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Unit 6 In a nature parkB Lets talk B Lets talkoesrtf rbideg teer eroflw lkea mntoanuiirvre lihl ouhesforestbridge treeflowerlakemountainriverhillhouseAre there any houses in the forest?Yes, there are.Are there any houses in the forest?No, there arent.Ask and answer.找搭档问答,找搭档问答,can you?_ in the city(城市城市)?_.Are there any buildings Yes, there are._ any buidings in the_?_.No, there arent.Arenature park_in the sea?_.Are there any fishYes, there are.Letstry.Wherearethetables?_Miss White: Are you hungry, children?Children: Yes, Miss White. Are there any tables?Miss White: Yes. There are some tables beside the lake.Children: Lets have lunch there, please.Miss White: OK!Lets retell.Whats the nature park like?It is so quiet!quiet安静的安静的There arent many people. 没有很多没有很多人人。自然公园是什么样的?自然公园是什么样的?它很安静它很安静。Why?1.Are there any tall buildings in the park?Yes, there are.No, there arent.2.Are there any animals in the park?Is there .in the park? Yes, there is ./ No, there isnt. Are there any .in the park? Yes, there are . / No, there arent.What is the nature park like?自然公园什么样?Why the park is so quiet?为什么公园这么安静?Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?公园里有高楼大厦吗?Are there any animals in the nature park?公园里有动物吗?What animals are there in the nature park?自然公园里有什么动物?1.What animals are there in the nature park?自然公园里有什么动物?There are _ and _.ducksrabbits2.Are there any tall buildings in the nature park? 公园里有高楼大厦吗? No, there arent. 不,没有。3.What is the nature park like? 自然公园什么样? It is so quiet!它很安静。4.Are there any animals in the nature park? 公园里有动物吗? Yes, there are. 是的,有。animals5.Why the park is so quiet?为什么公园这么安静?为什么公园这么安静? Because there arent many people.因为没有很多人。因为没有很多人。There are so many people.There arent any people.There arent many people.有很多人。有很多人。没有很多人。没有很多人。没有任何人。没有任何人。三个句子有啥区别你知道吗?三个句子有啥区别你知道吗?Zhang Peng:The nature park is so quiet!森林公园可真安静啊!森林公园可真安静啊!Miss White:Yes, Zhang Peng. There arent many people.是的,张鹏。这没有很多人。是的,张鹏。这没有很多人。Zhang Peng:Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?自然公园里有高楼大厦吗?自然公园里有高楼大厦吗?Miss White:No, there arent.不,没有。不,没有。Zhang Peng:Are there any animals?有动物吗?有动物吗?Miss White:Yes, there are. There are ducks and rabits.是的,有。有鸭子和兔子。是的,有。有鸭子和兔子。ZhangPeng:The nature park is so _!MissWhite:Yes, Zhang Peng. _ many people.ZhangPeng:_ in the nature park?Miss White:_Zhang Peng:_Miss White:Yes, there are. There are _and_.quietThere arentAre there any tall buildingsNo, there arent.Are there any animals?ducks rabits.例句:Are there any sandwiches?Yes, there are.Are there any flowers?Yes, there are.Are there any bottles?Yes, there are.Are there any hamburgers?Yes, there are.Is there any water(不可数不可数)?Yes, there is.Is there a sheep ?No, there isnt.你会改句子吗?你会改句子吗?1.There is a bridge over the river.(改成一般疑问句)改成一般疑问句) Is there a bridge over the river?2.There are some trees on the mountain.(改成一般疑问改成一般疑问句句) Are there any trees on the mountain?3.There are many flowers in the garden.(改成否定句改成否定句) There arent (are not) many flowers in the garden.4. There is an apple on the table.(改成否定句改成否定句) There isnt (is not) an apple on the table.some words一些词语一些词语: duck鸭子鸭子rabbit 兔子兔子 people人们人们 quiet 安静的安静的 some sentences一些句子一些句子:问:自然公园里有高楼大厦吗?问:自然公园里有高楼大厦吗?Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes, there are (some).否定回答:否定回答: No, there arent.没有没有很多很多人:人:There arent many people.没有没有任何任何人:人:There arent any people.Sum-up
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