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Unit2 Lets make a fruit salad I can use Do you have? to ask questions and answer.I can name some fruit and sing the song.我能说出一些水果类单词,并唱好儿歌。我会用“Do you have” 提问并回答。I know the sound of the letter h.我知道字母我知道字母“h h”的发音。的发音。What fruit do you know?你知道有哪些水果。你知道有哪些水果。fruitRed fruitYellow fruitPurple fruitDo you like purple grapes?又好又甜又好又甜Purple grapes,purple grapes.Nice and sweet.I like purple grapes.bananas mangoes pineapples apples pears orangesred yelloworange greenonetwothree fourbigsmallsweetnicelonghaveI can name some fruit and sing the song.能正确、熟练的读出水果类单词;有感情的演唱歌曲。认读单词中发音不够准确或者有一、两处读错单词现象;熟练地演唱歌曲。自我评价要求:认读单词不够熟练;歌曲演唱不太流利。Its yellow and sweet. Monkey likes it.Do you have a/an/any?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Theyre nice and sweet. Theyre purple.Do you have a/an/any?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Its sweet and big. Its red.Do you have a/an/any?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.A: Do you like ?B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.A: Do you have a/an/any ?B: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.同桌两人用以下句型编一个对话同桌两人用以下句型编一个对话Check out. 和同桌一起讨论一下,核对答案,然后再将错误的和同桌一起讨论一下,核对答案,然后再将错误的答案修改正确读一读。答案修改正确读一读。I can use Do you have.? to ask questions and answer.能正确、熟练的运用Do you have.?的句型,灵活造句和交流。能理解、掌握Do you have.?句型的用法规则,能正确地完成相关的基本练习。同桌互评要求:对Do you have.?句型的用法规则还没有完全掌握,使用生疏。1. Who is the girl?a hot cake with a cherryHelenHelen, , please hurry.Have .hTips: have的不同用法的不同用法 有有 I have a nice bag. 吃吃 They have lunch at 11. behindhavehorsehothurry2. Whats that on the plate? (盘子上有什么?)子上有什么?)I know the sound of the letter h.能正确、熟练的掌握字母h的发音,会举出许多相同发音的单词。对于字母h的发音不够准确或有错读现象,会举出几个相同发音的单词。组内互评要求:字母h在单词中的发音不够熟练,不能举出相同发音的单词或举错例。I can name some fruit and sing the song.我能说出一些水果类单词,并唱好儿歌。I can use Do you have? to ask questions and answer.我会用“Do you have” 提问并回答。I know the sound of the letter h.我知道字母我知道字母“h h”的发音。的发音。How many stars do you get?
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