making friends D. feels uncomfortable with Hirsch 54. What made Graham s mother worried about her son? A. Whether Hirsch s friendship was true.B. How Graham would act after Hirsch went to college. C. What difficulty Graham had in becoming an athlete. D. Who would help Graham with his study after Hirsch went to college. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页- 8 - / 9 55. What made Nancy feel the proudest? A. Hirsch finding a real friend in life. B. Hirsch making friends with Graham. C. Hirsch getting a baseball scholarship from a university. D. Hirsch winning first prize in a baseball competition. 四、 写作 (共两节 , 满分 35分) 第一节阅读表达(第57题2分,第 56、59、 60题每题 3分,第 58题 4分,满分 15 分 ) 阅读下面的短文并回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。Americans love their cars. There are more cars in the United States than in any other country. But most of the time, those cars are parked in a driveway or on the street. Now, several companies are helping people rent their personal cars to someone else when they _. Eric Loebel is one of those people. For a low price, he wants to let his Oregon neighbors “ borrow ” his car. “ My wife and I go to work by bike and almost don t need a car, but we don t want to sell it, so we have a car that mainly sits in front of the house maybe 85 to 90 percent of the time,”he says. Loebel is one of the first car owners in Portland to list cars for rent through Getaround.com . The website for car sharing service, Getaround.com, lists the personal cars available for hourly rental(租赁). It lets car owners decide for themselves how much to charge borrowers for renting by the hour, day or week. Loebel is charging $9 per hour or $199 per week. He isn t worried that someone will destroy his car. Most U.S. insurance companies hold the owner of a car responsible for accidents, no matter who is driving, and can raise the insurance fee. Person-to-person rentals began in Germany ten years ago, and there are a few similar companies in Europe and Australia. The idea caught on quickly in California over the past year. The car sharing companies take a commission (佣金 ) of 35 to 40 percent of the rental price to cover management and insurance. Owners and borrowers can police the marketplace by giving each other online ratings. 56. Fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words. (no more than 5 words) _ 57. Why does Loebel want to rent his car to others? (no more than 20 words) _ 58. What service does the website Getaround.com offer? (no more than 15 words) _ 59. Why isn t Loebel worried that someone may destroy his car? (no more than 14 words) _ 60. What s the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words) _ 第二节书面表达 (满分 20分) 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友David来信说他的一些同学在吸烟,他觉得吸烟很“ 酷” ,也想精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页- 9 - / 9 要尝试,请根据下列要点用英语给他写一封回信:1. 列举吸烟对健康的危害;2. 表明自己不会吸烟的决心;3. 劝他选择健康的生活方式。注意: 1. 词数 120左右; 2. 可适当增加细节。参考答案: :1 15 ABCCD DCBAD BDCAB 16 35 ABBDC BCADC ABDCB ACADC 36 55 DCBBDACDDB DCDCC ADBBD 56. don t need it57. Because he and his wife don t use the car much and they don t want to sell it.58. It offers car sharing service which rents cars to those who need cars. 59. Because the insurance company can hold the owner of a car responsible for accidents. 60. Americans try renting their cars to strangers. One possible version:Dear David, I m glad to hear from you. You said some of your classmates had started smoking and you wanted to have a try. I don t think it s a good idea. Many studies show that smoking does harm to the health of smokers and the people near them. Millions of people die of diseases caused by smoking every year. And once you start smoking, it s hard to give up. So smoking isn t a cool thing but a bad habit. As I know the danger of smoking, I will never choose to smoke. I hope you will make the same choice. Instead of smoking, you can develop some new interests such as playing football or biking. I think the real cool thing is to live a healthy life. Don t you think so? Yours, Li Hua 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页
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