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洪艺帆英本七班1203150724 2024/7/191.Children and pregnant1.Children and pregnant women welfarewomen welfare儿童和孕妇福利儿童和孕妇福利2.Disability and sick benefits2.Disability and sick benefits伤残疾病福利伤残疾病福利3.Retirement benefits3.Retirement benefits退休福利退休福利4.Widow welfare4.Widow welfare寡妇福利寡妇福利5.Unemployment benefits5.Unemployment benefits失业福利失业福利6.low-income earners welfare6.low-income earners welfare低收入人士福利低收入人士福利7 Social Fund7 Social Fund社会基金社会基金2024/7/191) Child Benefit1) Child Benefit(儿童福利金)(儿童福利金)2) Family allowance2) Family allowance(家庭津贴)(家庭津贴)3) guardian allowance:3) guardian allowance:(监护人津贴)(监护人津贴)4) Statutory pregnant employee wages4) Statutory pregnant employee wages(法定怀孕雇员工资)(法定怀孕雇员工资)5) single parent allowance5) single parent allowance(单亲津贴)(单亲津贴)6) Maternity allowance6) Maternity allowance(孕妇津贴)(孕妇津贴)7) The Social Fund Maternity subsidies 7) The Social Fund Maternity subsidies (社会基金孕妇补贴(社会基金孕妇补贴金)金)8) child support8) child support(子女赡养费)(子女赡养费) Children and pregnantChildren and pregnant women welfarewomen welfare2024/7/19Big family 2024/7/19Disability and sick benefitsDisability and sick benefits1) The care allowance1) The care allowance(照料津贴(照料津贴) )2) accidental disability benefits2) accidental disability benefits(工作意外伤残福利)(工作意外伤残福利)3) disability living allowance3) disability living allowance(伤残生活津贴)(伤残生活津贴)4) Disability Working Allowance4) Disability Working Allowance(伤残工作津贴)(伤残工作津贴)5) Severe Disability Allowance5) Severe Disability Allowance(严重伤残津贴)(严重伤残津贴)6) invalid care allowance6) invalid care allowance(伤残照料者津贴)(伤残照料者津贴)7) should not work-related benefits7) should not work-related benefits(不宜工作福利)(不宜工作福利)8) Statutory sick sick series of four days or more of the wage8) Statutory sick sick series of four days or more of the wage(法定患病福利)(法定患病福利)2024/7/19RetirementRetirement benefitsbenefits基本退休福利,为超过退休年龄,基本退休福利,为超过退休年龄,( (女女6060以上,男以上,男6565以上以上) )及符合国民保险金及符合国民保险金条件的人士设定。要照顾未成年子女的条件的人士设定。要照顾未成年子女的人可以获得其他福利人可以获得其他福利2024/7/191) The widows age is above 60 years old, and 1) The widows age is above 60 years old, and she did not have qualification to apply the she did not have qualification to apply the retirement benefit when her husband died. Then retirement benefit when her husband died. Then she can get 1000 pounds she can get 1000 pounds ( ( ( (寡妇金,丈夫去世时寡妇金,丈夫去世时寡妇金,丈夫去世时寡妇金,丈夫去世时没有资格领取退休金的寡妇,寡妇的年龄低过没有资格领取退休金的寡妇,寡妇的年龄低过没有资格领取退休金的寡妇,寡妇的年龄低过没有资格领取退休金的寡妇,寡妇的年龄低过60606060岁,金额为岁,金额为岁,金额为岁,金额为1000100010001000英镑英镑英镑英镑) ) ) )2) the widowed mother Allowance2) the widowed mother Allowance( ( ( (寡妇母亲津贴寡妇母亲津贴寡妇母亲津贴寡妇母亲津贴) ) ) )3) The widow pension3) The widow pension( ( ( (寡妇退休金寡妇退休金寡妇退休金寡妇退休金) ) ) )Widow welfareWidow welfare2024/7/19They are paid benefits every two weeks They are paid benefits every two weeks during one year. The applicant must have during one year. The applicant must have the capacity and seek for employment the capacity and seek for employment actively. They must pay enough National actively. They must pay enough National Insurance.Insurance. UnemploymentUnemployment benefitsbenefits每两周支付一次福利金,为期一年。申每两周支付一次福利金,为期一年。申请人必须有能力和积极地求职,他们必请人必须有能力和积极地求职,他们必须缴付足够的第一类国民保险金。须缴付足够的第一类国民保险金。2024/7/191 ) Revenue grants1 ) Revenue grants( (收入补助金收入补助金) )2) nursing homes and nursing homes 2) nursing homes and nursing homes allowanceallowance ( (养老院和护理院津贴养老院和护理院津贴) )3) City Council Tax Benefit3) City Council Tax Benefit( (市议会税津市议会税津贴贴) )4) rents allowances4) rents allowances( (屋租津贴屋租津贴) )5) medical cost subsidy5) medical cost subsidy( (医疗费用资助医疗费用资助) )6) other funding sources6) other funding sources( (其它资助其它资助) )low-income earners welfarelow-income earners welfare2024/7/19Positive and NegativePositive and Negative2024/7/19positivepositiveNarrow the gap between Narrow the gap between the the rich rich and and the the poorpoorPositivePositive2024/7/19Low productivity of labor and poor serviceLow productivity of labor and poor serviceLoss of money and revenueLoss of money and revenueIncrease the burden in government expenditureIncrease the burden in government expenditureNegativeNegative effectseffects questionquestion1. Can a boy who is 17 years old get the 1. Can a boy who is 17 years old get the child benefit?child benefit?2.How many types dose the welfare system include?
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