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a UFOUnidentifiedFlyingObjectbrightAfrica Africans an African familythe EarthEarththe earththe moonthe Moonlightningtiptoean elephantsneezeWe sneeze with our eyes closed.rocketYao Ming is playing for the Houston_.Rockets READ AND LEARN THE NEW WORDS:UFObrightthe earththe moonby rockettravelelephantAfricaAfricansneezetiptoelightningstrangeamazing 不明飞行物不明飞行物明亮的,明亮的,adj.地球地球 n.月亮月亮 n.乘火箭乘火箭旅行旅行 n. & vi.大象大象 n.非洲非洲 n.非洲人非洲人 n.非洲的非洲的 adj.打喷嚏打喷嚏 v.脚尖脚尖 n.闪电闪电 n.奇怪的;陌生的奇怪的;陌生的令人惊奇的令人惊奇的adj.LISTEN, READ AND SAYWhat does Eddie see?What does Hobo see?What do you think it is?Do you believe therere UFOs in the space?READ AND LEARN1. Come on. 常用于口语中表达召唤、安慰、鼓励、催促、不耐烦等很多意思。行啦!得了!行啦!得了! 来吧!好啦!来吧!好啦!. Come on! We still have another chance. Come on! Dont cry like a child.2.The world is full of amazing things. be full of 充充满了了eg: The cup is full of milk. Her eyes are full of tears.引申:引申:引申:引申:be filled with 充充满了了.;被被充充满The cup is filled with milk. 3. It takes 10-12 days to travel from Earth to the Moon by rocket.我花了大约一周时间我花了大约一周时间读这本书。读这本书。 看这场球赛花了他们看这场球赛花了他们 两个多小时。两个多小时。试译:4. A man in Africa is 2.3m tall.这个游泳池有这个游泳池有50米长。米长。试译:5. Fish sleep with their eyes open.试译:他喜欢关着窗户睡觉。杜老师走进教室,两手插在口袋里。6. You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. 你不能在打喷嚏的同时睁着眼睛。keep: 保持下去,保持下去,维持持原状原状。试译:我们要保持教室干净。我们要保持教室干净。多运动,保持身体健康。多运动,保持身体健康。7.Elephants walk on tiptoe. 大象大象踮着脚走路。着脚走路。walk on tiptoe 踮着脚走路踮着脚走路试译:这个男孩蹑手蹑脚地走进教室。这个男孩蹑手蹑脚地走进教室。8. There is no plant life without lightning. 没有闪电植物就没有生命。试译谚语:无烟不起火无烟不起火。There is no smoke without fire.没有水,我们就没有水,我们就不能生存。不能生存。A:Do you know (that) a tiger killed a boy in a zoo?B:Oh! Its shocking. Some animals are really dangerous.A: Yes. But do you know (that) the most dangerous animal in the world is the mosquitoes?B: Really? Isnt that interesting?AMAZING FUNNY GREAT INTERESTING STRANGE WONDERFUL1.新单词抄写三英一中;新单词抄写三英一中; 8个句子抄写两英一中。个句子抄写两英一中。2. 评价手册评价手册P6869。3. 听读并背诵课本听读并背诵课本P56对话。对话。
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